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    1、马拉维静待开发的投资热土中英文版 中国投资非洲版号马拉维:静待开发的投资热土(中英文版) 中国投资·非洲版2016年12月号 欢迎读者朋友在文末“写留言”处,给我们评论建议,您的观点有机会刊登在下期“编读园地”一栏中,同时本刊将会赠送精美杂志一本。近年来,马拉维政府出台了“一站式中心”等投资便利化举措,制定了吸引外资的优惠政策,努力实现“从援助到贸易”、从“消费、进口国到制造、出口国”的转变。 非洲的“温暖之心” 投资兴业的热土 蓄势待发的中马合作 非洲的“温暖之心”马拉维,对多数国人来说,是一个遥远而陌生的国度。它地处非洲东南部腹地,国土面积118484平方公里,东部紧邻非洲第三大


    3、十分丰富,淡水鱼种类居世界各大湖泊之冠,其中80%的鱼类种类为特有物种,是旅游者潜水探险的理想胜地。除去风光旖旎的马拉维湖,马拉维境内直冲云霄的姆兰杰山以及星罗棋布的自然保护区和野生动物园,同样无不令人流连忘返。 投资兴业的热土马拉维2015年GDP总量约为65亿美元,人均GDP仅为381美元(世界银行数据),是世界上最不发达国家之一。然而,真正到过马拉维的人会发现,这里的都市车水马龙,这里的人民安居乐业,一派生机勃勃景象。事实上,马拉维虽然基础差,底子薄,但自然条件出众,社会安定团结,未来发展前景十分广阔,是非洲这块“希望的大陆”上一片静待开发的热土。我想,可以用三种颜色来形容马拉维的投资环

    4、境和潜力。第一种颜色是红色。在可预见的将来,马拉维将迎来可观的人口红利。一是总量大,目前马拉维总人口约为1700万,是撒哈拉以南非洲人口最密集的国家之一。二是结构年轻,马全国人口中一半以上不足15岁。三是成本低廉,其基本工资仅为国内的1/10左右。四是城市化进程刚刚起步,未来消费市场发展潜力巨大。只要有人气,生意就能红火,1700万马拉维老百姓是各国投资者的天然宝藏。 此外,马全国40%的土地为可耕种土地,盛产烟草、茶叶、咖啡、棉花等,渔业资源也十分丰富。作为传统农业国,马一年四季日照充足,马拉维湖为农业灌溉提供了取之不尽的水源,只要基础设施跟上,农业生产大有可为。丰富的人力资源加上优越的自然


    6、%。加工制造业尚未起步,金融、服务业等第三产业存在很多空白。大到工程机械,小到针头线脑,大部分生产生活物资都严重依赖进口。俗话说得好,“一张白纸好画图”。百业待兴的马拉维恰恰为创业者提供了施展的空间,使马拉维成为产能合作、投资兴业的潜在热土。近年来,马拉维政府出台了“一站式中心”等投资便利化举措,制定了吸引外资的优惠政策,努力实现“从援助到贸易”、从“消费、进口国到制造、出口国”的转变。在这张“白纸”上,我们已能够依稀看见指引马拉维更好发展的宏伟蓝图。 马拉维Thyolo茶园(CFP)蓄势待发的中马合作中国同马拉维于2007年底建立外交关系。建交近9年来,中马关系一直健康稳定发展,各领域务实合


    8、余名安徽企业家和300名马拉维当地企业家出席,双方达成了一系列合作意向和协议,为两国经贸关系发展注入新的活力。马拉维政府特别是穆塔里卡总统高度重视发展中马关系,多次提出要进一步加强同中国在政治、经贸和人文等领域的合作,充分发挥中马合作对马经济社会发展的重要促进作用。中马关系继续向前发展既是大势所趋,也是民心所向。随着去年底中非合作论坛约堡峰会的成功召开,中非构建起全面战略合作伙伴关系,中马关系发展将迎来新的历史性契机。我相信在中马两国人民的共同努力下,中马关系的未来定会更加美好。 (文 I 王世廷 中国驻马拉维大使 图片提供 I 中国驻马拉维大使馆) 英文版:Malawi: A Fertile

    9、 Land for Investment Waiting for Development By H.E. Mr. Wang Shiting; Chinese ambassador to Malawi; Translated by Xu Qinduo The warm heart of Africa The Fertile Landfor investment The cooperationbetween China and Malawi is coming into play The warmheart of AfricaTo most Chinese, Malawi is a remote

    10、and unknown country. With118,584 square kilometers of land , it is located in the hinterlands of southeast Africa. To its east , it is adjacent to Malawi Lake, the thirdlargest lake in Africa; while on the south, west and north , it is bounded by Mozambique, Zambia, and Tanzania respectively. Its sc

    11、enery is quite beautifulwith fantastic mountains and rivers, and more importantly, the people here arevery hardworking, simple, warm and hospitable, which wins Malawi the acclaim ofthe “warmheart of Africa”.Malawis climate is mild withmoderate rainfall. Even in its dry season, a boundless landscape

    12、of mountainsand lakes covered with lush plants can be seen everywhere; and when the rainyseason comes, the whole country turns green unknowingly with colorful flowersin full bloom. Such an incredible beauty is just like “a haven of peace and happiness” in Africa, which shows noresemblance to the hot

    13、 and desolate continent of our imagination.Malawi has a fabulous natural environment and rich tourismresources. Malawi Lake, covering one-fifth of its total land area, flows fromsouth to north, where the scenery is charming and attractive. While standingthere and watching the boundless ripples and w

    14、aves, you cant help thinking you haveentered into a fairyland floating in midair. The wildlife of the lake are abundant, and the quantity of itsfreshwater fish species tops all other great lakes in the world, with 80% ofthem endemic , which make it an idealplace for tourists to dive and explore. Bes

    15、ides this exquisite lake, the naturereserves and wild zoos dotted all over the country, as well as the high MountMulanje, are so magnificent thattourists cant tearthemselves away from them. The Fertile Land for investmentIn 2015, its totalGDP was about $6.5 billion, but its GDPper capita is only $38

    16、1 (according to the World Bank), so it is one of theleast developed countries. But on the other hand, if you have a chance to visitit, you may find that it is a country full of vigor, where people live and workin peace and contentment with heavy traffic on the streets. As a matter of factthough, for

    17、 the time being, its infrastructure is poor, and development isfalling behind, the future growth opportunities are enormous considering itsoutstanding natural conditions and secure social environment. Thus, it isreally a fertile land waiting to be developed in the continent of hope. According to myu

    18、nderstanding, three colors can be used to describe its investment environmentand potentials.The first color is red. In the foreseeable future, Malawi will be onthe threshold of a significant demographic dividend. First, there will be ahuge increase in its population. Its current population is around

    19、 17 million,which is already one of the most densely populated countries in Sub-SaharanAfrica. Secondly, young people account for a considerable proportion of thepopulation, and more than half of them are less than fifteen years old.Thirdly, its labor cost is quite low, and the basic salary is only

    20、one-tenth ofours. Fourthly, since the process of urbanization has just started, theconsumer market in the future will have a huge potential. As we all know, aslong as there is popularity, business will be booming, so definitely the 17million people in Malawi will be an attraction to all investors.Fu

    21、rthermore, 40% of its land is arable, abound with tobacco, tea,coffee and cotton; and its fishery resources are also abundant. As atraditionally agricultural country, it enjoys enough sunshine throughout theyear, while Malawi Lake provides an inexhaustible supply of water foragricultural irrigation.

    22、 Therefore, agricultural production will have abrilliant future when the infrastructure is improved. All in all, favorablehuman resources and natural conditions offer great chances for the countrys economic development andwill surely attract more and more foreign investors to make their fortune here

    23、.The second color is blue, which is the symbol of peace. Based on therisk assessment of different countries in the world issued by the ConsularDepartment of Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs , the whole area of Malawi ison the grade of blue, which means its security situation is quite good. Sincei

    24、t became independent 52 years ago, no war, civil unrest or militaryintervention has ever happened, and the political situation has been stable . Presidential elections have beencarried out successfully five times, andeach time power was transferredsmoothly, which is quite rare among many turbulent A

    25、frican countries. Such apeaceful and secure environment sets investors at ease, so with the deepening of opening to the outsideworld, there is no doubt that more investors are coming here to seek businessopportunities.The third color is white, because being a least developed country as determined by

    26、 the UN, it is stilla blank page in many fields. Traditionally, it is an agricultural country, and80% of its people are farmers; while on the other hand, its manufacturingindustry has not yet started, and finance and the service sector are almostnon-existent. Most products and living materials, no m

    27、atter whether they areengineering machinery or odds and ends of sewing, are heavily dependent onimports. As the saying goes: “Ona blank sheet of paper, the most beautiful things can be drawn.”Malawi, whose industries areall waiting to be developed, not only sets the stage for entrepreneurs, butalso

    28、is becoming a potential hotspot forcooperation on production capacity and investment. In recent years, Malawisgovernment has come up with manyfavorable policies, such as a one-stop-centre in order to make investmenteasier and to attract more foreign capital. The aim is to realize a leap from assista

    29、nce to trade and “from consumption and import toproduction and export”.Therefore, on this sheet of blank paper, a blueprint for its rapid developmentcan be expected soon.The cooperation between China and Malawi is coming into playIn 2007, China established diplomatic relations with Malawi, and inthe

    30、 past nine years, the relationship has developed smoothly. The cooperation in many fields is very quick andpragmatic with fruitful results. A large number of large projects built orfunded by the Chinese side, such as the Malawi house of Parliament, five-starhotels, an international conference centre

    31、, the presidential villa,Kalunga-Chitipa highway, the University of Science and Technology of Malawi,and Bingou National Stadium, have greatly improved Malawis infrastructure conditions,and actually they have become the countrys “businesscards”, ofwhich the local citizens are so proud. In the meanti

    32、me, the Chinese side alsohelped Malawi build schools, wells and other small livelihood-relatedfacilities, which can be seen all over the country and have effectively bettered the peoples living conditions.In January 2016, Chinese foreign minister Wang Yi chose Malawi ashis first stop of this yearsvi

    33、sit. During his visit, he met with Malawis President Mutharika, and Mr. George sand Punda, theforeign minister at that time, and they reached a broad consensus on thefurther development of bilateral relations. In June this year, the ChineseEmbassy in Malawi, Malawisindustry, trade and tourism department, as well as Anhui Provinc


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