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    六年级英语阅读理解专项练习 10篇含答案解析Word格式文档下载.docx

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    六年级英语阅读理解专项练习 10篇含答案解析Word格式文档下载.docx

    1、2F3T4T5F6F【解析】【分析】本文介绍了三明治的起源。1根据Sandwich was an Englishman.可知,三明治来自一个英国人的名字,故此处与原文一致,故为T。2根据Sandwich was rich, and he liked to play cards可知,三明治很有钱,喜欢打牌,故此处与原文不符,故为F。3根据Sandwich was rich, and he liked to play cards可知,三明治非常喜欢打牌,故此处与原文一致,故为T。4根据He often played for 24 hours, and didnt even stop to have

    2、 meals.可知,三明治经常打牌,不休息,故此处与原文一致,故为T。5根据He asked his servants (侍从) to bring him some meat and bread.可知,三明治让他的侍从给他带来肉和面包,而不是三明治,故此处与原文不符,故为F。6根据People like Sandwichs idea, and from then on they ate bread and meat as Sandwich of the man Sandwich,可知,人们喜欢三明治这个主意,故此处与原文不符,故为F。【点睛】认真阅读题干,根据题干要求,在文中寻找题干所在的语句

    3、或段落,进行概括归纳,分析理解,推理总结,判断出正确与错误。例如小题3,根据Sandwich was rich, and he liked to play cards可知,三明治非常喜欢打牌,故此处与原文一致,故为T。2Dear Tom,I am in China now. Everything goes well with me. I hope you and Peter are very well, too. It is Christmas Day today. I think you must get many presents.Things in Beijing are differe

    4、nt. Im very happy to see the white Christmas. There is snow everywhere, and the snow is very thick on the ground. I like to go out to play with the snow with my friends.Now it must be very hot in Australia. Do you often go swimming? I cannot swim here, but Im learning to ski(滑雪). Its really interest

    5、ing.Please write to me soon.Yours,Daniel1The letter is to .A.Daniel B.Tom C.Peter D.Toms brother2Why does Daniel call it white Christmas?A.Because the house is full of snow. B.Because they paint the house white.C.Because there is snow everywhere. D.Because they buy a white Christmas tree.3What does

    6、the underlined word thick mean in Chinese?A.薄的 B.厚的 C.冷的 D.瘦的4Whats the weather like in Australia now?A.Cold. B.Cool. C.Warm. D.Hot.5Daniel is learning to A.ski B.play basketball C.swim D.play football1B2C3B4D5A这是丹尼尔写给汤姆的信。介绍了北京与澳大利亚有很多不同,他很高兴过一个白色的圣诞节,和朋友在外面玩雪。1细节理解题。根据Dear Tom可知这封信是给汤姆的;故选B。2细节理解题

    7、。根据Im very happy to see the white Christmas. There is snow everywhere,可知是因为到处都是雪;故选C。3词义猜测题。根据I like to go out to play with the snow with my friends可猜测是厚厚的雪;4细节理解题。根据Now it must be very hot in Australia.可知澳大利亚是热的;故选D。5细节理解题。根据but Im learning to ski(滑雪).可知想学滑雪;故选A。3 Seven students live together in a

    8、large, bright room. The school wants students to learn to live together and think for others. Four counselors take care of them during the daytime. At least one counselor is on duty at all times.During the night, one counselor is on duty. In the morning, he or she helps the children get ready for sc

    9、hool, have breakfast and go to their classroom.Young people learn to live together in the group. They learn about others, and they learn about themselves by watching others.1There are students in each room.A.5 B.7 C.112Some students live together A.just for fun B.to study well C.to learn to live tog

    10、ether3The word “counselor” here means A.住校生 B.辅导老师 C.寝室长4Which of the following is NOT true?A.A school dormitory(宿舍) is a place where some students live togetherB.There are four counselors in the schoolC.Four counselors must check the rooms during the night5The best title for the passage could be A.

    11、The School Dormitory B.The Counselors C.Students and Counselors4C本篇文章难度适中,主要讲述为了让学生学习一起居住并且为其他人考虑,七个人会住在一个大的明亮的房间里,并且有辅导教师全天照顾。根据Seven students live together in a large, bright room“七个学生住在大的明亮的房间里”可知,每个房间有7个人,故选B。根据The school wants students to learn to live together and think for others“学校想让学生们学习一起居

    12、住并且为其他人考虑”可知,学生们住在一起来学习一起居住,故选C。根据Four counselors take care of them during the daytime. At least one counselor is on duty at all times“四个辅导老师在白天照顾他们,至少有一个辅导老师一直值班”可知,counselor译为“辅导老师”,故选B。根据Seven students live together in a large, bright room“七个学生住在大的明亮的房间里”可知,宿舍就是一个一些学生住在一起的地方,排除A;根据Four counselors

    13、 take care of them during the daytime“四个辅导老师在白天照顾他们”可知,学校中有四个辅导老师,排除B;根据At least one counselor is on duty at all times“至少有一个辅导老师一直值班”可知,不是四个辅导老师,故选C。5主旨大意题,根据Seven students live together in a large, bright room. The school wants students to learn to live together and think for others“七个学生住在大的明亮的房间里,

    14、学校想让学生们学习一起居住并且为其他人考虑”可知,文章的标题可能是“学校宿舍”,故选A。解答词义猜测题时,可以使用如下技巧:1、根据上下文来猜测词义;2、通过同义词或近义词来猜测词义;3、通过构词法来猜测词义;4、通过定义或释义来猜测词义;5、通过句法功能来猜测词义;6、通过转折和因果关系来猜测词义;7. 通过生活常识来猜测词义。对于这类题采取“代入法”也非常有效,即将备选答案逐一代入文中,哪一个选项能使句子的意思通顺、连贯,且与上下文的内容一致,哪一个选项就是该题的正确答案。例如第3题。4 Sonia is a student. She likes collecting things. Sh

    15、e has a sports collection(收藏品). She has ten tennis rackets, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and two soccer balls. She likes playing tennis. She plays tennis every day and she is in the school tennis club. Susan is Sonias friend. She has a sports collection, too. She has five basketballs, six vol

    16、leyballs, three ping-pong bats and many ping-pong balls. She also has two soccer balls. But she doesnt play sports. She only watches ball games on TV or get some sports news in the magazines.1What is the passage mainly about?A.Ball games. B.Hobbies. C.School girls. D.Tennis.2Sonia likes , but Susan

    17、doesnt.A.watching TV B.reading magazinesC.playing sports D.collecting things3Both Sonia and Susan have two .A.tennis rackets B.ping-pong batsC.volleyballs D.soccer balls4Sonia is in the school club.A.tennis B.volleyball C.football D.basketball5Sonia and Susans collection is about .A.clubs B.news C.s

    18、ports D.magazines3D4A5C文章大意:这是一篇介绍人物的说明文,介绍的Sonia和她的朋友Susan收集的物品。1句意:这篇文章是关于什么的?爱好。A. Ball games.球类比赛;B. Hobbies爱好;C. School girls.学校女孩;D. Tennis网球,选项A、C、D不全面,只有B选项符合题意。故答案选B。2句意:索尼娅喜欢做运动,但是苏珊不喜欢。根据文章第一段第二行She likes playing tennis以及第二段第三行But she doesnt play sports可知,应该是喜欢做运动,故答案选C。3句意:索尼娅和苏珊都有两个足球。根

    19、据第一段第二行She has ten tennis rackets, seven basketballs, four volleyballs and two soccer balls以及第二段第二行She also has two soccer balls可知,她们都有两个足球。故答案选D。4句意:索尼娅在学校的网球俱乐部。根据第一段最后一行she is in the school tennis club可知,在网球俱乐部,故答案选A。5句意:索尼娅和苏珊的收藏品是关于什么的?运动。根据文章第一段和第二段整体讲述的运动方面的收藏,故答案选C。5 In the world today, all

    20、of the people need to have fun when they are free. We cant work all the time if we are going to keep healthy and enjoy life. Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular form (形式) is to take part in sports. There are team sports, such as basketball and football. There are also indi

    21、vidual(个人的) sports, such as swimming and running. Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation (消遣) for people who like to be outdoors. Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to take part in them. Many people like watching them on TV or listening to them on the radio. So many people l

    22、ike some indoor relaxation, such as watching TV, singing and dancing. It doesnt matter if we like indoor recreation or take part in outdoor sports. It is important for everyone to relax from time to time, and enjoy some themselves.1Which is the most popular form of recreation?ASleeping. BWatching TV

    23、. CSports. DSinging and dancing.2People want to take part in sports to .Amake friends Bkeep healthy and enjoy lifeCfind a good job Dmake more money3Outdoor sports include .Awatching TV Bsinging and dancingClistening to the radio Dskating and mountain climbing4Why do many people like watching sports

    24、on TV or listening to them on the radio?ABecause they dont enjoy life.BBecause they dont enjoy sports.CBecause they like sports but they dont like to take part in them.DBecause they dont need recreation.5The passage (文章) mainly (主要) tells us that .Abasketball is a kind of team sportsBindoor recreati

    25、on is not as important as outdoor sportsCdifferent people have different ways of relaxingDeveryone who enjoys sports should take part in them1A2A试题分析:短文大意:所有的人都需要娱乐。如果我们要保持健康,享受生活,我们就不能一直工作。每个人都有他自己的放松方式。也许最流行的形式是参加体育运动。1A细节理解题。根据第二段中Everyone has his own way of relaxing. Perhaps the most popular for

    26、m (形式) is to take part in sports.可知每个人都有他自己的放松方式。所以该选A。2A细节理解题。根据生活常识可知人们参加体育活动主要是为了保持健康享受生活,所以该选A。3D细节理解题。根据第二段中Skating and mountain climbing are the most popular recreation for people who like to be outdoor.可知滑冰和爬山是最受人们欢迎的户外运动,所以该选D。4A细节理解题。根据第二段中Not everyone who enjoys sports likes to take part i

    27、n them. Many people like watching them on TV or listening to them on the radio.可知许多人喜欢在电视上看或听收音机是因为他们喜欢运动但不想参加运动,所以该选A。5C主旨大意题。仔细读短文可知所有的人都需要娱乐,但每个人都有他自己的放松方式,所以该选C。考点:考查健康保健类短文阅读。6Spanish DancingSpanish dancing is fun and easy to learn. Come and learn this wonderful dance from Spain.Place:John Smiths Date:July 131 Price:¥60Time:7:30pm9:30pm Tel:3012768Live Pop MusicEnjoy the music from Jay Chou(周杰伦),the famous pop singer. The music hall July2022Price¥200¥2508:00pm10:00pmShows_Daqian MuseumDaqian Museum has over 1,000 pieces on display her


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