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    1、考研英语阅读题源之经济学人精选文章之四汇总经济学家读译参考 考研英语阅读题源之经济学人精选文章TEXT 4A question of standards一个关乎标准的问题Feb 9th 2006From The Economist Global Agenda More suggestions of bad behaviour by tobacco companies. Maybe 也许,烟草公司对那些不良行为应多提点建议 ANOTHER round has just been fought in the battle between tobacco companies and those wh

    2、o regard them as spawn of the devil. In a paper just published in the Lancet, with the provocative title “Secret science: tobacco industry research on smoking behaviour and cigarette toxicity”, David Hammond, of *Waterloo University1 in Canada and Neil Collishaw and Cynthia Callard, two members of P

    3、hysicians for a Smoke-Free Canada, a lobby group, criticise the behaviour of British American Tobacco (BAT. They say the firm considered manipulating some of its products in order to (1 make them low-tar in the eyes of officialdom while they actually delivered high tar and nicotine levels to smokers

    4、.烟草公司与那些视其为“魔鬼之子”的人之间刚刚又进行了新一轮的交锋。新近出版的柳叶刀刊登了 一篇题目颇具煽动性的论文秘密科研烟草业开展对吸烟行为和香烟毒性的研究 ,作者是加拿大沃 特鲁大学的戴维哈蒙德以及加拿大一个名为 “无烟加拿大医师” 游说团的两名成员尼尔科里肖和辛西娅 加拉德。他们对英美烟草公司的行为提出了批评,称该公司拟对某些烟草产品进行处理,企图让监督部 门误以为其焦油含量低,而实际上这些产品仍会使得烟民吸收高浓度的焦油和尼古丁。It was and is no secret, as BAT points out, that people smoke low-tar cigarett

    5、es differently from high-tar ones. The reason is that they want a decent dose of the nicotine which tobacco smoke contains. They therefore *pull2 a larger volume of air through the cigarette when they *draw on3 a low-tar rather than a high-tar variety. (2 The extra volume makes up for the lower conc

    6、entration of the drug.正如英美烟草公司所指出, 人们吸低焦油含量香烟的感觉不同于高焦油含量香烟, 这在过去和现在都不是 什么秘密。 这是因为他们需要烟草中含有适量尼古丁, 抽低焦油品种的香烟时所吸入的空气含量也因此比 抽高焦油品种的香烟时高, (译者注:也就是说,尼古丁含量过高,烟就很难吸,不容易抽得动。 而这高 出来的空气含量也弥补了瘾性物质(尼古丁的不足。But a burning cigarette is a complex thing, and that extra volume has some unexpected consequences. In parti

    7、cular, a bigger draw is generally a faster draw. (3 That pulls a higher proportion of the air inhaled through the burning tobacco, rather than through the paper sides of the cigarette. This, in turn, means more smoke per unit volume, and thus more tar and nicotine. The nature of the nicotine may cha

    8、nge, too, with more of it being in a form that is easy for the body to absorb.不过, 一支点燃的卷烟可是一个复杂的玩意儿, 并且空气量增加也会带来意想不到的结果, 特别是当我们 大口吸烟时往往会很快抽完一支烟, 此时所吸入的空气更多来自于燃烧的烟草而非卷烟纸侧。 因而, 这就 意味着每多吸一口空气, 就会多吸一口焦油和尼古丁。 多数尼古丁都以一种易被人体吸收的形式存在, 因 此尼古丁的性质也可能发生改变。经济学家读译参考According to Dr Hammond and his colleagues, a ser

    9、ies of studies conducted by BATs researchers between 1972 and 1994 quantified much of this. The standardised way of analysing cigarette smoke, as *laid down4 by the International Organisation for Standardisation (ISO, which regulates everything from computer code to greenhouse gases, uses a machine

    10、to make 35-millilitre puffs, drawn for two seconds once a minute. The firms researchers, by contrast, found that real smokers draw 50-70ml per puff, and do so twice a minute. (4 Dr Hammondss conclusion is drawn from the huge body of documents disgorged by the tobacco industry as part of various lega

    11、l settlements that have taken place in the past few years, mainly as a result of disputes with the authorities in the United States.据哈蒙德医生及其同事们称, 英美烟草公司的研究员已于 1972年到 1994年间通过一系列研究对上述大部 分问题进行了定量检测。卷烟烟尘分析的标准方法,是由国际标准化组织(ISO ,该组织可对包括计算机 代码和温室气体在内的所有问题作出规定制定的,此法利用一台机器喷发出 35毫升的烟雾,受试者每 分钟吸一次、每次持续 2秒即可吸完。以

    12、此为对照,英美公司研究员发现,真正的烟民每分钟 2次即可吸 完 50至 70毫升烟雾。 哈蒙德医生是从烟草业提供的大量文献中得出这一结论的。 过去几年烟草业与美国 当局一直僵持不下,遂签署了各类法律协议。作为其中的一项内容,烟草业被迫拱手交出这些文献。Dr Hammond suggests, however, the firm went beyond merely investigating how people smoked. A series of internal documents from the late 1970s and early 1980s shows that BAT a

    13、t least thought about applying this knowledge to cigarette design. A research report from 1979 puts it thus: “There are three major design features which can be used either individually or in combination to manipulate delivery levels; filtration, paper permeability, and filter-tip ventilation.” A co

    14、nference paper from 1983 says, “The challenge would be to reduce the mainstream nicotine determined by standard smoking-machine measurement while increasing the amount that would actually be absorbed by the smoker” . Another conference paper, from 1984, says: “ (5 We should strive to achieve this ef

    15、fect without appearing to have a cigarette that cheats the league table. Ideally it should appear to be no different from a normal cigarette.It should also be capable of delivering up to 100% more than its machine delivery.”不过哈蒙德医生表示,英美公司所调查的不仅仅人们的吸烟方式。英美公司上世纪 70年代末、 80年代初 的一系列内部文献表明,该公司至少曾考虑过将这一知识用

    16、于卷烟设计。 1979年的一份研究报告上这样 说道:“可分别或联合应用与设计有关的三个要素, 即过滤、 烟卷包装纸的通透性以及过滤嘴的通气效果, 来控制焦油和尼古丁的释放水平。 ” 1983年一份会议论文也提到, “关键在于,要在提高吸烟者尼古丁实 际吸收量的同时,减少可被标准检测方法测定到的含量。 ” 1984年另一份会议论文说:“我们应当努力达 到这一效果并能在检测中蒙混过关。理想化的结果是,这种香烟看上去应与一般香烟无任何差异 并 且释放的尼古丁及焦油量要比机器释放的高出 100%。 ”None of the documents discovered by the three resea

    17、rchers shows that BAT actually did redesign its cigarettes in this way, and the firm denies that it did. However, BATs own data show that some of its cigarettes delivered far more nicotine and tar to machines which had the characteristics of real smokers than to those which ran on ISO standards. In

    18、the most extreme example, in a test carried out in 1987, the “real smoking” machine drew 86% more nicotine and 114% more tar from Players Extra Light than the ISO machine detected, although smoke intake was only 27% higher.三名研究人员发现的文献中没有一篇表明英美公司确曾采用这种方法对其生产的卷烟进行了改良, 而且该 公司也矢口否认这么干过。英美公司内部资料显示,其生产的某些

    19、卷烟向机器(具有实际吸烟者特征释 放的尼古丁和焦油量远远超出 ISO 标准。最为极端的例子是,在 1987年进行的一项实验中, “真吸烟”机 器从 Players Extra Light牌卷烟中吸收的尼古丁和焦油量比 ISO 仪器实际检测到的量分别高出 86%和 经济学家读译参考 114%,而烟雾摄入量仅高 27%。(6 Regardless of how this bcolor=#0000FF*came about5, the irony is that low-tar brands may have ended up causing more health problems than hi

    20、gh-tar ones./color/b As one of BATs medical consultants put it as early as 1978, “ Perhaps the most important determinant of the risk to health or to a particular aspect of health is the extent to which smoke is inhaled by smokers. If so, then deeply inhaled smoke from low-tar-delivery cigarettes mi

    21、ght be more harmful than uninhaled smoke from high-tar cigarettes.” The firm, meanwhile, points out that the ISO test has been regarded as unreliable since 1967, and says its scientists have been part of a panel that is working on a new ISO standard.不管事实真相是怎样的, 具有讽刺意味的是, 低焦油卷烟竟然比高焦油卷烟可能更有损于健康。 正如一名

    22、英美公司医学顾问 1978年所言, “也许, 吸烟者吸烟时的深浅度是危及健康或者健康某一特定方面的最重 要决定性因素。 若果真如此, 从低焦油卷烟中深深吸入的烟对人的危害可能比高焦油卷烟中未被吸入的烟 更大。 ”与此同时,英美公司指出,自 1967年以来, ISO 的试验一直都被认为是不可靠的。并且言称其公 司的科学家们已加入某评估委员会,正在研究制定新的 ISO 标准。注释:1Waterloo:在比利时中部靠近布鲁塞尔的城镇, 为拿破仑 1815年 6月 18日遭到决定性失败的 “滑铁卢” ; 而在加拿大安达略省东南部和美国衣阿华州东北部各有一座城市,一般译名为“沃特鲁” ,以示区分。 2p

    23、ull: 深吸 ; 对烟或饮料大口的吸或喝3draw on: 吸收4lay down: 规定,制定5come about: 发生抛砖引玉请对文中划线短句给出您的译法(对应序号 :(1 make them low-tar in the eyes of officialdom(2 The extra volume makes up for the lower concentration of the drug.(3 That pulls a higher proportion of the air inhaled through the burning tobacco, rather than t

    24、hrough the paper sides of the cigarette.(4 Dr Hammondss conclusion is drawn from the huge body of documents disgorged by the tobacco industry as part of various legal settlements that have taken place in the past few years, mainly as a result of disputes with the authorities in the United States.(5

    25、We should strive to achieve this effect without appearing to have a cigarette that cheats the league table.(6 Regardless of how this came about, the irony is that low-tar brands may have ended up causing more health problems than high-tar ones.考研英语作文万能模板本人提供超强考研英语万能大作文模板, 极适合英语基础差或对 考研英语作文头疼的同学, 本人今

    26、年考上的研究生, 英语基础非常差, 要是自己写可以说一个完整没错的句子都写不出, 但使用此套模板考 得很高却理想。本 考研英语作文模板,超强!本人已考上研究生,现有考研英语超 强作文万能模板,本套模板含四篇,含盖了四大类不同形式,本套模 板句型复杂多变,需填文字极少!而且不论考什么题目都能用!保证 大作文 16+(满分 20不但能使您做文拿个高分,而且节约了大量 时间做别的题目!此万能模板决对不同于辅导班的作文,本人也上过 时光! ! ! 只有一,绝对超值了!比 花几百上个辅导班却没什么效果不知强多少倍!简单的说使用此模板需要你写的只有两句话加一个短 语:一句描写图画内容, 一句点明图画的思想

    27、, 还有一个词就 是中心词,使用很方便。买模板一并赠送详细使用方法说明。 大家关心的关于考研作文的一些问题:1 考研英语跟英语四六级的差异? 根据我当时考的经验,确实英语四六级考得很好的最后考研英语成绩却不如差得,我感觉 这是因为他们准备不充分导致的,英语好的往往认为自己英语好,四六级都考得很好,就一 步步扎实复习了,而学的差的往往作文都会准备模板去套,结果考得挺好,实际英语好的是 没认清考研作文跟四六级的巨大区别,还是按四六级的来导致成绩很不理想,考研大作文要 求是很高的, 不光要写得出, 而且要求句式复杂多变, 并使用高级词汇, 而且字数要求也多, 否则即使写出也得不了高分,而且考试时间还

    28、紧,很多人因为作文耗费了大量时间导致别的 没来得及答或直接蒙了.2考研英语为什么要使用模板?大家知道考研英语难,而作文占得分值又很大,并且考研大作文要求高(话题难、字数要 求多、句式要求复杂多变、词汇要求用高级的等,而且考试时间又紧,不使用模板是很难 得到一个理想分数的,你们也可以先拿一个考研英语真题的作文写一下,看要用多长时间, 写出的质量怎么样。3考研英语为什么能使用作文模板?考研英语作文虽然非常难,但长期以来却形式很八股,不像四六级那样灵活多变,这也就 决定我们可以使用模板,而且英语考试毕竟更注重语言而非思想,所以我们完全可以做出好 的作文模板。4网上也能找到很多作文模板,此模板有什么特

    29、别之处?经济学家读译参考 是的,网上也能找到很多作文模板,但都不能令人满意,要不我们也不用一遍又一遍 的搜寻作文模板,下了一个又一个,虽然有些相对较好,但都不能满意,我想主要原因有这 些:网上的模板大多只提供了个纲或骨架,很多句子还需要你自己去写,这对于英语基础较 差写英语句子很困难的人来说无疑是个艰难的任务,另外网上的模板通用性不好,与考研作 文的配合性不好,将考研作文带进去后比较牵强别扭等等,这都是网上模板的不足。而本模 板就很好的解决了这些问题,所需自己写的极少,通用性极强,且经本人考试实践,相当实 用! 另外关键的问题是网上的模板就那几个,在各大考研论坛、资料网站到处都是,被全国 人民所下载使用,而且那些模板从几年前就有,不知被全国人民用了多少年了,使用那些模 板考试效果可想而知,老师浏览一下就心中有数,根本不用详读,分数就出来了,难以达到 使用模板的高分的目的。 考研英语作文万能模板 Page 6 of 6


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