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    1、仁爱版八年级英语下册U7T1p3精品教学设计Unit 7 Food festivalTopic1 Were preparing for a food festival.教学内容分析及课时分配建议:本单元的主要内容围绕美食节展开。第一话题的主要内容是筹备美食节,从讨论筹备原因入手,到了解不同国家的饮食文化,融入功能项目里的“提建议”、“征求意见”、“赞美”和“邀请”等社交语言。倡导学生在学习的同时,学会关心,帮助世界上其他国家需要帮助的人,从而树立正确的人生观和价值观。本话题的语法重点是that引导的宾语从句。本话题建议用5个课时来完成。第一课时:Section A-1a, 1b, 1c, 1d

    2、, 3第二课时:Section A-2 Section B-1a,1b,1c,3a,3b第三课时:Section B-2 Section C-1a,1b,1c第四课时:Section D-3,Section C-2,3, Section D-2第五课时:Section D-Grammar and focus, 1a, 1b, Project 第三课时(Section B-2 Section C-1a,1b,1c)教学设计思路:本节课主要活动为Section C的1a。拟将本节课分为阅读前、阅读中和阅读后三部分。Section B-2的听力练习与Section C-1a的阅读是联系在一起的。Se

    3、ction B-2的听力材料是Kangkang对Craig Kielburger发出的邀请邮件,而Section C-1a的阅读材料是Craig Kielburger对Kangkang的回复。所以本课将Section B-2的听力活动作为阅读前的导入。既导出了话题,调动学生学习兴趣,又为后面的阅读文章做准备。阅读前的热身活动还包括学生猜测Craig Kielburger回信的内容;学生看图猜测和讨论语篇内容,并借机进行关键词的教学,扫清语言障碍。阅读中分为以下三步:一、速读,要求学生在阅读中划出自己难懂的词句并了解文章大意。二、精读,完成1b。核对答案。三、与学生逐段讨论文章,解决学生阅读中遇

    4、到的疑难问题。阅读后的巩固有以下两个任务:一、根据1b复述课文。二、两人一组完成1c,并展示。本课通过介绍Craig Kielburger和他成立的组织Free the Children的事迹展开学习活动,鼓励学生学习Craig Kielburger 关心他人,乐于助人的精神,并向Craig Kielburger学习从小立下远大志向,并为之努力奋斗。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims:(1)学习并掌握新词汇address, regret, gather, group, member, purpose(2)学会表达自我介绍,发出邀请和表达请求的交际用语。This i

    5、sMay I invite you to?Would you please? Sure.2. Skill aims: (1)能听懂有关邀请的对话并根据要求完成听力训练。(2)能根据图文理解文章,并根据要求进行相关学习活动。3. Emotional aims:树立帮助他人,关爱他人的意识4. Culture awareness:了解魁克柯伯格和他的“解放儿童”组织。. The key points and difficult points1. Key points:(1)听懂有关邀请的对话。(2)能根据图文理解文章。2. Difficult points: 能向别人简单介绍Craig Kielb

    6、urger的事迹。. Learning strategies1. 阅读时学会运用图片和文段的关键词进行预测。2. 学会运用关键词复述课文。. Teaching aids多媒体课件/录音机V. Teaching proceduresStage 1(2mins):Getting students ready for learning StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity)Play the recording of the song We Are the World.T: Hi, class! Ho

    7、w are you feeling today? Just as you know, there are many kind-hearted people who help others in the world. Thanks to their kindness, the earth is like a family. Now Id like you to enjoy a beautiful song We Are the World.T: Do you like it?T: Maybe we can learn to sing it after class.Enjoy the song W

    8、e Are the WorldSs: Yes, we do.选择与话题相关的歌曲营造气氛,调动学习积极性。Remark:这一环节的目的是要创造学习英语的氛围并使学生静下心来,开始新的学习。可以采用多种方式,如唱歌、游戏、值日报告、自由讨论等。Stage 2(3mins): RevisionStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose 1(Pair work)Show the pictures of Section C and review the key words and sentences learned in Section

    9、B.T: Lets begin our lesson. Boys and girls, you know, Kangkang and his classmates have prepared different kinds of delicious foods for the food festival. Do you remember what they are and where they are from? Now, work in pairs and discuss them.Look at the pictures and revise the words and sentences

    10、 learned in Section B.S1: Do you remember what they are and where they are from?S2: They are cheese pies and I think they are from Greece.S3: What are they and where are they from?S4: They are Indian curries and they are from India.S5: Can you tell me what it is and where it is from?S6: Its Italian

    11、pizza and I think Its from Italy.S7: What is it and where is it from?S8:It is South African beef curry and its from South Africa.Ss回顾Section B的内容,复习学过的词汇。Remark:Stage 3(12mins): Prereading StepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Class activity )Play the tape recording of SectionB-2.T:

    12、 Good job! To hold the festival, the children have done many things. Its time to get in touch with Craig Kielburger. Do you think so?T: So Kangkang get in touch with Craig by QQ and invite him to come to the festival. Later, you will listen to a conversation between them. But before listening, Id li

    13、ke you to read the conversation. You may get the main idea and even predict some of the answers.T: What the conversation about?T: Can Craig come?T: It doesnt matter. Youll know the reason later. Can you guess some of the answers?T: Excellent! Maybe you are right.Any others?T: Why do you think so?T:

    14、Great! And anything else?T: Good job! Can you guess the rest?T: It doesnt matter. Now, lets listen to the conversation and try to fill in the blanks. Are you ready?T: Have you got the answers?T: Good! Lets check the answers.(Show the answers on the screen.)T: What does the new word “address” mean?T:

    15、 Do you have an email address?T: Of course. My email address is If you have any difficulty in learning English, you can send me an email. Ill reply to you.Read 2 and predict the answers and then listen and fill in the blanks. Ss: Yes.S1: Kangkang get in touch with Craig and he wanted to invite Craig

    16、 to take part in the festival.S2: No, he cant. But I dont know why.S3: The second one is “raise” or “to raise”.S4: The third one may be “preparing”.S4: Because we have learned the phrase “prepare for”. For example, Kangkang is preparing for the food festival.S5: I think the fourth one may be “invite

    17、”.Ss: Sorry, we dont know.Ss: Yes.S6:It means “地址”. We can guess its meaning from the phrase “email address”.S7: Yes, we have. Miss, could I know your email address?Ss: Thats great. Thank you.整合教学材料,使教学过程成为一个整体。2(Class activity )Talk about the pictures and the passage to lead in.T: Just as Craig sai

    18、d in the conversation. He sent an email to Kangkang soon. Can you guess what Craig said in his email?T: I agree with you. I have some pictures about this passage. Maybe you can get some information about it. Look at the first one. He is a Pakistani boy named Iqbal. Can you guess how old he is?T: Per

    19、haps he is less than 10 years old. What is he doing?T: Well, Why is he working instead of going to school? Doesnt he want to go to school?T: Yeah, and Craig read the story about Iqbal when he was 12 years old. This story changed his life. He want to do something to help the children like Iqbal. Even

    20、 though Craig was a child, he believed that he could do something to make a change. What has he done these years, do you know?T: With the help from all over the world, I believe more children will study in Craigs school instead of working in the factories. Right?S1: He may introduce himself and Free

    21、 the Children.S2: He may be 10 years old.S3: He is working.S4: No, I dont think so. Maybe his family is so poor that he has to work and can not go to school.S5: He raised money to build many schools for the poor children.Ss: Yes.利用图文的提示以师生讨论的方式扫清阅读障碍,做好阅读前的准备工作。Remark:听力训练前要让学生阅读文本,了解听力内容并预测答案。培养学生利

    22、用图文预测文章大意的能力。Stage4(15mins): WhilereadingStepTeacher activityStudent activityDesigning purpose1(Individual work andClass activity)Let the students read the passage. And then talk about the passage with the students to solve the problems. T: I think you have known about this passage. Lets skim the pa

    23、ssage. You can underline the phrases and sentences you dont understand.T: Whats the passage about?Read the passage while underlining the sentences and phrases they dont understand and then talk about the passage with the teacher. S1: Its about Craig and Free the Children.由易到难,由浅入深进行阅读。第一遍(速读):了解文章大意

    24、。2(Individual work)Let the students read 1a again and complete the tables in 1b, check the answers to 1b.T: You all did a good job! Please read 1a again and complete the tables in 1b.T: You can check your answers with your partner.Read 1a and finish 1b.第二遍(精读):完成1b表格。3(Class activity)Let the student

    25、s read the passage for the third time. Talk about the passage paragraph by paragraph to solve the problem in understanding.T: This task is not very difficult for you. I think with the help of your group members, you have got all the correct answers. Right?T: OK. Now, read the first paragraph. Can Cr

    26、aig come to the food festival? How does he feel?T: Yes, you are right. Craig cant come because he has no time. He feel regretful. Who can make a sentence with “regret”?T: A good sentence! Now read the second paragraph. What did Craig say in this paragraph?T: Great! You made a good summary. Please re

    27、ad the third paragraph. Whats the main idea of this paragraph?T: Why did he hold Free the Children?T: How old was Iqbal when he started to working in a factory?T: What did Iqbal do?T: Why did he do so?T: Whats the meaning of “instead of” in Chinese? Can you give an example?T: A good example! How did

    28、 Craig feel when he read the story about Iqbal and what did he do?T: What did he do to help them?T: Yeah. It is the former name of Free the Children. What did they do to help the children?T: Whats their motto?T: How many members does Free the Children have now?T: What is Free the Children doing now?

    29、Talk about the passage and learn the language points.Ss: Yes.S1: He regret that he cannot come. Miss, regret means “遗憾”. Am I right?S2: I regret that our team lost the game.S3: He introduced himself including his birthday, his hobby and his favorite food. S4: Craig told us why he held Free the Child

    30、ren. And then he introduced Free the Children.S5: Because of a Pakistani boy named Iqbal.S6: He was 4 years old when he started working in a factory.S7: He fought against the bosses. S8: Because he knew children should go to school instead of working in factories all day.S9: It means “代替,而不是”in Chin

    31、ese. For example, Could I have cola instead of juice?S10: He felt so angry that he decided to help them.S11: He gathered his friends and started a group, the Twelve Twelve-year-olds.S12: They raised money to help child workers go to school.S13: Children Helping Children.S14: Now Free the Children has 100 000 members in 35 countries.S15: In Kenya there are poorly-build schools with no roofs or walls, so Free the children is building new schools there to help them.通过师生讨论的方式疏通文意并学习语言点。Remark:词汇应在用中学。Stage 5(1


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