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    1、专业英语结课论文Civil engineering【Abstract】Each subject has its own characteristics, has its looks be like simple, also has the depths of it is not easy to be seen, so is civil engineering. Former classmates go to college is specially for civil engineering specialty, the course of civil engineering course,

    2、also let me have some understanding on this major. At the same time also let me see what I learn math major also played a role in civil engineering, is not only I learned about his felt sure, also have some interest in civil engineering.【Keyword】Civil engineering Building construction development【In

    3、troduction】 Civil engineering is accompanied by the development of human society and developed. It has built facilities reflect the various historical periods of social economy, culture, science and technology development, and civil engineering has become one of the witness of social historical deve

    4、lopment.1. The concept of civil engineeringCivil engineering is to build all kinds of engineering facilities of science and technology. It refers to the application of materials, equipment and conducted the survey, design, construction, maintenance and other technical activities, also refers to the

    5、object of the construction of the project (i.e. to build on the ground or underground, on land or water, directly or indirectly for human life, production, military, scientific research and service of all kinds of engineering facilities, such as houses, roads, railways, transportation pipelines, tun

    6、nels, Bridges, canals, DAMS, ports, power stations, airports, Marine platform, water supply and drainage and protective engineering, etc.). The purpose of civil engineering is needed to form the human production and life, good function and comfortable and beautiful space and channels. Symbol is both

    7、 the need of material things, but also spiritual needs. With the development of the society, more and more large-scale, complicated engineering structure, high-rise buildings, super large bridge, giant dam, complex subway system, meet the demand of peoples life, at the same time evolution as a symbo

    8、l of the social power.2. The main content of the civil engineering and functionCivil engineering is the use of the art of the great natural resources for human benefit (London royal charters of the institution of civil engineers to clarify the definition of) it includes construction engineering, bri

    9、dge engineering, underground engineering, road and railway engineering, port, Marine and environmental engineering, water supply and drainage, disaster prevention and mitigation and many other content. Civil engineering involves the content can be is closely related to life. Industry, agriculture, t

    10、ransportation, communication, education and other undertakings, is inseparable from the civil engineering. Such as factories, mines, iron Road, roads, Bridges, shops, homes, hospitals, schools, such as irrigation and water conservancy project construction, generally referred to as the basic construc

    11、tion of place is civil engineering. Civil engineering directly with people food, clothing, shelter, the line is closely related, is one of the oldest subjects, but it is accompanied by the development of other related disciplines, deepening the needs of economic construction and social progress, con

    12、tinue to expand.3. the history of Civil engineering The history of China civil engineering constructionIn ancient times, Chinas ancient are cave, in order to avoid the beast, a nests legendary inventor of the nest (China), to teach the ancients leave natural caves, the wood for the nest, in a tree.

    13、In ancient China civil engineering in materials such as earth, stone, wood, construction technology and art style reached high levels of achievement at that time. Like the Great Wall, the zhaozhou bridge, dujiangyan, etc are representative of the Chinese ancient civil engineering masterpiece The his

    14、tory of world civil engineering construction In Europe, about 8000 years ago, has started using sun-dried brick; The adoption of natural stone chisel cut around 5000 to 6000 years ago; As for the fire in the building brick, also has a history of 3000 years. Great ancient buildings of the world, reco

    15、gnized as the seven wonders of the most spectacular, they are all built in 600 BC to 600 BC, and all are stone, mostly used in religion, military, and sailing. And are built in the economy, science and technology is very developed area, indicates that the development of civil engineering and economi

    16、c prosperity, science and technology progress is inseparable. 4. The current situation of civil engineering The world situation In the middle of the 19th century, with the start using in steel and concrete in civil engineering, and the success of Concrete manufacturing in the late 1920 s, build skys

    17、crapers and large span buildings and more than 1000 m across the straits bridge possible. At present, the worlds tallest building is the Chinese Taipei 101 tower, total height is 508 m. The vigorous development of modern sports, also makes the large span buildings have sprung up all over the world.

    18、Chinas current situation Review of the 20th century especially for 2 years of reform and opening-up, our country construction made remarkable achievements. After the reform and opening up built many tall buildings in the Chinese mainland, is currently the highest building in our country is the world

    19、s fourth Shanghai jinmao tower. In terms of special structure, our country has 4 TV tower in the worlds top ten, which built in 1995, Shanghai Oriental pearl TV tower at a height of 468 m ranks third in the world. To welcome the 2008 Olympic Games, Beijing will be the construction of a large number

    20、of large-span super-long buildings, like the national stadium birds nest structure, national swimming center water cube, national grand theatre, etc. No matter in the reform of engineering structure, building function used, new technology and new materials and reasonable use of organization construc

    21、tion, or in the seismic analysis and computer program applications and the research on seismic control test, have reached the international advanced level in our country.5. The characteristics of the modern civil engineering To meet the needs of all kinds of engineering construction rapid developmen

    22、t, people need to build large-scale, big span, tall, light, large, precision equipment, modern buildings, requires both high quality and rapid construction, and high economic benefits. This puts forward new task to the civil engineering, and promote the civil engineering discipline. The trend of its

    23、 specific surface now the following several aspectsBuilding materials High-strength lightweight new materials appear constantly. Lighter than steel, aluminum alloy, magnesium alloy and glass fiber reinforced plastic (FRP) has begun. But some of these materials elastic modulus is low, some prices are

    24、 too high, application scope is limited, so is yet to be made a new exploration. In addition, to improve the strength and durability of the steel and concrete, has made remarkable achievements, continue to progress.Engineering geology and the foundationConstruction area of engineering geology and th

    25、e structure of the foundation and its in the natural state of stress and mechanical properties, not only directly decided to base the design and construction, are often related to engineering facilities location, structure system and the choice of building materials, influence is even greater for un

    26、derground engineering. The foundations of engineering geology and exploration techniques, the main is still a field drilling sampling, analysis, laboratory test, this is have certain limitations. In order to adapt to the needs of modern large-scale construction, eager to use modern science and techn

    27、ology to create new survey method.The planning of the project The overall plan for the past is often with engineering experience put forward several proposals and selection. Due to the increasing the scale of civil engineering facilities, now has the necessary it is also possible using system engine

    28、ering theory and method to improve the level of planning. Major in civil engineering, such as large DAMS, will cause the change of natural environment, affect the ecological balance and agricultural production and so on, the social effect of this kind of project is both advantages and disadvantages.

    29、 In the planning, to avoid disadvantages must make a comprehensive consideration. Engineering Efforts to make the design as far as possible in line with the actual situation, to apply, safe, economic and beautiful the concept of purpose. For this, has started using probability and statistics to anal

    30、yze the load and material strength value is determined, the nature of the wind and waves, the waves in time and space distribution and statistical law, actively develop reflect large inelastic, structure deformation of materials, structural dynamic and structural and geotechnical analysis of interac

    31、tion of further research and improvement of structure reliability limit state design method and structure optimization design theory; Development at the same time using highly efficient calculation and design method of the electronic computer, etc. Engineering construction With the expansion of civi

    32、l engineering and construction of the resulting to many kinds of tools, equipment, machinery, automation, large-scale development, the construction is increasingly towards mechanization and automation. At the same time, organization and management began using system engineering theory and methods, b

    33、ecomes increasingly scientific; Some engineering facilities continue to trend structure and components for the construction of standardization and industrialization production. In this way, not only can reduce cost, shorten the construction period, improve labor productivity, and can solve the problem of special conditions o


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