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    1、七年级英语下册期中考试题6doc第二学期期中考试七年级英语试卷考生须知:1考试时间:90分钟 2全卷共九道大题,满分1第一部分 听力部分(共计一、 听力(A)听句子,选择与句子内容相符的图片(每小题1分,共5分) (B)听下面5段对话和问题,选择最佳选项(每小题1分,共5分)( )6AA doctor BA reporter CA basketball player( )7AMath BMusic CEnglish( )8AHe is writing a letter BHe is painting in his room CHe is cleaning his room( )9APlay t

    2、ennis BPlay cards CPlay chess( )10AAt eight twenty BAt nine oclock CAt nine twenty(C)听长对话,选择最佳选项(每小题1分,共5分)( )l 1Where is Mike from? AThe United Kingdom BCanada CThe United States( )12Where is Mike living now? AIn ShanghaiBIn London CIn Beijing( )13Why does Mike know the girl? AHe knows the girls si

    3、ster BHe knows the girls friend CHe knows the girls brother( )14What does Mike do?AHe is a teacher BHe is a bank clerk CHe is an office clerk( )15Whats the weather like in Mikes country?AIts often sunny BIts often rainyCIts often snowy(D)听短文,根据所听内容选择正确答案(每小题1分,共5分)( )16What is the weather like? AIts

    4、 cloudy BIts rainy CIts a nice day( )17Where are they? AIn a school BOn the beach CIn a store( )18What are Lindas parents doing?AThey are talking BThey are swimming CThey are walking( )1 9What is Lindas sister eating? AIce cream BSalad CFruit( )ho is taking photos?ALinda BLindas brother CA reporter第

    5、二部分 笔试部分(共计100分)二、单项选择(本题共15分,每小题1分)( )21一Wheres Lucy? 一Ohshe is illShes _ hospital now Ain Bin a Cat a Dat the( )22Why _ go to bed earlier? Adont Bnot do Cdont you Dnot you( )23I can speak _ FrenchIts very interesting Aa few Blittle Ca little Dfew( )24There are many children in the park_ are singin

    6、g and _ are reading under the tree ASome,other BSome,the other CSome,others DSome,the others( )25This letter is _ John _ Peter Afrom,of Bfrom,from Cof, from Dfrom, to( )26MY family _ lunch Ais eating Bare eating Ceating Deats( )27Take a walk _ the park on Center Street Aacross Bcross Cthrough Dpass(

    7、 )28We are _ international school _ children of 5-12 Aa,of Ban,for Ca,for Danin( )29Where _ John _? Ado,live Bdoes,live in Cis,come from Ddoes1ive( )30I want to have a house _ a garden Ahas Bhave Cwith Din( )3lJim with his friends _ playing games over there Ais Bare Cam D( )32The people enjoy _ at t

    8、he party Amyself Bthemself Chimself Dthemselves( )33Would you like to work _ a policeman when you grow up? Afor Bas Cin Dof( )34The man is _ i11 Aterrible Bterribley Cterribly Dterriblly( )35Everyone _ having a good time Aare Bis Cam Dbe三、完形填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)Let me tell you something _36_ my little do

    9、g SnoopySnoopy is an _37_ dogHe is very _38_He has _39_ small eyes,two big ears,four short legs and a small tailIts great fun playing _40_ himHe is very cleverI often teach him how to play gamesNow he can play many _41_of gamesIf I say “ Go to sleep!”,he goes to his bed and lies downIf I say“_42_ ba

    10、sketball!” he goes to catch a ball and puts it into a basketIf I say“Please _43_ for us!”hen he dances to the music“Can he sing a song?”one of my friends asks meOf course he Can,but he does not sing in English, _44_Chinese_45_ he sings,no one can understand him( )36Afor Bto Cat Dabout( )37AJapanese

    11、BCanada CAmerican DChinese( )38Afriend Bcute Clove Dlike( )39Asome Bany Cmany Dtwo( )40Awith Bto Cfor Dfrom( )41Akind Ba kind Ckinds D( )42ADo BDoes CPlays DPlay( )43Asing Bsings Cdance Ddances( )44Aor Band Cto Dwith( )45AIf BWhat CWhen DWhere四、补全对话(本题共10分,每小题1分)(A)选择句子补全对话。 A:Hello! May I speak to

    12、Jackplease?B:_46_ Whos that?A:Hello,JackThis is AnnWhat are you doing?B:_47_ Hows it going?A:_48_The weather here is niceIts neither hot nor cold _49_ Hows the weather in your country?B:Its very hot_50_ But I often go swimming with parentsA:That sounds goodAWe have a hot summer this yearBThis is Jac

    13、k speakingCPretty goodDI am reading a bookEIts sunny every day (B)根据对话情景,在空白处填写适当的句子。V:5l_Is there a big hotel near here?P:No,there isntBut there is a small oneV:52 _?P:Its on Bridge StreetV:53_?P:Go down this street,turn left when you see a bankWalk along Bridge Street,and youll find it on your rig

    14、htIts across from the New ParkV:54_?P:YesYou can take No16 busV:Thank youIts very kind of youP:55_五、根据句意及首字母提示补全单词(本题共10分,每小题1分)56W comes after autumn57Go s along the Six Avenue58The koala bear sleeps d the day and gets up at night59In the s photoIm playing basketball60Nancy is t on the phone61My jo

    15、b is interesting but kind of d 62They are going to Australia on v 63Mary likes w a white uniform64She is a reporter and works for a m 65I h you have a good trip六、用所给词的适当形式填空(本题共10分,每小题1分)66Look! The women _ (shop)at the mall67Thank you for _ (join)CCTV Dream China show68Im _ (surprise)when I hear th

    16、e news69We can see many people _ (1ie)on the beach70_ (Canada)speak French and English71Lets _(go)for a walk72What a _ (cloud)day today!73Giraffes can eat _ (1eaf)on the tall tree74_(be)there any milk in the bottle?75Bridge Street is a good place _ (have)fun七、句型转换(本题共10分,每空一词,每空1分)76Hows the weather

    17、 in Toronto?(改为同义句) _ the weather _ in Toronto?77I want to see the lions because theyre cute(对划线部分提问)_ do you want to see lions?78My father is at work(改为同义句)My father _ _79Its raining hard(改为同义句)Its very _80The boy wants to be an actor(改为一般疑问句)_ the boy _ to be an actor?81Do the children have lunch

    18、at home?(用now作时间状语)_ the children _ lunch at home now?八、阅读理解(本题共25分,A、B、D每小题1分,c每小题2分)(A) Bob comes out of the station and at once he doesnt know where to goThis is the first time he comes to this townHe comes to see his good friendPeterPeter is a workerHe works in a factory, but Bob doesnt know whe

    19、re the factory isHe walks in the streetsHe passes a hospitalapost office,a bookshop and at last he gets to a schoolSome students are coming outSo he asks one of them for help“Can you tell me where the watch factory is?”“Of courseI knowI live near thereMy father works thereIts outside the town”“Is it

    20、 far from here? Can you show me the way, please?”“Its about 8 kilometers away from hereIm going home nowWill you go with me? Ill take you there”“Thats great! Thank you very much”“Now lets take a NO10 busItll take about 10 minutes to get there” “Thank you”says Bob( )82Bob goes to a town to _ Alook fo

    21、r a job Bsee a student Csee his friend Dwork in a factory( )83Peter works in a _ Aschool Bhospital Cpost office Dfactory( )84The watch factory is _ Ain the middle of the town Boutside the town Cbetween a hospital and a bookshop Dnear the school( )85Bob and the student go to the factory _ Aon foot Bb

    22、y car Cby bus Dby taxi( )86They need to take _ Aa No8 bus Ba No10 bus Ca No15 bus Da taxi (B) Now TV programs pl ay an important part in our daily lifeWe can get a lot of knowledge(知识)and a lot of fun from itToday is SaturdayThe following are some TV programs and different channels(频道)todayNow read

    23、these TV programs and try to find some information for you andyour family members根据短文内容及节目列表,判断下列句子正(T)误(F)( )87My grandfather is interested in lawsHe Can watch CCTV Chanel 1 at lunch time( )88My father is a football fanHe prefers football matchesHe Can watch CCTV Channel 1( )89My mother likes watch

    24、ing TV playsShe wants to watch XATV Channel 4 in the afternoon( )90My sister is only six years oldI want to find a program for herI think she can watch CCTV Channel 6( )91I am a studentI like music,but I am very busy tonightSo I can watch CCTV Channel 3 at noon today(C)Most Of us like animalsSometim

    25、es we go to the zoo to see the animalsThey can make us happy Some people often think they can teach the animals to work for them In our life we may see elephants,tigers,dogs or some other animals doing a lot of things for peopleElephants Can carry large logs,because they are strongDogs car look afte

    26、r housesAnd people can also teach the animals to work in the factory. Now people are trying to get the animals to do some other things92Do most people like animals? _93Where do people usually go to see the animals? _94Why can elephants do some heavy work? _95What can dogs do according to the passage

    27、? _96What are people trying to do?_(D) Hi,everyone! Do you know Deng Yaping? She is from ChinaShe was born in March,1973Her job is to play table tennisShe likes it bestShe likes yellowHer favorite animal is catbut she has no catShe likes having French fliesBut she tells US its not good to eat too muchSinging is her favorite,tooShe likes to listen to the songs by Dao


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