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    1、2013年首次登上央视春晚的舞台。 2014 issued ten albums, held ten solo concert, in the song list, china top ranking, global chinese music awards, etc. 27 times successively won the most popular male singer award, won two china top ranking best male artist award. in addition to singing career, zhang jie also enthus

    2、iastic charity, donated 2 million in 2012 as the big dipper empty charitable fund pioneer fund, started jie music dream classroom public projects, and won the china children charity award - outstanding contribution award. to april 2014 has started in the country to establish a twenty-three jie music

    3、 dream classroom. 下面为大家介绍一下张杰的演艺历程吧 2005年春季,张杰推出了他的首张专辑第一张,并凭借成名曲北斗星的爱获得全球华语歌曲排行榜最受欢迎新人奖、tvb全球华语歌曲金曲榜最佳男新人金奖等多个奖项 2007年,张杰参加了快乐男声比赛。同年推出ep最美的太阳。这张ep共收录了4首歌曲,销量突破10万。 in 2009, zhang jie in music radio china top ranking, hit king, southeast music standings after another to get the most popular male si

    4、nger award, world, the day after tomorrow, forget peace of mind of the year golden melody awards; in 2009 the previous years beijing pop music awards, zhang jie get 11 nominations, its song day after tomorrow won the annual golden melody awards. in the same year on november 2, zhang jie issued album

    5、 through the trilogy. in 2010, zhang jie launched the album this is love, and began its love thats love, as the annual birthday concert personal brand. held in macau, south korea m-net was best asian artist and mnet asian music awards on november 28 the same year 2013年,张杰登上了央视春晚舞台。2014年1月17日,张杰作为首位补

    6、位歌手受邀参加湖南卫视歌手竞赛类节目我是歌手第三期竞演,演唱代表作之一勿忘心安获得第三。在第5-7期竟演以black or white、我的未来不是梦、无情的情书三首歌连续获得第三之后,第八期以一首改编版的夜空中最亮的星夺冠。3月21日,张杰以一曲你快回来获突围赛第二晋级半决赛,3月28日演绎一曲just the way you are以半决赛第三进入总决赛,在4月4日的总决赛中进入最终的五强歌王争霸赛。 张杰是个很有爱心的人 2009年4月3日,他参与济南天下无双“博爱在齐鲁”大型公益群星演唱会;5月7日,他为彬伊奴品牌代言并降低代言费20万捐赠物资给四川地震灾区;5月10日,他参加壹基金慈

    7、善徒步走活动;5月12日,他在汶川大地震孤残儿童救助专项基金慈善答谢晚宴献唱;12月14日,他在musicradio爱的5003工程慈善晚会献唱,并现场捐助十个孩子三年生活费。 december 3, 2011 to attend the first love unbounded charity luncheon china population welfare foundation love fund in beijing organized by, and zhang jie live concert of the this is love, and enthusiastically bi

    8、d in a charity auction session, spend 200,000 photographed donated by sun nan synthesizer, and actively participate in the auction bid 320,000 donated faye hermes costumes. revenue proceeds of the sale china population welfare foundation loving fund will be used loving home project to help improve t

    9、he education of children in poor areas, and promote career development of persons with disabilities. 歌曲我们都一样 张杰有独特音乐风格 中西结合,双剑合璧 mainland singer zhang jie called a rare strength of both idol singer, whose voice is highly recognizable sexual conquest countless listeners. he shook clear treble, bass l

    10、ingering touching him, he spit the english pronunciation of the word song called one of his songs unique flavor; his dance blew the audience; he smiles like a child-like innocence, he will exudes sexy bad boy like atmosphere, imagine that he could subvert latin flatter love! 张杰的高、中、低音各具特色。最为人熟知的是他嘹亮

    11、、高亢的高音,在“快乐男声”比赛中,张杰曾演唱一曲山歌好比春江水,评委包小柏听后赞叹道:“连我都被震撼了。”张杰演唱死了都要爱时可以比原唱高5个以上的音阶。张杰中、低音区的声线也非常迷人,代表作有:明天过后、花手绢、消失,以及翻唱歌曲夜盲症、哭砂等,充分展示了他富有磁性的中低音区。 气息沉稳,真假音转换自如 zhang jie singing atmosphere of stability, the sink, the stunning, it also became his trump another. zhang jie genuine sound conversion is also u

    12、nusual, this is love in the chorus sound will convert zhang jie genuine highlights to the extreme. 曲风多变,驾驭力强 张杰演绎的歌曲曲风多变。他擅长的不仅仅是情歌曲风,英伦摇滚,拉丁曲风以及中国风的歌曲都能被张杰灵活驾驭且完美演绎。 舞技卓绝,精彩绝伦 zhang jie dancing transcendence. has not been any formal dance training jie sharp performance, by virtue of their good gras

    13、p of musical rhythm, as well as training hard, smooth flavor jie fast songs and dance always give people a surprise, stunning the audience. 张杰成功的背后自然经历过很多坎坷 2004年上海的“莱卡我型我秀”,凭借着和苟伟合作的原创歌曲北斗星的爱,初出茅庐的张杰一举获得了年度总冠军。在这一公认的选秀元年,夺冠的瞬间会被永远定格在记忆中,从此之后北斗星的爱成为了张杰的成名曲,而他的粉丝也因此有了温暖美丽的名字,叫做“星星”。 however, life is

    14、always inadvertently quietly turning point. type show won millions of contracts after pick embrace newcomers gold, continuous issue first, love me back, two albums, seemingly smooth road scenery day but stopped short, high-level changes in the company, personnel involved to finally drifting jie: no

    15、notice, no stage, no chance to sing. in fact, this sort of thing, a lot of artists will experience, or dormant pending, or obliterate all. 张杰却选择了一条只有张杰可以走的路卸掉曾经的荣耀,参加2007年快乐男声比赛。中间经历了可以想见的非议与波折,个中曲直,时间已经给出最好的证词。而我们看到的结果,就是凤凰浴火,涅槃重生。 后来的故事,无非坚持与不弃。所有的“不公平”都是失败后的搪塞与安慰,在张杰的字典里没有这样的字眼。对于张杰,只有“努力”与“还要更努力

    16、”。 三年来,张杰的经历,如果你愿意真心去了解,你会理解他为什么会这么选择,所有的星星都支持他,因为我们实在不愿意让这么动听的声音离开,张杰只是想唱歌而已,星星只是想听张杰唱歌而已。 节目的最后为大家送上一曲张杰的我在这,今天的fashional english到这里就结束了,谢谢大家收听,我是,我们下期节目再见。【篇二:张杰英汉翻译论文】 what i have learned from english-chinese translation 1.introduction: i have done some english-chinese translation exercises in t

    17、he past few semesters, but there is no principle to adhere to and i did it just based on my daily accumulation. nevertheless, the course of english-chinese translation was selected this semester and ive benefited a lot in the past two months learning. i am going to analyze and arrange what i have le

    18、arned from the course by using a plenty of examples in this essay, hoping to enable me to do much better in the future and translate as perfectly as i can in daily practice. 2. a review of translation 2.1 definition what is translation? translation is a linguistic practice of employing one language

    19、to realize the thoughts expressed in another language exactly and completely. simply speaking, translation consists in reproducing in the receptor language the closet natural equivalent of the source language, first in terms of meaning and secondly in terms of style.( eunida) 2.2. translation princi

    20、ples during the process of learning, ive knew about some general principles about translation. first, a translation should have faithfulness. that is to give a complete transcript of the ideas of the original work. second, the style and manner of writing should be of the same character as that of th

    21、e original. third, a translation should have all the ease of original composition. the famous professor named nida has his own opinion as well, that is, true to the original, vivid, smooth and natural, equivalence of response. though there are variety of opinions, two criteria are almost unanimously

    22、 accepted, namely, the criterion of faithfulness and that of smoothness. we should take these two criteria as the principles of translation in general. 3. the process of translation it is believed that two steps should be involved in the process of translation. they are accurate comprehension and ad

    23、equate representation. only we combine the two progresses properly, can we make the translation perfect. in order to achieve the goal of accurate comprehension, we are supposed to do the semantic analysis, contextual analysis and pragmatic analysis when doing translation. translators are supposed to

    24、 command extensive knowledge and receive excellent literature training. some successful translators, when they were translating they did the research on the original author at the same time. after translating, they became on expert to the author and his composition. this spirit is worthy to study. b

    25、ased on the accurate comprehension, we should pay attention to the adequate presentation, neither over-representation nor under-representation. id like to share two methods with you. they are literal translation and free translation. literal translation and free translation are two basic skills of t

    26、ranslation. 3.1 literal translation literal translation refers to translate a sentence originally, keep the original form, including construction of sentence, meaning of the original words, and metaphor of the original and so on. version would be fluent and easy to comprehend by target language read

    27、ers. lets see some examples: 1) but i hated sakamoto, and i had a feeling hed surely led us both to our ancestors.literal translation:但是我恨坂本,并预感到他肯定会领着咱们去见祖先。 2)pour oil on fire literal translation: 火上浇油 3.2 free translation free translation is a skill of according to the meaning of the original, wi

    28、thout paying attention to the details and translation would also be fluent and natural. compare with literal translation, free translation need not pay attention to the form of the original, including construction of the original sentences, meaning of the original works, metaphors of the original an

    29、d so on. but free translation does not mean to delete or add something to content of the original and translators must consider the original carefully, know its stress, translate it naturally, and express the meaning of the original. meanwhile, when using free translation, translators must know the

    30、culture of both source language and target language. 1) when the going gets tough, the tough gets going. free translation: 沧海横流方显英雄本色。 the words going and tough have different meaning. the translator used a sentence in a chinese poem to translate this sentence. 2) faults are thick where love is thin

    31、. 一朝情义淡, 样样不顺眼。 3) you can fool all the people some of the time and some of the people all the time, but you cannot fool all the people all the time. 骗人一夕一事易,欺众一生一世难。 we should never use literal translation or use free translation only. according to the passage which we are translating, we should use literal translation frequently and use free translation when necessary. 4. ways of translation 4.1 the surface and deep meaning


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