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    1、第五章 银行保函与备用信用证,Non-performance in economic transactions is beyond the protection of the payment methods we have discussed in the previous chapters.This limitation can be overcome by another payment method letter of guarantee.我们之前学过的结算方式都不包括应当支付人未履约行为发生时的支付问题。而银行保函则是以银行信用为基础的国际辅助结算方式。,第一节 银行保函基本知识,一、

    2、银行保函的定义及当事人(一)银行保函的定义A letter of guarantee is a written promise by a bank at the request of its customer,undertaking to make payment to the beneficiary within the limits of a stated sum of money in the event of non-performance of the contractual obligations by the principal.银行保函是银行因客户要求,保证对受益人由于委托人未

    3、能履行合约义务而在一定的范围内支付规定金额货币的书面保证。The issuing bank effects payment against the beneficiarys performance under L/C,while under a bank guarantee,the issuing bank effects payment against the principals non-performance.,Two basic functions of guaranteesGuarantees are used as secure mechanism for payment of t

    4、he contract amount 银行保函是付款的安全机制。A contractor uses a guarantee as default instrument that covers the risk of non-performance or defective performance by the contractor银行保函作为违约工具涵盖了不履约以及履约有缺陷的风险。,(二)Parties of Letter of Guarantee1.Basic parties 基本当事人(1)PRINCIPAL 委托人(2)BENEFICIARY 受益人(3)GUARANTOR 担保人2.

    5、Possible parties 可能涉及的相关当事人(1)ADVISING BANK 通知行,也称为传递行(TRANSMITTING BANK)(2)CONFIRMING BANK 保兑行(3)COUNTER GUARANTOR 反担保行,Next,(1)委托人(PRINCIPAL)或称为投保人(APPLICANT),是指向银行提出申请并委托银行开立保函的当事人。The principal is the person who requests a bank issues a guarantee for him.If the principal fails to fulfill his con

    6、tractual obligations,he will be claimed(被索赔)after the payment being effected by the guarantor.The amount to be claimed will include the face value of the guarantee and the relevant interest.He may be required to place a partial or a full margin(押金,定金)with the guarantor(担保人)at the time of applying fo

    7、r L/G.如果委托人不履行其合同义务,但保人付款后会向其索赔。申请保函时,但保人可能就要求申请人付部分或全部押金。,Back,(2)BENEFICIARY 受益人Beneficiary is the party in whose favor the guarantee is issued.He is secured against the risk of the principals not fulfilling his obligations towards the beneficiary.He will not obtain a sum of money if the obligatio

    8、ns are not fulfilled.受益人即基础合同的债权人,接受保函并有权按保函规定向担保银行提出索赔的当事人。受益人是基础合同中与委托人相对的当事人。,Back,(3)GUARANTOR 担保人 The guarantor is a surety(担保人),a bank or financial institution that issues a letter of guarantee undertaking to make payment to the beneficiary in the event of default of the principal against the

    9、presentation of a written demand and other specified documents.担保人,即开立保函的银行,是指接受委托人的申请开立保函的银行,并由此向保函的受益人承担了有条件或无条件付款保证责任的银行。担保人开立保函后,在同受益人构成一种或有负债的同时,也从委托人那里获得了一种或有债权。,Back,(三)Conditional Guarantee and“(On)Demand”Guarantee(有条件保函与“见索即付”保函)(1)Conditional Guarantee/Bond(有条件保函/担保书)Conditional guarantee

    10、requires documentary evidence which gives maximum protection to the principal.To attest the non-performance of the principal,the beneficiary should present such documentary evidence as a court ruling(法院裁决),an arbitration award(仲裁裁决)or an approval to the claim from the principal in writing.Such stipu

    11、lations are unfavorable to the beneficiary since it is time consuming to get a judgment from a court or an arbitrary tribunal(仲裁庭)when there is a dispute.有条件保函是指担保人在保函的条文中对索赔的发生与受理设定了若干的限制条件,或规定了若干能客观反映某种事实发生、条件落实的证明文件。,(2)“(On)Demand”Guarantee(“见索即付”保函)The beneficiary has the sole discretion(专有的决定权

    12、)to call the guarantee“on demand”.In other words,the bank must pay if called upon to do so by simply a written demand from the beneficiary without a written proof from a neutral third party or from the principal himself,even in circumstances that the claim is wholly unjustified.It is more favorable

    13、to the beneficiary and has gained general acceptance from prevailing banking and commercial practices.见索即付保函项下,担保行在受益人书面索赔面前承担了无条件的支付义务,不论基础交易合同的执行情况如何,也不论受益人本身是否履行了合同中规定的义务,只要担保行在保函的有效期内,收到了受益人所提交的符合保函条款规定的书面索赔,就应该立即付款。,二、银行保函的开立方式与业务流程,1Direct Guarantee 直接担保A direct guarantee means that the guaran

    14、tee is issued directly by a foreign guarantor to the beneficiary.直接担保,又称直开,是指担保银行应委托人的申请,径向受益人开立保函,并凭此直接向受益人承担责任的一种方式。按保函开立后是否通过通知行转交,分为直交或转交。直交是指担保银行开立保函后将其直接寄交或带交受益人;转交是担保行请受益人当地银行为通知行将保函代为转交给受益人。,2 Indirect Guarantee 间接担保 The foreign bank instructs a bank located in the beneficiarys country to is

    15、sue a bond against the foreign banks own indemnity a counter guarantee(反担保).Therefore,when the issue of a guarantee is based on a counter guarantee where two banks in two different countries get involved,it is an indirect guarantee.间接担保是指申请人所在地的银行以提供反担保的形式委托受益人所在地的一家银行向受益人开立并对受益人承担付款责任的保函。,As a resu

    16、lt,there are four parties in the process of an indirect guarantee:Principal、Beneficiary、Guarantor、Counter guarantor or Instructing bank(反担保行/指示行)Counter guarantor or sometimes called instructing bank is a bank who issues a counter guarantee at the request of the applicant in favor of the guarantor o

    17、f a guarantee.(反担保行,有时被称为指示行,应申请人要求出具以担保行为受益人的保函。),三、银行保函的种类,(一)出口类保函,(二)进口类保函,(三)对销贸易类保函,Tender Guarantee 投标保函,Performance Guarantee 履约保函,Repayment Guarantee 还款保函,Payment Guarantee 付款保函,Retention money Guarantee留置金保函等,(一)出口类保函出口类保函是指银行应出口方申请向进口方开出的保函,如由商品或劳务费的提供者和工程的承包方委托开立的保函。1.Tender Guarantee/Te

    18、nder Bond/Bid Bond 投标保函 A tender guarantee is an undertaking given by a bank at the request of a bidder(投标人)in favor of a party inviting tenders abroad(国外招标方),whereby the guarantor undertakes,in the event of principals non-performance of the obligations resulting from the submission of tender docume

    19、nts(投标书),to make payment to the beneficiary within the time limits for a stated sum of money.投标保函是指招标方为了防止投标者不遵守在投标书中做出的承诺,要求投标人通过其银行出具的一种书面付款保证文件。,When tender documents are submitted,it would be taken as conditions for the bidder that:The tender documents cannot be modified and withdrawn before the

    20、 expiry date.保证在投标期内不修改或不撤标。The bidder undertakes to sign the contract if the tender is awarded to him(中标).保证中标后签订合同。If the tender is not awarded,the expiry date is the award date or several days after the award date.On the other hand,if the tender is awarded,the expiry date is between 3 to 6 months

    21、 till the signing of the awarded contract or the issuance of a performance guarantee or other required guarantee.如果没中标,则保函到期;如果中标,则保函期为3至6个月,直到签订合同或开立履约保函等。As a rule,the amount of a tender guarantee is at a specific percentage,1%to 5%of the project value.The purpose of the said guarantee is to prote

    22、ct beneficiary(the party inviting tenders)from being submitted frivolous tenders by bidder通常,投标保函的索赔金额是报价的1至5。,Back,2.Performance Guarantee or Performance Bond 履约保函 A performance guarantee is an undertaking given by the guarantor at the request of a supplier of goods or services or a contractor as t

    23、he principal in favor of the buyer as the beneficiary,whereby the guarantor undertakes to make payment to beneficiary within the time limits for a stated sum of money in the event of non-performance of the principal.履约保函是担保银行应委托人(即供货方或劳务承包方)的请求而向受益人(购买方或业主)开立的一种保证文件,保证委托人忠实地履行商品或劳务合同,按时、按质、按量地交运货物或完

    24、成所承包的工程。履约保函失效有两种情况:交货完毕或施工完毕即告失效;在交货或施工结束后再加一段规定的时期才失效。,Back,3.Repayment Guarantee/Advance Payment Guarantee(还款保函,预支保函)A repayment guarantee or advance payment guarantee is an undertaking by the guarantor at the request of the exporter(the principal)to the importer(the beneficiary),whereby the guar

    25、antor undertakes to make payment to the beneficiary within the time limits for a stated sum of money in the event of default by the principal to repay any sum of sums advanced by the beneficiary to the principal.预付款保函在买卖合同中为定金保函(DOWN PAYMENT GUARANTEE)。预付款保函是银行同意卖方或承包商的申请而出具的一种书面承诺。一旦委托人未能履行基础合约,或未能

    26、全部履约,担保行将在收到买主或业主所提出的索赔后向其返还与预付等额的款项,或相当于合约尚未履行部分相应比例的预付金的款项。,The purpose of a repayment guarantee is to secure that the advanced payment will be repaid if the principal fails to perform the contract.The amount payable is the amount of the advanced payment and is automatically and proportionally red

    27、uced following each shipment or according to the progress in a construction project.In this way,a repayment guarantee can be used together with payment in advance to protect the importer.The period of validity of this guarantee is from the principals actual receipt of advance payment to a specific d

    28、ate when the covered performance is fulfilled or when the compensation has been made by the guarantor.预付款保函是确保如果申请人违约,则退回定金。保函金额就是预付款金额。预付款保函可以用来保护预付定金的进口商。,Back,(二)进口类保函 由商品或劳务的购买者、工程项目的业主委托银行开立的以基础合同的相对方为受益人的银行保函。1.Payment Guarantee/Import Guarantee(付款保函,进口保函)A payment guarantee or import payment

    29、guarantee is an undertaking by the guarantor at the request of the importer(the principal)to the exporter(the beneficiary),whereby the guarantor undertakes to make payment to the beneficiary within the time limits for a stated sum of money in the event of non-payment by the principal for the goods h

    30、e has received on open account terms.付款保函是大型资本货物交易或工程承包业务,保证买方或业主按工程进度支付款项的保证文件。,Back,2.留置金保函(RETENTION MONEY GUARANTEE)。该保函实际上是业主或买方以现金滞留的形式对承包方或供货方在项目和合同维修期间应负的维修责任所采取的一种制约手段。3.提货保函(SHIPPING GUARANTEE)。进口商向银行申请开立以船公司为受益人,要求船公司允许进口商不凭正本提单提货的保函。船公司由此产生的一切费用、责任、风险,银行保证进行赔偿,而且担保行保证一旦收到卖方寄来的正本提单或遗失的提单后

    31、,将及时把它交给船公司从而换回提货保函而注销。4.费用保付保函(PAYMENT GUARANTEE FOR COMMISSION OR ANY OTHER CHARGES),主要针对一些特殊的合同和协议项下的价款支付,如中间商佣金的保付、寄售项下货款的保付、机场起降费的保付等。,Back,(三)对销贸易类保函和其他类保函 对销贸易类保函有补偿贸易保函(COMPENSATION GUARANTEE)、来料加工保函(PROCESSING GUARANTEE)和来件装配保函(ASSEMBLY GUARANTEE)等。其他类保函有借款保函(LOAN GUARANTEE OR SECURITY FOR

    32、A CREDIT LINE)、关税保付保函(DUTY PAYMENT GUARANTEE)、租赁保函(LEASING GUARANTEE)和保释金保函(BAIL GUARANTEE OR BAIL BOND)等。,COMPENSATION GUARANTEE or Counter-trade Guarantee(补偿贸易保函)Counter-trade occurs when export is linked with import.Counter-trade is an international trade transaction where export sales to a parti

    33、cular country will be carried out under the condition of undertakings to accept imports from that country.补偿贸易交易就是:对特定国家的出口是以保证接受该国的进口为条件。Counter-trade normally takes the form of compensation,processing and assembly of the manufacturing goods.In this connection,the guarantee provided for this kind of transaction is a compensation guarantee or a processing and assembly guarantee.,Back,第二节 备用信用证基本知识


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