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    高中英语单元过关检测senior 1 book 2单词拼写专项测试人教版必修一.docx

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    高中英语单元过关检测senior 1 book 2单词拼写专项测试人教版必修一.docx

    1、高中英语单元过关检测senior 1 book 2单词拼写专项测试人教版必修一人教高中英语单元过关检测Senior 1 Book 2单词拼写专项测试Unit 11. It sounds a good idea, but it r_ to be seen whether it will succeed.2. This old vase dates from the Ming D_.3. Our school gave a r_ to our new principal.4. Some articles of f_ were lost when we moved to the new house.

    2、5. They succeeded in the experiment on the fifteenth t_.6. There is some e_ to suggest that he was there on the night of the murder.7. In the long journey, he p_ a most amusing companion.8. He p_ to be doing his homework when the teacher came in.9. Her sudden disappearance was a complete m_.10. It i

    3、s said that the pirates (海盗) buried their t_ on this island.Unit 211. We were impressed by the ruins of an a_ building.12. C_ among youths to enter the best colleges is intense (激烈的).13. The fairys m_ changed the two brothers into ducks.14. Dont be late for your i_, or you wont get the job.15. The a

    4、_ won two gold medals in the Olympics.16. She a_ that she had stolen the bicycle.17. Even if Lincoln was not ready to admit it, blacks knew that this was a war against s_. 18. He r_ his brother as captain because his brother was ill. 19. Can you r_ what happened in your childhood to your present sta

    5、te of mind?20. If you want to sell your product, you had better a_ it.Unit 321. Lets a_ the problem and see what went wrong.22. The development of the steam engine was the greatest t_ advance of the 19th century.23. The automobile caused a r_ in our way of traveling.24. The plan sounds s_ enough but

    6、 it will be difficult to put it into action.25. Can a_ intelligence take place of human intelligence in the future?26. You should take a_ of the fine weather to paint the fence.27. What kind of m_ is the bridge made of?28. She said she didnt like it, but p_ I thought it was very good.29. Unexpected

    7、difficulties a_ in the course of their experiment.30. They s_ their child with too much praise.Unit 431. Man should protect w_ for his own existence.32. You will e_ your health if you work so hard.33. Did you report the l_ of your jewelry to the police?34. There are many s_ of roses in this garden.3

    8、5. Scientific discoveries are often a_ to industrial processes (过程).36. It is dangerous to drive in a t_ fog.37. The baby was badly bitten by m_.38. There are five boxes c_ books and toys.39. The amount of rain a_ the growth of crops.40. After a f_ battle the enemy was forced to retreat (撤退).Unit 54

    9、1. She prefers pop music and jazz to c_ music.42. He is a pianist in an o_.43. A m_ is a person who performs or writes music, especially as his/her job.44. The teacher c_ her hands to attract the classs attention.45. They can manage it themselves. I dont suppose they wanted any e_ help.46. Bright co

    10、lors are a_ to children.47. Your compass and clock are the most essential (必要的) i_ in sailing.48. The group of popular singers will give another two p_ before leaving China.49. Thanks to his a_, he has obtained great success.50. Cheating at the game ruined that players r_. 词 汇 与 完 成 句 子 专 题Unit 1一、单

    11、词拼写1The Great Wall is one of the w_ of the world.2. When the police arrived, he had destroyed the e_ of his guilt.3. Have you seen the latest d_ for the new library?4. Her parents died in the accident, but she s_.5. I got a very friendly r_ when I arrived there.6. Theres some d_ whether John will co

    12、me on time.7. My mother gave me this pen as a birthday g_ last week.8. Ms. Jean is able to make her classes lively and interesting. What a g_ teacher she is.9. The Art Museum was broken into and a lot of t_ were stolen.10. The thief went into the reception room s_, trying to steal the precious(珍贵的)

    13、vase in it.11. Well h_ up some milk for the coffee.12. He went into his office and l_ up a cigarette.13. She r_ at home to look after the children when her husband went out to work.14. The C_ Revolution happened in China in the 1960s.15. The f_ in your room looks new at the first sight.16. The f_ st

    14、yle attracted a large number of people.17. I dont want to go; b_, Im too tired.18. He is in a poor s_ of health.19. They are pretty r_. Only about a hundred were made.20. The Potala Palace in Lhasa, Tibet remains a m_ to many foreigners.二完成句子21. I gave him some apples _ _ _(作为的报答) his help.22. He _(

    15、移开) his trousers and I found the wound.23. The two countries were then _ _(交战). People lived a hard life.24. A team of 350 experts(专家) were sent to the desert(沙漠), _ _ _ the buried ancient city(寻找埋在地下的古城).25.Your suggestion will be carefully _(考虑).26. In order to _(证明) her point, she showed them the

    16、 latest sales figures.27. The headmaster _ _ _(器重) me because of my good performance.28. Recently Ive found a rare Qing Dynasty vase. But I dont know whether it should _ _(属于) me.29. The old man saw some Germans _ _(拆开) the Amber Room and moving it away.30. The police have received the letter and th

    17、ey are _ _(调查) it.Unit 2一、单词拼写1. The Chinese delegation has won 32 gold m_ in the 2004 Athens Olympic Games.2. A_ from all over the world will come to attend the Games every four years.3. Mr. King has r_ Mike as captain of the team.4. Tom will have an i_ with the boss of the company he wants to work

    18、 in.5. Mary was not at home, so her son acted as h_.6. Many c_ will compete in a race to be held next month.7. She was a_ into the party.8. They often do some p_ exercise after school.9. Its f_ of you to make so many mistakes.10. You can find some a_ ruins in the village.11. The two countries are cl

    19、osely r_ as the lips and teeth.12. The football match will be held in the Peking Workers S_.13. The people without tickets are not a_ to enter the stadium.14. The newspaper has lots of a_, which help us to find a good job.15. He is an h_ person. You can believe in him.16. The family has many r_ in C

    20、anada.17. The girl won the first p_ in the competition.18. It is an h_ for me to be invited to your birthday party.19. We gave Alice and Tom a dish made of s_ as a wedding present.20. He is tired of being treated like a s_.21. The _(有魔力的) tools are popular with young children.二完成句子22. He never liste

    21、ns to anything , expect when it _ _ _(有关系)himself23. We _ _(曾经)work more than ten hours a day.24. We achieved victories _ _ _(一个接一个地).25. I went to see my grandfather _ _ _(每两周).26. He decided to travel by car _ _(而不是) by train.27. If you make a _(诺言), you should try to keep it.28. _ _ (举办) the Olym

    22、pic is a rich prize for a country.29. All countries can take part if they reach the standard to _ _ _(参加) the game.30. At last he succeeded in _ _(解决出) this problem.Unit 3一、单词拼写1. In c_ with most educated people, he prefers classical music to jazz.2. He is quite clever a boy though he looks s_-minde

    23、d.3. In the past 20 years, my hometown has t_ changed.4. Computers are often used to deal with information and communicate with each other around the world by the I_.5. In the early 1960s, computers were connected by a n_, so that people could share information and talk to each other.6. Could you te

    24、ll me the advantages and d_ of being famous?7. He is so clever that he is considered to have high i_.8. The new type of mobile phone is expensive, _, its worth buying it.9. I think we can work together to c_ an even better system.10. A computer can solve many m_ problems.11. She didnt like the plan,

    25、 but p_ I see nothing wrong with it.12. The 21st century is the century of information t_.13. The b_ of their first child was a joyous occasion(高兴的事).14. There are so many different t_ of bread that I didnt know which to buy.15. Stone is often used as a building m_.16. The invention of computer was

    26、a t_ revolution.17. There are many ways of c_ in the modern world, such as telephone, fax, and so on.18. His report d_ with the fact.19. Some students have a more m_ approach to learning.20. Im trying to c_ how much paint we need.二完成句子21. They were _ _(监视)by three policemen.22. _ _ _(在某种程度上), I like

    27、 this book very much.23. She was _(徘徊) up and down the road, not knowing what to do and where to go.24. As time _ _(流逝), my memory seems to get worse.25. How are you going to _ _(处理) the water pollution of the area?26. You have to _ _ _(做出决定) whether to accept the job or not.27. To be a good learner, you must _ _ _ _(充分利用) the library books, newspapers and magazines.28. I would really like to _ _(和打比赛)a human team sometimes.29. In this way, I can _ _(补充)new moves.30. _ _ _ _(在的帮助下)my English, I have made rapid progress in my English study.Unit 4一、单词拼写


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