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    1、大学英语四级写作高分范文2021年6月大学英语四级写作高分范文 快到考试的日子了,希望你干自愿事,吃顺口饭,听轻松话,睡安心觉。使自己保持良好平静的心态,不要太紧张,相信你的梦想会实现的!以下是为大家精心整理的2021年6月大学英语四级写作高分范文,欢迎大家阅读。2021年6月大学英语四级写作高分范文 写作题目:责任 On May 12, 2008, Fan Meizhong, a teacher at Guangya School in Dujiangyan, revealed he had fled his classroom during the earthquake leaving h

    2、is students behind. Some people say that he lacked responsibility to his students while others say he had a right to save his own life first. What is your opinion about this? 写作范文Teachers Should Put Students First “Runner Fan, nickname of Fan Meizhong, who ran out of the classroom leaving his studen

    3、ts behind during the May 12 earthquake, has caused a controversy concerning traditional Chinese values. Many people regard his action as wrong and a direct violation of teachers responsibility and I would have to agree with them. Firstly, it is the responsibility of a teacher to protect his students

    4、 safety by law. Being concerned solely fol his own life and leaving his students behind while fleeing violates the spirit of the law. In an emergency, each teacher is responsible for the direct supervision of his students. Furthermore, it will be of great help if they can direct the evacuation of th

    5、eir students to designated assembly areas in accordance with warning signals and written notification. It is out of the question that they should not remain with their students until rescue crews arrive. Secondly, teachers act as a role model for their students. The Compulsory Education Law does sti

    6、pulate that “a teacher should be a model of virtue for others and should be devoted to the education of the people. Teachers not only teach students how to think, but also how to behave to support others in society. Fleeing the classroom and leaving the students behind in an emergency sets a bad exa

    7、mple for students. To conclude, teachers are responsible for students safety in an emergency. Teachers are expected to demonstrate responsible behaviour and they ought to be specifically trained to deal with emergency situations. (248 words) 更多作文精彩句子 1.A teacher is a stand-in parent for the children

    8、, and represents a halfway point between the family home and life as an adult in the wider community. 老师是孩子的代父母,是家庭和更广阔社区内的成人生活之间的一个连接点。 2.Teachers should give responsibility for the studentswelfare when the parents are absent,and the students in their tum accept their authority and direction. 家长不在的

    9、时候老师应该对学生的福祉负责,相应地学生也要尊重老师的、接受老师的管理。 3.Education officials have placed“protecting studentssafety”under the third clause of the first revision to the regulation that came into being in 1997. 在对1997年制订的规章进行第一次修订时,教育官员把“保护学生安全”放在了第三条。2021年6月大学英语四级写作高分范文 写作题目:“追星”现象 It was reported recently that one wom

    10、an followed actor Andy Lau around for ten years. What is your opinion about those fans who idolise certain celebrities? 写作范文Idollsing Celebrities Goes Too Far Celebrity worship has been identified as one of the most common forms of idolatry these days, However, many fans go too far with pursuing sta

    11、rs. Some have facial plastic surgery just to look a little more like the star they worship. Others even pay all their money to see the stars in person. I personally hold that blindly worshipping famous people should be deterred from becoming rampant. Due to daily gossip columns in the tabloids and t

    12、he ubiquitous celebrity news in the media, researchers report that about one third of people suffer from Celebrity Worship Syndrome, an actual syndrome that can become obsessional, replacing conventional relations, Some fans of famous people tend to indulge ins daydreaming about stars they worship.

    13、Having less communication with their friends and families, some obsessed fans ignore conventional relations, leading to psychological problems or disorders. Blind worship undermines young peoples spiritual pursuits in real art, literature, philosophy, and science, without which they can hardly hold

    14、the sacred torch of civilization transferred to them from preceding generations. It is no exaggeration to say that blind star-worship will probably lead young people whose discretion is not enough into abysmal darkness, and thus buried with them is the hope of the future. In conclusion, given the ab

    15、ove harmful effects of blind star-worship, every effort must be made to help fans to get out of the hopeless swamp of star-worship. (231 words) 更多作文精彩句子 1.Young people admire stars for the glamour and money that surround celebrities. However, blindly worshipping famous people is a bridge too far. 年轻

    16、人因为名人的魅力和金钱而崇拜明星。然而,盲目追星就有点过了。 2.Admittedly, star-worship does make certain contributions towards society. At least it boosts the prosperity of the film, TV, and sports industries, creates more job opportunities, and facilitates the re-distribution of national wealth. Nevertheless, in the long run,

    17、its harms outweigh its benefits, 诚然,追星对社会有一定贡献。至少它促进了电影、电视和体育产业的繁荣,创造了更多的就业机会,并且有助于全国财富的重新分配。但是从长远来看,追星弊大于利。2021年6月大学英语四级写作高分范文 写作题目:追求高薪还是职业发展? In todays job market university leavers have to consider many things when they are applying for jobs. Some people argue that career development is more imp

    18、ortant than salary. What is your opinion? 写作范文Career Development Is Better Than a High Salary New graduates oftentimes face the dilemma between a high salary and career development. It is usually the case that ones dream job cannot bring adequate monetary rewards. Should one opt for career developme

    19、nt or an immediate high salary? Personally, I would give priority to career development. Admittedly, a high salary is an effective incentive to entice graduates who often are in great need or eager to make money. After all, remuneration is such a crucial factor when it comes to job hunting. It is un

    20、deniable that human beings are often restrained by their short-sightedness. What seems to be sufficiently rewarding at the moment may lose its advantage in the future. Authoritative statistics have illustrated that employees who choose salary over their real interests tend to be dissatisfied with th

    21、eir jobs despite the extra money they can earn. In addition, strategic planning regarding ones career may not yield any immediate reward. In fact, many people have to forgo some present day rewards in pursuit of their dream careers. However, in the long run, all the efforts and planning will pay off

    22、. Career development helps new graduates find their bearings and invest in their future. Finally, one is more likely to feel content by working in ones element and attaining some achievement. In conclusion, a focus on career development rather than an initial financial gain will improve employee job

    23、 satisfaction now and in the future. (233 words) 更多作文精彩句子 1.For some people it is a necessity rather than an option to seek a highly paid job. 对于一些人来说,找一份高薪的工作是无奈之举,而不是一种选择。 2.A large number of successful people have attested to the significance of career planning. 很多成功人士证明了职业规划的重要性。 3.It is very li

    24、kely to feel being trapped or lose ones bearings让one works merely for the sake of money. 如果一个人只为了钱而工作,他很可能觉得自己陷入困境、失去了方向。 4.Career development serves as an anchor preventing one from getting lost in the vocational ocean. 职业发展就像是一个锚,防止人们在职业的海洋中迷失方向。 5.It is not worthwhile to sacrifice ones dream for

    25、money. 为了钱牺牲自己的梦想是不值得的。2021年6月大学英语四级写作高分范文 写作题目:献血 Many university students donate blood because they either get marks or benefit in some other way while others see it as helping others in need. Do you think that students should get something in return for donating blood? 写作范文Universities Should Rew

    26、ard Blood Donors Should university students be rewarded for donating blood or should they do it out of altruistic reasons? As far as I am concerned, I believe that students should not make the donation merely in order to obtain rewards. Yet, institutions ought to devise some incentives to promote bl

    27、ood donation. To begin with, the act in question is to help or even save the lives of people in need. In view of the notion that prize and punishment should be meted out accordingly, donors should be rewarded for their selflessness. Second, the implementation of various incentives also serves to enc

    28、ourage students to donate blood. As the saying goes, One good turn deserves another. Even if donors do demand some repayment, it is utterly justified. Meanwhile, the establishment of the incentive policy also reinforces an advantageous societal system where good deeds are encouraged. Nevertheless, t

    29、he foregoing points do not justify able-bodied students eschewing blood donation if no rewards are offered. Otherwise, our world would be replete with mercenary individuals; and no society can survive let alone thrive when it is corrupted with selfishness. In the final analysis, students should make

    30、 donations in an altruistic fashion.However, universities ought to present some rewards to express their gratitude. (205 words) 更多作文精彩句子 1.It is undeniable that people are more inclined to donate blood when there are rewards being offered. 不可否认的是,有报酬的时候人们更愿意献血。 2.It makes sense that society should p

    31、romote this laudable course of action by providing some rewards. 社会通过提供一些报酬鼓励这种值得称赞的行为是合乎情理的。 3.It is a praiseworthy act and should be justly credited. 这是一种值得称赞的行为,理应奖励。 4.If this policy manages to increase the much-needed blood donation, then government should enforce it. 如果这项政策能够促进人们献血的话,政府就应该实施这一

    32、政策。2021年6月大学英语四级写作高分范文 写作题目:自学 Education plays a great role in our lives but some people believe that real education begins with self-education. Do you agree or disagree with them? 写作范文Real Education Begins With Self-education Many people hold the stance that real education begins with self-education and I believe that this assertion is fundamentally correct. The key issue regarding the claim in question involves the definition of self-education. In the traditional type of education, teachers play a major role and subjects chosen by educator


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