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    1、研究生英语阅读教程基础级3版课后习题整理A.选择题1. There has been much opposition from some social groups, _ from the farming community.A. straightforwardly B. notably C. virtually D. exceptionally2. The _ view in Britain and other Western countries associates aging with decline, dependency, isolation, and often poverty.A

    2、. predominant B. credulous C. inclusive D. sustainable3. But gifts such as these cannot be awarded to everybody, either by judges or by the most _ of governments./ reward?rewardingA. tough B. demanding C. diverse D. benign4. The foreman read the _ of guilty fourteen times, one for each defendant.A.

    3、prejudice B. verification C. verdict D. punishment5. They fear it could have a(n) _ effect on global financial markets.A. sizeable B. adverse C. beneficial D. consequential6. The UN threatened to _ economic sanctions if the talks were broken off.A. engage B. pursue C. abandon D. invoke7. There are a

    4、t least four crucial differences between the new _ and the old government.A. regime B. hegemony C. complex D. federation8. These questions _ a challenge to established attitude of superiority toward the outside world.A. evolve B. constitute C. tolerate D. aroused9. Because of this, a strong administ

    5、rative _ was needed to plan the use of scarce resources, organize production and regulate distribution.A. apparatus B. constitution C. insistence D. promotion10. I learnt that there are no genuinely _ animals in this area, all the animals were brought here from other places.A. endangered B. domestic

    6、ated C. indigenous D. extinct1. The demise (death) of the industry has caused untold misery to thousands of hard-working (diligent) tradesmen.A. size B. expansion C. development D. termination2. There were difficulties for her about making the whole surgery financially viable (feasible) and eventual

    7、ly (finally) she left.A. practicable B. sufficient C. deficient D. impractical3. Learning some basic information about preparing and delivering ( a speech) formal presentations can help allay (relieve/ reduce) some of the fear involved in public speaking.A. ease B. express C. prevent D. dispose4. Wh

    8、atever the cause (may be), the incident could easily cripple (damage/ paralyze) the peace talks.A. influence B. damage C. end D. complicate (a./ vt.)5. Government can and must provide opportunity, not smother it; foster (develop/ cultivate) productivity, not stifle it. A. retain B. repress C. crash

    9、D. abandon 6. He listened keenly to his guests, treated what he heard with complete discretion and never said a malicious word. A. disheartening B. sympathetic C. harsh D. polite 7. After the summit (peak) meeting, peace reigned throughout the region once more (again). A. emerged B. continued C. dom

    10、inated D. resumed (restore)8. There are many people who still find the act of abortion abhorrent (disgusting/ horrible/ terrible). A. shocking B. tolerable C. uncontrollable D. distasteful (disgusting)9. The police have got the evidence to sue him, which is shot with a miniature (hidden) camera. A.

    11、small B. digital C. concealed D. sophisticated 10. The chief chef=cook has assembled (collected) 300 tantalizing (attractive) recipes for all occasions and lifestyles, plus down to earth (=practical) advice on matching food with wine.A. disturbing B. tempting C. promising D. offending1. I advocate (

    12、vt./n.) a (whole-) holistic recognition that biology and culture interpenetrate in an inextricable manner (way).A. complicated B. unavoidable C. customary D. incomprehensible2. The (Rome- romance) romantic painting movement introduced a taste for the mysterious as well as (=and) a love of the pictur

    13、esque and sublime nature.A. immense B. fascinating C. magnificent D. enchanting 3. One important feature (property/ character; feature story专题报道) of the period was the growth (development) of Buddhism. Its adherents honored the Buddha in order to be reborn in his paradise (heaven).A. sponsors B. sup

    14、porters C. advocators D. advisors4. As censorship was extremely strict in that period, little authentic news came out of the country (Churchill: iron-curtain country).A. negative B. disastrous C. official D. reliable5. If a block of wood is completely immersed in water, the upward force is greater t

    15、han the weight of the wood.A. dipped B. pressed C. forced D. pushed6. According to Zhuangzi, a Daoist (道家) philosopher of the late 4th century B.C., through mystical (unite-) union with the Dao the individual could transcend nature and even life and death.A. dissolve B. upraise C. surpass D. depress

    16、 7. As (when) economic growth ground to a halt (stop), the local populations grew (became) more and more disaffected.A. indifferent B. resentful C. unvalued D. indignant 8. (capital penalty死刑) Capitalism was beset (be troubled) by (circle-)cycles (-recycle) of boom and bust, periods of expansion and

    17、 prosperity followed by economic collapse -collapsible and waves of unemployment. beheaded= killedA. failure B. transition C. loss D. depression9. At that time (=then), life was nearly as taxing (burdensome/ tiring) for all-black bands: black musicians were required to use kitchen (restaurant) entra

    18、nces and service elevators (=lift; escalator), which forced them to confront the ugly realities of racial discrimination. Hard TimesA. miserable B. hard C. unbearable D. harsh10. Modern and implicit censorship has nothing like the power of the old system and contrary opinion is never entirely stifle

    19、d.A. released B. arrested C. retarded D. prohibitedB.选恰当1. Choose the hest word or expression from the list given for each Honk Use each word or expression only once and make proper changes where necessary.point up by and large take in descent for good or illleave aside crystal clear die out endange

    20、r lay. at the door of1. The book concludes with a review of the possible impact (influence) of more intimate computers for good or ill, in various areas of human life.2. Moreover, it had become clear from the opinion polls that the unpopularity of the new tax was being laid at the door of the govern

    21、ment which had introduced it, rather than the local authorities who were responsible for levying and collecting it.3. This case gave the example of breaking someones arm: that is a really serious injury, but one which is unlikely to endanger the victims life.4. Many of those who hold it live in poor

    22、 areas and some are Colored, that is (i.e./ namely), of mixed European and African descent. 5. This debate is important because it points up (stress/ emphasize) that the facts are not necessarily as simple and straightforward as they might at first sight seem.6. In the beginning, the meaning of life

    23、 might be debated, but once past the first period, many of the conversations follow a well-worn route from one topic to the next and back again, taking in most of human life.7. But since agriculture forms the basis (base) of our industry, it was, by and large (on the whole), also an intensification

    24、of the crisis in the national economy in general.8. Let us leave aside other relevant factors such as education, career structure, pay and conditions of service and concentrate on (focus on) manpower management.(relate A to B)9. It is true that the exact nature of this issue is uncertain. However, o

    25、ne thing is crystal clear: it will not endanger the planet and its inhabitants.10. But if animal populations are too small, then they simply die out.5.Choose the best word or expression from the list given for each blank. Use each word or expression only once and make proper changes where necessary.

    26、predisposed to decode wreak havoc compromise malfunctionat ones fingertips usher in discriminate toxic customize1. You have to admit how wonderful the service center is it just puts anything you may possibly need at your fingertips! 2. He belonged to a generation that took it for granted that after

    27、the war a brave new world was to be ushered in (be led to somewhere).3. We must understand the double language used today and carefully decode its meaning.4. The civil war has wrought havoc on the economy.5. The governments future may be plunged (dive) into jeopardy (danger) unless the coalition ()

    28、partners manage to (try to) reach a compromise. win-win situation6. This heat can cause certain circuit-board components to malfunction or fail altogether.7. Evidence showed the herbs were not toxic (poisonous) and did not contain poisons or common drugs.8. It was alleged (claimed) that the restaura

    29、nt discriminated against black customers. Negro9. Some people are genetically predisposed (inclined to do sth.) to cancers.10. You are in charge of your own schedule (plan/ timetable) and can customize that schedule to fit your own training needs. (1)charge sb with sth.=accuse sb. of sth.; (2)a batt

    30、ery; (3) be in charge of sth.(4) sb. some money6.Choose the best word or expression from the list given for each blank. Use each word or expression only once and make proper changes where necessary.in control of within the framework variables it turns out on papertake away from once in a while trade

    31、. for make sense take heart1. The most famous (eminent) private boarding schools are open to the public on paper, but in reality are attended by those who can afford (=pay for) the fees (-fare). (1)boarder房客/border; (2) 边界2. She loved her dog so much that after years of its death she still thinks of it once in a while (now and then/ occasionally).3. An (equal: a./ vi.to sth.) equation is said to be satisfied for certain values of the variables if the expression on the left side of the equation is equal to that on the right side. (-equator)4. The Commission (


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