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    九年级英语Unit The world新目标教案 新课标 人教版.docx

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    九年级英语Unit The world新目标教案 新课标 人教版.docx

    1、九年级英语Unit The world新目标教案 新课标 人教版2021年九年级英语Unit11 The world新目标教案 新课标 人教版一、重点词组1. be impressed by 对印象深刻2. Its impossible for sb to do sth 对某人来说做某事是不可能的3. break into pieces 裂成碎片4. join A to B 把A和B连接在一起5. move away from 从移走6. push hard into 用力挤压到中7. be covered with / by 被覆盖8. break away from 挣脱、脱离9. on

    2、the other side 另一方面10. stand for 代表11. Thats why 那就是为什么12. eastern coast 东海岸13. less than 不到二、重点难点分析1. Well , thats a long story . 说来话长。story一词在不同的上下文中有不同的用法,翻译上需要灵活掌握。例如:Later he was killed in a car accident . That , however , was another story .后来他死于车祸,但那是另一回事。To make a long story short , they mar

    3、ried and lived happily长话短说,他们结婚了而且生活得很幸福。2. How e ? 怎么回事?How e 用来询问某事的发生是怎么回事?例如:How e they came late yesterday ? 昨天他们迟到是怎么回事?How e he broke his head ? 他怎么碰破头的?How e they didnt stay at home yesterday evening ?昨天晚上他们没有在家是怎么回事?3. I booked a ticket beforehand . 我事先预定了一张票。beforehand是“预先、事先”的意思。反意词为behin

    4、dhand。例如:When you go on a journey , it is a good thing to be beforehand with your packing .当你出门旅行的时候,最好老早把行李包装好。Book在这里是动词,其意思为“预定(座、票、房间)”例如:If you want to book a ticket , you have to stand in line .如果你想订票,你不得不排队等候。Im going to book a room for you. 我准备为你去定一房间.4. These plates are beneath the seas and

    5、 continents of the world .这些版块在世界海洋和大陆的下面。beneath是介词,表示“在(位置、场所)的底下”eg. The ground beneath my feet was soft . 我脚下的地面很软。Lets have a rest beneath the tree . 让我们在树下休息。5. Then it started to break into pieces .后来,它(连成一体的大陆)开始分裂成若干块(陆地)break into pieces的意思是“破碎、破裂成碎片”break into还有“闯入,侵入”的意思,例如:The robber br

    6、oke into his house and took away a lot of money.强盗闯进了他家并拿走了很多的钱。此外与break搭配的短语还有:break down(坏了、损坏)break out(爆发)6. What is going to happen in 50 million years time ?五千万年以后会发生什么变化呢?in years time的意思是“过多少年之后”,同样的, in hours/ days/weekstime表示“过多少小时/天/星期之后”。例如:I will be back from Europe in two weeks time .我

    7、两周后将从欧洲回来。7. Part of East Africa will break away from the rest of Africa .东非的一部分将与非洲的其余部分分离。break away from是“挣脱,脱离,离开或(突然)逃走”的意思。例如:The thief tried to break away from the policeman , but he failed .小偷尽力从警察手中挣脱,但他失败了。rest在此处是名词,意思是“剩余、其余”总是与定冠词the连用。例如:The rest of the money was spent on pens . 那笔钱剩下的

    8、部分用来买钢笔。The old man want to spend the rest of my life in country.这个老人想在乡下度过自己的余生。8. Thats why the islands were named “ Indies” .那就是为什么这些岛被命名为印度群岛。这里要注意区分That s because 和Thats why .前者表示“那就是因为”,后边加原因状语.后者表示“那就是为什么”,后边加结果状语。例如:He missed the early bus . Thats why he was late .他错过了第一班车。那就是为什么他迟到了。He was

    9、late . That s because he missed the early bus .他迟到了。那是因为他错过了第一班车。三.习题检测与解析I. 从栏中找出栏各句话的恰当答语。 ( )1.Did you have a good time at my birthday party? A Yes,I am( )2.How is Kate? B Of course,if you wish( )3.What subject should I talk about? C At half past four( )4.May I call you Jim? D Yes, thanks( )5.Wha

    10、t time shall we meet? E She is OK( )6.Excuse meAre you a new student? F Choose any subject Something about England, for example.II. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。1.Thank you very much for _ us so well(teach)2.Jims parents gave him both of his other _(name)3.September is the _ month of the year(nine)4.What about _

    11、 to the Great Wall next Sunday?(go)5.Who is going to give _ a talk next Monday afternoon?(they)6.Whats the weather like today?Its _(cloud)7.The _ are playing football over there(child)8.This room is _ than that one(big)III. 选用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。visit, be, swim, with, for, buy, go, give, find, watch1.My

    12、friends often call me Tom _ short2.The students _ the old man next Sunday3.When _ he _ the book?Two days ago4.Look!Someone _ in the river now5._ quiet!The baby is sleeping6.Mike _ TV every evening7.Youd better _ home at onceIts late now8.Here are some flowers for you,_ our best wishes9._ you _ your

    13、English teacher a card for Teachers Day last Week?10.Wheres my pen?I cant _ itIV. 阅读理解。Everything has a nameAll people,places,and things have namesFor example,Jenny is the name of a student from EnglandEngland is the name of her countryCities and towns have names,tooSchools and office buildings also

    14、 have manesAll things have namesFor example,tomato,potato and bean are names of vegetableApple,orange and banana are names of fruitsNames are important We use names every dayWhen we meet a new person,we usuallyask:Whats your name?quot;Its important to learn a persons nameMost people have two namesSo

    15、me people have more namesNames are different all over the worldIn Jennysclass,Jenny must learn the names of students from all over the worldThis is very difficult because the names are different In the USA,most people have a first name,a middle name,and a last nameParents choose the first and middle

    16、 names for their babyThere are names for boys and names for girlsFor example,John,Peter,Tom and Mike are all names for boysElizabeth,Betty,Susan,and Mary are all names for girlsThe last name is the family nameUsually it is the fathers family nameIn a family,the mother,the father,and thechildren usua

    17、lly have the same last nameSometimes a person has a nickname(绰号,昵称),tooA nickname is a special(特有的)nameIt is not a persons real nameAbrahamLincolns nickname was Honest AbeAn honest person always tells the truth,and Abe is short for AbrahamBecause he was an honest person, his nickname was Honest AbeP

    18、ele(贝利)is a nickname,tooThe football players real name is Edison Arantes de Nascimento,but everyone calls him PeleDo you have a nickname? Names are different all over the worldThey can be long or short,but they are always very important( )1.Why does everything have a name?Because_A it is very intere

    19、sting to have a nameB it is very easy to be rememberedC it is very easy to be told from othersD both B and C( )2.It is difficult to learn names all over the world because _A there are many names all over the worldB the name in different countries are differentC some names are very short,some are ver

    20、y longD some people have nicknames( )3.Which of the following is true?A Its easy for Jenny to learn the names of her classmatesB There is no difference between girls names and boys namesC Jenny doesnt want to learn the names very wellD Its difficult to learn the names because they are different( )4.

    21、What names are for girls?A George,Linda,Susan B Tom,Jill,CandyC Elizabeth,Betty,Mary D Peter,Jeff,Jack( )5.Usually the last name is _ family nameA the fathers B the mothersC the grandparents D grandmothers答案:I.1.D 2.E 3.F 4.B 5.C 6.AII.1.teaching 2.names 3.ninth 4.going 5.them 6.cloudy 7.children 8.biggerIII. 1.for 2.will visit/are going to visit 3.did,buy 4.is swimming 5.Be 6.watches 7.go 8.with 9.Did,give 10.findIV.1.D 2.B 3.D 4.C 5.A22592 5840 塀32862 805E 聞T738220 954C 镌140368 9DB0 鶰u22677 5895 墕g32500 7EF4 维


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