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    1、台北市立龙山国民中学96学年度第1学期九年级英语科第1次定期评量听力稿臺北市立龍山國民中學96學年度第1學期九年級英語科第1次定期評量(聽力稿)第一部份: 聽力測驗本測驗共有二大題,每一小題都會唸兩次,請同學們注意聽,仔細作答。一、請仔細聽廣播中的敘述與問題,並根據圖表的內容,將正確答案的代碼劃在答案卡上。The 20th International Book FairDate / August 3 7Time / 10:00a.m. 6:00p.m. Place / Taipei World Trade CenterPrice / Adult Ticket : $200 Student Ti

    2、cket ( 7 18 years old ) : $150Children ( Under 7 years old) : Free Transportation / By bus : Take No. 1, 22 or 647 bus. By MRT : Take Blue Line to Taipei City Hall and then take No. 537 or B5 bus.1. How long did the 20th International Book Fair last?2. Mr. Wang took his two children to the book fair

    3、 on August 5. One of the children is eight years old, and the other is six years old. How much did Mr. Wang pay for the tickets?3. Mr. Wang and his children went to the book fair by MRT. After they got to Taipei City Hall and left the MRT station, which bus should they take?二、請仔細聽廣播中的對話與問題,並將正確答案的代碼

    4、劃在答案卡上。4. Diana: Philip, theres a big sale in Go Go Department Store today. Would you like to go shopping with me?Philip: No, thanks. When the department store is having a sale, its always crowded, and the air there is bad.Question: Why does Philip not want to go to Go Go Department Store today?5. M

    5、s. Lin: How do you use your pocket money, Antonio?Antonio: Well, I spend most of it on toys and computer games.Ms. Lin: Do you ever save some of it for books?Antonio: No, never. Question: How does Antonio usually use his pocket money?臺北市立龍山國民中學96學年度第1學期九年級英語科第1次定期評量試題卷注意:1.本試題卷共有六頁,請記得換頁作答。2. 1- 36題

    6、為單一選擇題,請以2B鉛筆將各題正確答案的代碼劃在答案卡上。3. 37- 53題,請在答案卷上作答。第一部份: 聽力測驗(共10分)本測驗共有二大題,每一小題都會唸兩次,請同學們注意聽,仔細作答。一、請仔細聽廣播中的敘述與問題,並根據圖表的內容,將正確答案的代碼劃在答案卡上。(每題2分,共6分)The 20th International Book FairDate / August 3 7Time / 10:00a.m. 6:00p.m. Place / Taipei World Trade CenterPrice / Adult Ticket : $200 Student Ticket (

    7、 7 18 years old ) : $150Children ( Under 7 years old) : Free Transportation / By bus : Take No. 1, 22 or 647 bus. By MRT : Take Blue Line to Taipei City Hall and then take No. 537 or B5 bus.1. (A) Three days. (B) Five days.(C) Seven days. (D) Nine days. 2. (A) NT$ 650. (B) NT$ 500.(C) NT$ 350. (D) N

    8、T$ 200. 3. (A) No. 22. (B) No. 1.(C) No. 647.(D) No. 537.二、請仔細聽廣播中的對話與問題,並將正確答案的代碼劃在答案卡上。(每題2分,共4分)4. (A) There are too many people there. (B) Philip does not feel good today.(C) Things there are more expensive today. (D) Philip has no money to buy anything. 5. (A) He spends a lot of it on books. (B

    9、) He saves most of it.(C) He uses some of it to help others. (D) He doesnt make good use of it.第二部份: 綜合測驗(共90分) 一、字彙與語法測驗(每題1分,共12分)6. The bus is often filled _ people in the morning. (A) by (B) of (C) with (D) about7. Clothes are usually sold _ lower or special prices when they are _ sale. (A) in,

    10、on (B) at, on (C) by, for (D) with, for8. Ann: Excuse me. Would you please show me the way to the Queens Hotel? Ben : Just go down the street for about 5 minutes, and youll see it _ your right.(A) by (B) in (C) on (D) to【 第一頁,共六頁,背面尚有試題,請繼續作答 】9. Sally felt surprised _ the bad news.(A) at (B) in (C)

    11、 for (D) about10. Rebecca is _ cooking. She also loves cooking for her family. (A) interesting to (B) tiring to (C) interested in (D) tired of 11. I always feel _ after a _ day at work. (A) tire, tiring (B) tired, tiring (C) tiring, tired (D) tired, tire12. New products in different forms can _ in e

    12、very place. (A) find (B) found (C) be finding (D) be found13. The MRT system in Taipei is really fast and comfortable. It _ only a few years ago. (A) built (B) was built (C) was building (D) would be built14. Here we are. Lets _ at this stop and walk to Taipei 101. (A) get off (B) get on (C) get to

    13、(D) get up 15. Well go mountain climbing tomorrow if the weather stays _. (A) fine (B) bad (C) badly (D) finely16. _ Jack is very sick, _ he enjoys every moment of his life. (A) Because, X (B) Because, so (C) Though, X (D) Though, but17. Joseph : What can we do after school today?Brenda: How about g

    14、oing to an Internet Caf?Joseph : What a _! I didnt know girls like to go there, too. (A) surprising (B) surprised (C) surprises (D) surprise二、克漏字測驗(每題2分,共18分) Spot is a greedy dog. One day he found some meat on the street and was carrying it home in his mouth. He was so 18. that he was hurrying home

    15、 to enjoy the meat. When Spot walked 19. a river on his way home, he looked down and saw another dog in the water. That dog also had some meat in his mouth and was looking back at him. Spot hoped to have 20. meat, and he decided to make the other dog go away but 21. the meat. So he barked loudly. Th

    16、e other dog opened his mouth and the meat 22. . At that moment, Spot found that his meat fell into the water, too. Poor Spot! He spent all day 23. himself for his greediness. greedy:貪心的 greediness:貪心18. (A) excite (B) excites (C) excited (D) exciting19. (A) in (B) on (C) over (D) along 20. (A) more

    17、(B) most (C) less (D) least 21. (A) leave (B) left (C) leaving (D) to leave 22. (A) go (B) went (C) was going (D) was gone 23. (A) blamed (B) blaming (C) to blame (D) blame【 第二頁,共六頁,尚有試題,請繼續作答 】Mrs. Smith: Look at the clock on the wall. Its already 8:25, but the clerk in our store still doesnt come.

    18、 He not only always comes to work late but never does his work well. Im very 24. our business. Mr. Smith : What should we do now?Mrs. Smith: I think something 25. to solve this problem. Mr. Smith : But how? Mrs. Smith: Ill tell him 26. to work again. solve:解決24. (A)interesting to (B) worried about (

    19、C) excited about (D) exciting to25. (A) must do (B) must be done (C) has to do (D) have to be done 26. (A) come (B) to come (C) dont come (D) not to come 三、閱讀測驗(每題2分,共20分)There are 50 students in Class 911. Here are the activities the students do on the weekend. Look at the pie chart and answer the

    20、questions.27. What weekend activity is done by the fewest students?(A) Singing. (B) Swimming. (C) Watching TV. (D) Playing basketball.28. Which is true about the pie chart?(A) The most students like swimming. (B) More students enjoy singing than watching TV.(C) Fewer students love playing basketball

    21、 than dancing.(D) Playing computer games is the most popular activity. 【 第三頁,共六頁,背面尚有試題,請繼續作答 】 Look at the poster and answer the questions.Oxbridge BookstoreBig Sale! A week Only! Comic Books-20% off Dictionaries- 30% off Storybooks-25% off Other Books- 15% off Cards- NT$ 8 each(Buy three and get o

    22、ne free) Meet J. K. Rowling,writer of Harry Potter11:00 a.m.1:00 p.m. 29. Jane is J. K. Rowlings big fan. When is she most likely to meet her favorite writer? (A) At 1:00 a.m. (B) At 11:00 p.m. (C) At 11:20 a.m. (D) At 11:40 p.m. 30. If Jane pays NT$ 120, how many cards will she get? (A) 20 cards. (

    23、B) 18 cards. (C) 15 cards. (D) 12 cards. 31. Jane wants to buy an English-Chinese dictionary. The price of the dictionary is NT$ 600. How much does Jane have to pay? (A) NT$ 420. (B) NT$ 450. (C) NT$ 480. (D) NT$ 510. most likely:最有可能 Read Joes schedule and answer the questions. Monday Tuesday Wedne

    24、sday8:00 9:009:00 10:00Talk to the students about their favorite hobbies at the libraryHave a meeting with the baseball team10:00 11:00Visit the car fair at the City Museum11:00 12:0012:00 1:001:00 2:00Write some important news about the car fair2:00 3:00Take John and Mary to the zooBuy a birthday p

    25、resent for Amanda3:00 4:004:00 5:005:00 6:00Meet Mr. and Mrs. Chen6:00 7:00Have dinner with Sue at The Grandmas7:00 8:00Go to a dancing party at Mr. Lins place8:00 9:0032. Where was the car fair held?(A) At The Grandmas. (B) At the City Museum. (C) At Mr. Lins place. (D) At the library.【 第四頁,共六頁,尚有試

    26、題,請繼續作答 】33. Who will be taken to the zoo?(A) Sue. (B) Amanda. (C) John and Mary. (D) Mr. and Mrs. Chen. Look at the map. Arthur and Hester are in front of Joes Tea House. Read the dialogue and answer the questions. Arthur: Excuse me, how can I get to Lungshan Temple?Hester: Well, if you want to tak

    27、e a bus, theres a bus stop over there. But its a lot faster if you take the MRT. The MRT station is two blocks away from here. Arthur: I think Ill take the MRT. How much is a student ticket?Hester: Thirty dollars from here to Lungshan Temple.Arthur: Thanks. By the way, is there any supermarket near

    28、here? I need to buy a drink of water. Hester: Yes, theres one on the way to the MRT station. Its just down the street. AB Bus Stop Joes Tea HouseCD 34.Where is the MRT station? (A) At A. (B) At B. (C) At C. (D) At D. 35. What does one mean in the dialogue? (A) A drink. (B) A supermarket. (C) An MRT

    29、ticket. (D) A bus stop. 36. Which of the following is true? (A) Arthur will go to Lungshan Temple with Hester. (B) Arthur will take a bus to the MRT station. (C) Arthur will pay thirty dollars for the MRT ticket. (D) Arthur will buy a Coke at the MRT station. 四、文意字彙:請根據提示的首尾字母寫出合乎句意的英語語詞(每題2分,共12分)3

    30、7. Mark: Excuse me. What time is it now?Peter: It s h_f past eleven. 38. May: Where is the cat? Is it in the kitchen now?Amy: No, its sleeping b_e the table in the living room. 39. Betty: How do you feel about the movie?Tony: I like its special sound e_ts. They make the movie more exciting.【 第五頁,共六頁,背面尚有試題,請繼續作答 】40. Living in a big city is more c_t than living in the country.41. During the


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