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    八年级上学期期末考试英语试题 2.docx

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    八年级上学期期末考试英语试题 2.docx

    1、八年级上学期期末考试英语试题 2九年级英语听力原文I. 1. She feels very happy when she sees her friend.2. Jack wants to be a judge when he grows up.3. Mr. Li will give a speech tomorrow about protecting the environment.4. Many girl students dont like to wear school uniforms.5. My kettle was broken yesterday, and I have to bu

    2、y a new one this afternoon.II. 6. I got first prize in the writing contest yesterday.7. Jim, you are late for school again.8. Is there anything wrong with my son, doctor?9. Why not make it a little earlier?10. I am not feeling well today.III. 11. W: Did you have a good time yesterday?M: Yes. I watch

    3、ed a wonderful football match in the gym.Q: What did the man do yesterday?12. W: Its raining heavily. Is everyone here today, John?M: No, Jim is ill at home.Q: Why is Jim not here today?13. W: What are you doing, Joe?M: Im watching my favorite TV show.W: What is it about? M: Special animals.Q: Whats

    4、 the TV show about?14. W: How much is a kilogram of eggs?M: Thirteen dollars.W: Give me half a kilo, please.Q: How much will the woman pay for the eggs?15. M: Hi, Kate. Youre in such a hurry. Whats wrong?W: The bus was late. I have to take part in an important meeting in an hour. M: Dont worry. Ill

    5、drive you there.Q: How will Kate get there?IV. 听第一段对话,回答第16-17小题。W: Hi Dick. Are you still angry with me?M: Why?W: I tore your new book yesterday. When I returned it to you, you said nothing.M: I felt sad at the time, because it was a present from my uncle. I like it very much. But that doesnt mean

    6、I am angry.W: I am very glad. I felt very nervous.M: Dont be like that. We are good friends. We should forgive each others mistakes.W: Yes, I will be more careful next time. Can I see that book again?M: OK. Here you are.听第二段对话,回答第18-20小题。W: Hello, Jim. Have you been busy recently?M: Yes, Xiao Hong,

    7、I will have a math test this Friday.W: Oh, and are you ready for it?M: No, I find math hard.W: Really? I dont think so. Id be glad to help you.M: That would be great!W: Actually, English is harder than math for me.M: Then I have an idea. I can return your favor.W: Good! I really appreciate it.V.Do y

    8、ou know about the Henan Museum?It is one of Chinas oldest museums. It was built in Kaifeng in 1927. Before 1949, it was the only museum in Henan province. In 1961, it moved to Zhengzhou. There are more than 130,000 exhibits in the museum.If you want to visit, you can come on any day from Tuesday to

    9、Sunday. It is closed on Mondays except public holidays. Before you enter it, you should know the rules at the museum. Big things are not allowed to be brought into the museum and you mustnt make a phone call, talk loudly or smoke in it. You can take photos but when you use your camera, you must make

    10、 sure the flash is off.参考答案听力部分I. 1-5 BEADCII. 6-10 CBBABIII. 1-15 CBACBIV. 16-20 CBACAV. 21. 1927 22. 130,000 23. Tuesday 24. big 25. off笔试部分I. 26-30 DBCCB 31-35 DACBD 36-40 ACDBAII. 41-45 CBCAD 46-50 ADBABIII. 51-55 CADBC 56-60 BDACD 61-65 DADBC 66-70 CAGBEIV. 71. lift 72. punished 73. landed 74.

    11、embarrassing 75. politeV. 76-80 EBDAGVI. 81. attend 82. them 83. swim 84. powered 85. electricity 86. when 87. Asian 88. gardens 89. by 90. worseVII. One possible version:Dear Jessica,Im sorry to hear that you are ill as a result of going on a diet. You shouldnt eat so little food. I am writing to t

    12、ell you what you should do to recover your health.Firstly, its very important to eat three meals a day. You should eat your meals on time. Secondly, a balanced diet is good for you. You should eat vegetables and fruit. Dont eat too many snacks. Thirdly, you should do exercise regularly instead of going on a diet if you want to lose weight.I look forward to seeing a healthy Jessica soon.YoursTang Rui


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