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    1、pep六年级下册英语教案Teaching Plan of Grade6Unit 1Topic:How tall are you?Language systems:1.Lexis:形容词比较级形式:taller, shorter, older, younger, stronger, thinner, bigger, smaller, longer, heavier2.Grammar: How old/ tall/heavy are you? Im 11 years old. Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. Youre shorter than me . Youre 4 cm

    2、taller than me . Im thinner than you , and shorter.3.Function:认识形容词比较级的形式,学会用形容词比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或物,如:Im taller than you , but youre stronger than me.等;能用How old/ tall/heavy are you? Im 11 years old. Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. 询问别人 的年龄、身高及重量;并能借助长度及重量单位进行准确比较,如:Youre 4 cm taller than me . Im 1 year old

    3、er than you. 等。4.Phonology:了解音标/ei/、/ai/ /i/, 能够区分音标/p/与/b/, /t/与/d/的发音不同Language skills:1.Listening:能听有关形容词比较级的单词,能听懂用形容词比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或物的情况。2.speaking: 能询问别人 的年龄、身高及重量;能用形容词比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或物。3.reading:会读形容词比较级的单词,读懂有关比较的情况4.writing:会写形容词比较级的单词和询问别人的年龄、身高及重量的句子,会写有关自己和别人外貌比较的小短文。Objectives:一、能力目标1

    4、.学会用形容词比较级来谈论自己、朋友及其他人或物,如:Im taller than you , but youre stronger than me.等。2.学会用英文的长度和重量单位来描述人、物或动物的身高、长度和体重等。如:Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. A sperm whale is 35 ton.等。并能借助长度及重量单位进行精确地比较,如:Youre 4 cm taller than me .3.学会用本单元的目标语言分析比较调查的结果并做汇报。二、知识目标1.掌握A、B部分Lets learn Lets talk 的四会单词和句子。2.能够听、说、认读AB部分

    5、Lets talk,lets read 中的三会单词和句型。3.了解音标/ei/、/ai/ /i/ /p/与/b/, /t/与/d/的音和形,并能正确读出例词和完成read and match部分的连线活动。4.了解story time 、Good to know等部分的内容三、情感、策略、文化等有关目标1.情感态度:引导学生关注自己身边的人、事物及自然界中与我们共同生活的其他生命。2.学习策略:训练学生角色扮演能力;鼓励他们在调查、比较和分析过程中反思该如何扬长避短,让自己做得更好。3.文化目标:了解常见的长度和重量单位。Evidence:1.利用A.group work和B pair wo

    6、rk训练学生询问别人年龄、身高及重量能力,并能运用比较级来进行各方面的比较。2.利用A和B的lets play 都是让学生熟悉比较句型。3.利用A. B. Let try, 检测新学形容词比较级单词,并为将要学习的句型铺垫4.利用 Task time 检测综合运用几大句型的能力5.利用 pronunciation 来引导学生总结发音规律6.利用Story Time来激发学生学习英语的兴趣扩大他们的知识面。Procedures:The 1st lesson: Lets start/ Lets chant/A.B. Lets learn/A.B.lets play/Good to knowThe

    7、2nd lesson: A.B. Lets talk/Lets sing/A.B. lets try /task time /A group work/B pair workThe 3rd lesson: A Lets read pair work练习册相应练习The 4th lesson: B Lets read match and say练习册相应练习The 5th lesson: pronunciation, Story Time, Lets checkThe First Lesson (Part A B Lets learn)Specific vocabulary: taller, s

    8、horter, older, younger, stronger, thinner, bigger, smaller, longer, heavierSpecific target sentences: How old/ tall are you? Im 11 years old. Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. Youre shorter than me .Specific functional exponents: 能够听、说、认读单词:taller, shorter, older, younger, stronger, thinner, bigger, smaller

    9、, longer, heavier;能用句子How old/ tall/heavy are you? Im 11 years old. Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. 询问别人 的年龄、身高、重量并进行回答。同时能将自己和别人外貌进行简单的比较如:Im taller than you.等。Source of material: 1教师准备Lets start部分和主情景图的教学挂图。 2教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。3教师准备AB Lets learn单词卡片,准备课件。 4教师准备量身高和体重的工具。Assumptions: 在五年级时已学习过tall,short,ol

    10、d, young,strong, thin, long,big, small,只有heavy是新词,这对于学生学习这些词的比较级减轻了难度。Step 1 Warm up(热身)1、Lets chant课件显示,伴音吟唱2、Revise the numbers from 1 to 99 .并且以此来引出159、160等数字的读法。3、出示几幅人物图,T:Whos he/she? Whats he/she like ?引导学生用学过的形容词“tall,short,old, young,strong, thin, long,big, small”来描述人物。(在描述中复习了旧知识,为将要学的的新知识

    11、做好铺垫。)RStep 2 Presentation(新课呈现)1、Lets start(1)、T: How old/ tall/heavy are you?教师提供量身高和体重的工具让学生量度自己的身高和体重,并将其结果和自己的年龄记录在小卡片上。R2、Lets learn(1) 让学生根据自己制作的小卡片学会用英语来表达自己的年龄、身高和体重。如:Im 11 years old. Im 164 cm tall. Im 48 kg. (注意cm和kg的读法)R(2)、Pair work用句子How old/ tall/heavy are you? 来询问同桌的年龄、身高、重量并进行回答。R(

    12、3)、邀请几位学生上台,教师拿自己的信息跟他们分别作比较,引出新单词。如:Im 30 years old. Youre 12 years old. So. Im older than you. Youre younger than me .同上引出taller - shorter, stronger thinner, heavier lighter(此词可扩充学习)的学习。RA(4)、再邀请一位学生出来,教师将自己的手和手臂分别与其比较来引出bigger smaller, longer shorter 的学习。如:My hands are bigger than your hands . Yo

    13、ur hands are smaller than my hands .My arms are longer than your arms. Your arms are shorter than my arms. RA(5)、教师带读单词,让学生边读边找出形容词比较级的构成方式,总结归纳出形容词的比较级的构成方式有三种情况:第一种情况是在形容词的后面直接加“er”. 第二种情况是在形容词的后面双写最后的字母再加“er”如:thinner ;第三种情况是以辅音字母y结尾的词,先改“y”为“i”再加“er”,如:heavier。C(6)、跟录音读新词,注意形容词比较级单词末尾的辅音与er的连读。A

    14、Step 3 Practice(操练) A与B中的Lets play(意图: 让学生跟其他组员进行比较,熟悉形容词比较级的用法,对本课知识更为熟悉)CStep 4 Communication(1)PPT出现多种动物让学生进行比较,让他们能讲多少就讲多少,灵活运用。(2)让学生拿自己的文具与其它人的进行比较。(意图: 创设真实情境,让学生综合运用)CStep 5 Consolidatiion and extension(巩固和延伸)(1)做本单元A Lets learn部分的活动手册配套练习。(2)抄写所学的四会词组,一个抄两行。(3)尝试用句型“Im than ”来描述自己。The Secon

    15、d Lesson (Part A Lets talk)Specific vocabulary: than ,kg, Specific target sentences: Im one year older than you.Specific functional exponents: 询问别人身高,年龄,并能作比较Source of material: 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。教师准备单词卡片。学生课前测量好身高体重Assumptions: 询问别人身高,年龄,并能和自己或别人作比较Step 1 Warm-up1、Warm-up(1)学生听唱Letschant.(2)game1: 学生

    16、间比赛,说出相对的形容词 Game2: ppt 单词快速闪现,小组比赛(R)(设计意图:通过game 的游戏复习上一课时的重点内容,既激发学生的兴趣,又为新课学习做准备)2、Lets try (A)( 设计意图:把Lets try的内容作为学生练习听力的手段,可以有效地提高学生的听力。) Sstep2. Presentation(1)How tall are you?Im 164cm tall.引导学生回答,学习(2)做完后教师根据图片问How tall are you?请学生来回答。老师回答后接着说:Who is taller than you?请比较好的学生回答此问题。教师示范操练问句,教

    17、师问学生答,男女生互问,互答。再板书How tall are you? Im 164cm. Youre shorter than me.Youre 4cm taller than me.请学生做替换练习。(3)把图片出示给学生,让他们进行强化训练。例如:Zhang Peng is stronger than Mike.同桌或小组间互相练习。(4)学生听录音,跟读,练习对话(5)扩展 Group work 教师做个demo,学生用运用句型询问,填写表格,最后学生反馈结果Step3sum up and homework 抄写对话,并把做调查表过程中的对话写下来The 3rd Lesson (Par

    18、t A Lets read)Specific vocabulary: its , think , only , funnier.Specific target sentences: 听读:“ I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall. The monkey is shorter but you are funnier.”Specific functional exponents: 能够完成Pair work 部分的绘图并描述最好朋友的活动。Source of material: 教学图片,录音机/录音带、金太阳课件,对话中三只猴子的图片和一个小丑的

    19、头像,一张自己与好友的图片或蜡笔图画。.Anticipated problems: 本课时的教学重点是能够充分理解、正确朗读对话;难点是学生能够看懂、会朗读句子:“I think the little monkey is only 40cm tall. The monkey is shorter but you are funnier.”Step 1 Warm -up Listen to the song My Pet (设计意图:通过歌曲既能活跃课堂气氛,也能将学生的注意力迅速带回到课堂,为下面的学习做好准备。R)Step 2 Review1.学生分成小组,相互交流测量房间及房内物品获得的数

    20、据,选几组学生做汇报。2.Pair work请一名学生做示范,介绍照片或画有自己和朋友的蜡笔图画:This is my friend and this is me. Shes two years older than me. Shes taller than me. She has long hair and big eyes.(设计意图:复习已学过的重要句型,既能巩固好新知识,也能为学习短文做好准备。A R)Step 3 Presentation P6 Lets read1.出示小丑头像说:“ Look, I have a clown. What do you think of it? ”

    21、帮助学生回答:“Its funny. ” 再出示一张小猴的图片,说:“ Look at the monkey. What do you think of it? ” 帮助学生回答回答:“Its funny, too.” 教师接着问:“ Which one is funnier, the clown or the monkey?” 帮助学生表达自己的看法,如:“ I think the monkey is funnier.” 或“ I think the clown is funnier.” (提醒学生从funny 到funnier 的变化,可适当补充同类形容词比较级如happier,busie

    22、r等)。2. 出示另外两张猴子图片,贴黑板,说:“Look , there are 3 monkeys, Which monkey do you like? Why? ” 引导生给答案:“ I like the yellow one. Its taller than. I like the brown one. Its stronger than . I like the little one. Its .”3. 引出课文:“ Ben is watching monkeys at a zoo with his father now. What are the monkeys like? Whi

    23、ch monkey does Ben like? Lets read the dialouge. And find out how many monkeys can you see.”4. 1st reading: 找出文中有多少只猴子。5. 2nd reading: 圈出文中的比较级单词。6. 3rd reading: 完成课后填空。(设计意图:检测学生对课文的掌握情况。R)7. 4th reading: 画出生词难句。8.朗读课文,加深理解。(R)Step 4 Homework:朗读P6 lets read 两次,完成同步中相关的练习。The fourth Lesson (Part B L

    24、ets talk)Specific vocabulary: than , heavy, wear, size,Specific target sentences: How heavy are you? How big are your feet? How long are your legs?Specific functional exponents: 询问别人体重,腿长,鞋的码数,并能作适当比较Source of material: 教师准备录音机和本课时的录音带。教师准备单词卡片。学生课前测量好体重腿长及鞋码数Assumptions: 询问别人体重,腿长,鞋的码数,并能作适当比较Step

    25、1 Warm-up1、Warm-up(1)Letschant(2)competition game 复习形容词比较级(设计意图:通过game 的游戏复习上一课时的重点内容,既激发学生的兴趣,又为新课学习做准备)2、Lets try (B)( 设计意图:把Lets try的内容作为学生练习听力的手段,可以有效地提高学生的听力。) Step2. PresentationLetstalk(1)How heavy areyou?引导学生回答Im48kg.教师贴图片请学生将句子补充完整。(2)练习后教师再问:How tall areyou?生答:Im145cmtall.(请学生根据实际答案来回答。)(3

    26、)教师找一个比较胖的学生出来,说Im thinner than you,and taller重复两次,帮助学生消化理解。(4)学生听录音,跟读,练习对话(5)完成Lets Pairwork,说说要求,教师做demo,然后学生互相询问找答案,填入P8的表格中,指名交流。3、Consolidation and extension做本单元BLetstalk部分的活动手册配套练习。(6)sum up and homework 抄写对话,并把做调查表过程中的对话写下来The 5th Lesson (Part B Lets read)Specific vocabulary: squid, lobster,

    27、 shark, seal, whale 和单位词ton, meter, kg, cm. Specific target sentences: 听、说、认读:can dive into the deep cold water/ jump out of the water. Each up to 20 cm long. Source of material: 教学图片,录音机/录音带、金太阳课件,ppt, 学生调查有关鲸的资料。 .Anticipated problems: 本课时的教学重点是能够理解、会读文段内容;并能正确理解几个单位词:ton, meter, kg, cm.难点是本部分的语言知

    28、识含量大,需要帮助学生充分理解。一. Warm-up1.Free talk: Do you like animals? Whats your favourite animal?思想教育:Animals are our friends. We must love animals.2.Enjoy a song “Animals, Animals Are Everywhere” Pay attention to “What animals can you see?”( 设计意图:活跃课堂气氛,课前交流不但能复习已学过的单词和句型,并能为并新课作好铺垫和衔接,为新课的引入做好准备。)二.Pre-rea

    29、dingSs say out “They are whales” Lets watch the video about whales. 从而出课题并板书“Whales” T: Today were going to learn something about two kinds of whales: Sperm Whale and Killer Whale. (设计意图:直观的视频能增强学生对鲸的兴趣,从而更加愿意去阅读有关鲸的文章。)1.T: Boys and girls, whales look like fish. But are they fish? (学生自由猜测) (设计意图:阅读

    30、前让学生猜测,增加阅读短文的兴趣和吸引力, 并要求学生根据课前调查的资料回答问题。)三. While-reading 1. The first reading(扫读)T: Which one is heavier, the Sperm Whale or the Killer Whale? 学生带着问题阅读短文, After reading , Ss answer the question. 2The second reading(细读)T: Do you know anything about Sperm Whale and the Killer Whale? Now, please fill

    31、 in the form. Sperm Whale Killer WhaleLength: Weight: Teeth: Tail: Food: Skill: (设计意图:细读,培养学生获取信息和处理信息的能力,通过细读理解课文主要内容和细节信息。) 3The third reading (细读) Try to read the dialogue and solve the difficulties. (设计意图:让学生自己找出不懂的地方,能发挥学生学习的主动性,达到我要自己学的目的。) 4The fourth reading (细读) 布置阅读任务,学生带着任务,细读。判断:Tick or cross.1)Whales are small animals and they live in the sea.( ) 2)Sperm Whale can jump out of the water.( )3)Killer Whale can dive into the deep water.( ) 4)Killer Whale is heavier than the Sperm Whale.


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