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    1、银行信用卡网络服务约定条款中英文银行信用卡网络服务约定条款CREDIT CARD ONLINE SERVICE AND MOBILE BANKING AGREEMENT目录CONTENTS一、契约之适用范围Scope of application of contract二、名词定义Definition三、银行信息Bank information四、网页之确认Verification of website五、服务项目Services六、联机所使用之网络Network used for online services七、电子文件之接收与响应Receipt and reply of electron

    2、ic documents八、电子文件之不执行Invalid electronic document九、电子文件交换作业时限Electronic document exchange timeframe十、费用Expenses十一、立约人软硬件安装与风险Software/hardware installation and risks十二、立约人联机准备及其责任Your responsibility for connection十三、交易核对Transaction verification十四、电子文件错误之处理Handling of errors in electronic documents十五

    3、、电子文件之合法授权与责任Legal authorization and responsibility of electronic documents十六、信息系统安全Information system security十七、保密义务Confidentiality obligation十八、损害赔偿责任Damage liability十九、纪录保存Recordkeeping二十、电子文件之效力Validity of electronic documents二十一、客户终止契约Termination of contract by customer二十二、贵行终止契约Termination of

    4、 contract by the Bank二十三、契约修订Modifications二十四、文书送达Notices二十五、法令适用Governing Law二十六、法院管辖Jurisdiction二十七、标题Headings二十八、契约分存Counterparts二十九、信用卡网络服务及行动银行使用Use of Credit Card Online Service and Mobile Banking本约定条款适用之对象仅限定为渣打国际商业银行(以下简称贵行)之所有信用卡正卡持卡人(以下简称立约人),立约人使用本行信用卡网络服务暨行动银行与交易时,视同接受本约定条款。The terms and

    5、 conditions are applicable to all principal cardholders of the credit cards (hereinafter referred to as the Customers) issued by Standard Chartered Bank (hereinafter referred to as the Bank) only. By using the Credit Card Online Service and Mobile Banking, the Customers agree to the terms and condit

    6、ions herein.一、契约之适用范围Scope of application of contract本约定系信用卡网络服务暨行动银行之一般性共通约定,除个别契约或本行另有规定外,悉依本约定办理。本契约未约定事项,悉依一般约定事项及相关银行规定办理,但个别契约对立约人之保护更有利者,从其约定。本契约条款如有疑义时,应为有利于立约人之解释。This agreement generally applies to Credit Card Online Services and Mobile Banking. Unless otherwise provided under individual c

    7、ontract, this agreement shall always govern. For matters not provided under this agreement, the general terms and conditions and relevant bank policies shall apply; provided, however, that an individual contract that provides you with better protection shall prevail. Where the terms and conditions o

    8、f the contract are ambiguous, interpretations shall be made favorable to you.二、名词定义Definition1.信用卡网络服务暨行动银行系指立约人端计算机或智能型手机经由因特网与贵行计算机联机,无须亲赴贵行柜台,即可直接取得贵行所提供之各项金融服务。行动银行系指以智能型手机使用贵行行动银行APP中网路理财内之信用卡网络服务。 Credit Card Online Service and Mobile Banking means the financial services directly available by

    9、the Bank to you through the network connection of your computer and smart phone with the Banks computer without going to a bank teller. “Mobile banking means the Credit Card Online Service directly available by the Banks APP to you through the network connection of your smart phone2.电子文件:系指贵行或立约人经由网

    10、络联机传递之文字、声音、图片、影像、符号或其它数据,以电子或其他以人之知觉无法直接认识之方式,所制成足以表示其用意之纪录,而供电子处理之用者。Electronic document means any records of communication made up of words, voices, pictures, videos, signs or other materials transmitted via network connection between you and the Bank for electronic process in electronic or any m

    11、anner which human cannot directly perceive.3.SSL安全机制SSL (Secure Socket Layer)是一种因特网上最普遍使用的安全通讯协议,保障网站服务器及浏览器之间的数据传输的安全性。透过使用这个协议,网络上的数据传输会采128位(含以上)对称性加密算法进行加密,更会检查数据的完整性。除此以外,透过所谓金钥的加密技术及严谨的SSL认证注册的程序,SSL可以验证服务器的身分而达到网站浏览者向网站身分作出检查的目的。SSL or Secure Socket Layer is the most common security communica

    12、tion protocol used on the Internet that protects the security of transmission of data and information between website server and browser. Through the use of the protocol, data transmitted on the Internet will be encrypted according to various security level based on the type of certification (128 bi

    13、t). The protocol examines integrity of information. In addition, through an encryption technology called key and strict procedure for SSL certification, SSL verifies the server identity in order for a website browser to validate the identity of a website.4.使用者名称系由立约人自行设定一组612位英文字母、数字,至少须有一英文字母,英文字母区

    14、分大小写,且不得为立约人身分证字号或连续相同英文字母、数字,作为立约人透过计算机或智能型手机登入信用卡网络服务时,身分验证的数据之一。User name means a name made up of 612 English letters and Arabic numerals created by you. User name is used as part of the identification verification information when you log in to access your Credit Card Online Service and Mobile B

    15、anking.5.使用者密码:系由立约人自行设定一组612位英文字母、数字,至少须有一英文字母,英文字母区分大小写,不得为立约人身分证字号或连续相同英文字母、数字,且不得与使用者名称相同,作为立约人透过计算机或智能型手机登入信用卡网络服务身分验证的数据之一。Password means a password made up of 612 English letters and Arabic numerals which is different from the user name created by you. Fixed Password is used as part of the id

    16、entification verification information when you log in to access your Credit Card Online Service and Mobile Banking, and used as the password for low risk transactions.6.简讯密码(SMS OTP,Short Message Service One Time Password):指立约人进行在线立即申请或忘记使用者名称及密码时,系统将自动发送一组简讯密码(内含OTP密码及申请内容)至立约人所约定之一组行动电话号码,确保网络交易之安

    17、全性(每次传送OTP密码皆为随机数产生,且仅当次有效),有关OTP之交易机制,以贵行网站所载规定为准。简讯密码此项服务之提供与发送,以贵行简讯厂商与各电信业者签定的服务范围(如国际漫游协议等)为限。SMS OTP or Short Message Service One Time Password means the SMS password containing transaction ID code, OTP and transaction message automatically generated by the system and sent to the mobile phone

    18、number designated by you when you perform a non-designated accounts transaction, trust investment, or personal information setup, to ensure the security of online transaction. (Each and every transaction code and OTP transmitted is randomly generated and is valid only for one time use.) The OTP Tran

    19、saction method shall be governed by the rules contained on the Banks website. The provision and sending of the SMS OTP is limited to the scope of service entered into between the SMS Company engaged of the Bank and the carriers.三、银行信息Bank information1.银行名称:渣打国际商业银行Name of the Bank: Standard Charted

    20、Bank (Taiwan) Limited2.申诉及客服专线:Complaint and Customer service:四、网页之确认Verification of website立约人使用信用卡网络服务暨行动银行前,请先确认信用卡网络服务正确之网址并透过本行官方网站使用信用卡网路服务,行动银行请至AppStore (iPhone)或Google Play (Android)下载安装行动银行APP,请勿自其它网站下载;如有疑问,请致电贵行客服专线(24小时客服市话请拨:4058-0088/行动电话请拨:02-4058-0088)询问。贵行须以一般民众得认知之方式,告知立约人信用卡网络服务暨

    21、行动银行业务应用环境之风险。贵行应尽善良管理人之义务,随时维护网站的正确性与安全性,并随时注意有无伪造之网页,以避免立约人之权益受损。Prior to your use of Credit Card Online Service and Mobile Banking, make sure you use the correct website address for Credit Card Online Service and use Credit Card Online Service by accessing our official website. Please download th

    22、e Banks APP from either AppStore (iPhone) or Google Play (Android) but not form any other application downloading platform.If you have any question, please call the Banks customer service number (24-hour customer service number is 4058-0088 if calling from a fixed line or 02-4058-0088 if calling fro

    23、m mobile phone. The Bank shall notify you of the risks involved in online banking application environment in a way normal people can understand. The Bank shall always exercise the duty of care of a good faith manager in maintain the accuracy and safety of the website and making sure there is no phon

    24、y webpage to prevent any damage to you.五、服务项目Services当立约人申请核准后,贵行提供之信用卡网络服务及行动银行内容以贵行网站与信用卡网络服务及行动银行公告揭露为主,贵行应确保该网站讯息之正确性,对立约人所负之义务不得低于网站之内容。未来贵行若有新种业务开办或信用卡网络服务或行动银行内容有变动(含新増、调整、变更或取消),贵行仅须于贵行网站与信用卡网络服务及行动银行公告揭露,即可提供相关服务。After approval of your application, the Credit Card Online Service and Mobile

    25、Banking available from the Bank shall be based on the notices post on the Banks website and Credit Card Online Service and Mobile Banking. The Bank shall ensure the accuracy of the information on the website, and the Banks obligations to you shall not be less than what is stated on the website.If ne

    26、w types of business are available from the Bank or there is a change to the Credit Card Online Service and Mobile Banking (including addition, adjustment, change or cancellation) in the future, except for accounts transactions for which a separate contract in the electronic or written form shall be

    27、signed, the Bank may disclose the information by posting a notice on the Banks website and Credit Card Online Service and Mobile Banking before relevant services may be available.六、联机所使用之网络Network used for online services贵行及立约人同意使用网络进行电子文件传送及接收。使用双方各自约定之相关网络业者,双方应分别就各项权利义务关系与网络业者签订网络服务契约,并各自负担网路使用之费

    28、用。The Bank and you agree to use the Internet for transmission and reception of electronic documents.For use of the Internet service provider as agreed to by either party, the parties shall enter into an Internet service contract with respect to their rights and obligations respectively with their ow

    29、n service provider and be responsible for the cost of use of the Internet.七、电子文件之接收与响应Receipt and reply of electronic documents贵行接收经贵行及立约人同意用以辨识身分之电子文件后,除查询之事项外,贵行须提供该交易电子文件中重要信息之网页供立约人再次确认后,实时进行检核及处理,并将检核及处理结果,以网页实时呈现或电子邮件或其他双方约定之方式通知立约人。贵行接收立约人或立约人接收贵行之任何电子文件,若无法辨识其身分或内容时,视为自始未传送,但贵行可确定立约人身分时,应立即将

    30、内容无法辨识之事实,以网页实时呈现或电子邮件或其它双方约定之方式通知立约人。立约人所发送之电子讯息,若为非发送日所须立即处理者,立约人同意以发送时与贵行所约定之情况为准。Upon receipt of the an electronic document used for identity verification agreed to by you and the Bank, and after providing a webpage which displays the important information in such electronic document of transact

    31、ion for your re-verification unless it is a matter of inquiry, the Bank will promptly perform verification or handle the matter and notify you of the result of verification or outcome of the matter by immediate webpage display, an email or in any manner agreed to by the parties.If the Bank receives

    32、an electronic document from you (and vice versa) and the contents of the document is illegible, the message shall be deemed to have been never sent by the sender. However, if the Bank receives an illegible message but the identity of the sender can be verified, the Bank shall immediately notify you of the fact that you have sent an illegible message to the Bank by immediate w


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