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    1、词汇函电内容要点及重点句型Unit 1 Layout of Business Letter1.商业套话business jargon2.信头letterhead3.日期date 4.信内公司名和地址Inside name and address5.称呼Salutation6.正文Message7.缩进式Indented style8.齐左式Blocked style9.表敬意的结尾The complimentary close10.标题行Subject line11.抄送Carbon copyUnit 2 Establishing Business Relations1.商会Chamber o

    2、f commerce2.中国商会China Chamber of Commerce3.国际商会International Chamber of Commerce4.商务参赞处Commercial Counsellors Office 5.中国驻美大使馆商务参赞处Commercial Counsellors Office of Chinese Embassy in the United States6.美国驻华大使馆商务参赞处Commercial Counsellors Office of American Embassy in China7.贸促会CCPIT=China Council for

    3、 the Promotion of International Trade8.专营Specialize in9.建立业务关系Establish business relations10.享有良好声誉Enjoy a good reputation11.工艺品、礼品和纪念品Arts and crafts, gifts and souvenirs12.详细的规格Detailed specifications13.包装方式Means of packing14.具体询盘Specific inquiries/concrete enquiries 15.业务状况Business status16.业务范围B

    4、usiness scope17.在我方的业务范围Fall within our business scope18.可供出口Available for export19.供你方参考For your reference20.剪样册Sample-cutting booklet21.小册子Booklet/leaflet22.样品Sample23.价目表Pricelist24.报价单Quotation sheet25.最新的附图目录Latest illustrated catalogue26.为了使你们对我们的产品有一个总的概念,随信附上最新目录。To give you a general idea o

    5、f our products, we enclose our latest catalogue.27.商务参赞Commercial Attach28.商行Business house29.贸易名录Trade directory30.求购,预购In the market for31.新产品New line32.有现货供应Available from stock建交函的写作要点:1.information source信息来源;your intention写作目的2.self-introduction of your firm and introduction of your products企业

    6、概况,产品介绍注:切记长篇大论,突出优势亮点3.Exporter: enclose a catalogue, a pricelist. 发目录必不可少Imported:Request for catalogues, samples4.expect an early reply建交函的重点句型:1.We have your name and address from XXX and learn that我们从XXX得到您的姓名及地址并得知2.We learn from XXX that 我们从XXX得知3.Through the courtesy(=introduction) of XXX, w

    7、e learn that经由XXX介绍,我们得知()4.Your company has been introduced/ recommended to us by Citi Bank, New York Branch as buyers of Chinese sewing machines.我们从花旗银行纽约分行得知你公司欲购缝纫机。5.We introduce ourselves as Unit 3 Status Enquiry坏账Bad debt资信证明人Credit reference银行资信证明人/银行征信Bank reference同业资信证明人/同业征信Trade referen

    8、ce财务状况Financial standing贸易付款记录Trade payment record违约记录Record of default*你方为我方提供的任何信息将会被严格保密,并且你方不负任何责任。Any information you may obtain for us will be treated as strictly confidential and without any responsibility on your part,在你地At your end信誉情况Credit standing/status资信调查函的写作要点:1.Who& Why(reasons for

    9、the enquiry)2.What( information requires)3.Express your appreciation and your assurance of treating the information as strictly confidential.Unit 4 Enquiries and Replies询盘Enquiry发盘/报盘Offer还盘Counter offer 接受Acceptance一般/总体询盘General enquiry具体询盘Specific enquiry向某人下订单求购Place an order with sb, for sth,*请

    10、报贵公司(商品)(贸易术语)最优惠价,月装运,采用付款方式Please quote us your best price for sth. on XXX., shipment before , payment by 具体询盘的写作要点:1.Express thanks for the catalogue/ leaflet that has been sent to you.2.State the specific items you are interested in, invite the seller to make an offer3.State the possibility of p

    11、lacing an order.Unit5 Offer报盘人/发盘人Offerer受盘人Offeree品名Name of commodity达成交易Conclude business回复性发盘Responsive offer主动发盘Voluntary offer实盘Firm offer虚盘Non-firm offer本报盘仅供参考。This offer is for reference only.我方的报盘可随时更改,不再另行通知。Our offer is subject to change without notice.本报盘以你方在本月底前复到有效。This offer is subjec

    12、t to your reply reaching us before the end of this month.本报盘以我方的最终确认为准。This offer is subject to our final confirmation.本报盘以货物未售为准。This offer is subject to the goods being unsold.本报盘十天内有效。This offer is valid/open/good/firm holds good for 10 days.本盘我方有权先售。Our offer is subject to prior sale,续订单Repeat o

    13、rders发盘信(回复性发盘)的主要内容:1.Thanks for the enquiry2.Details of the offer3.Nature of the offer4.Persuasive sentences(可省略)5.Expectations报盘引导句句型:1.根据你方的要求,现报盘如下In reply to your enquiry/ Based on your requirement/ At your request, we now offer as follows.2.我方很高兴报价如下We are pleased to make an offer as follows/

    14、 We take pleasure in offering you as follows/ We have pleasure in making you an offer as followsUnit 6 Counter-offer还盘函的写作要点1.Begin your letter by expressing your thanks for the offer.2.Tell the reader what terms of offer you are happy with.(根据实际情况可省略)3.Indicate what terms are unacceptable and expla

    15、in why. Try to persuade the reader with facts.4.Tell the reader what to do. Suggest how the deal could be concluded.5.End your counter-offer letters positively. Express your hope for a favorable reply.还价信重点句型1.开头:Thank you for your offer for , we have considered your price very carefully.2.What: In

    16、reply, we wish to say that all other terms are acceptable except that your price is on the high side.价格高的几种表达法:偏高:The price appears on the high side.太高了以致于我方无法接受:The price is too high to be acceptable.太高了以致于无法交易:The price is too high to conclude a deal.3.Why:你方的价格:a.脱离我处的现行市场行情:Your price is out of

    17、line with current market price.b.与其他供货商的价格相比偏高:Your price appears on the high side as compared with those of other suppliers.c.比日本货高出10%:Your price is 10% higher those of Japanese-made.d.比上次交易高出5%:Your price is 15% higher than that of last deal. 按此价格很难说服我方客户购买你方产品:At this price, it is difficult for

    18、us to persuade our clients to buy your products. 按此价格我们很难推销你的产品:At this price, it is difficult for us to promote your goods. 接受你方价格对我们来说是巨大的损失,更不要说利润了:To accept your price would mean a heavy loss to us, not to speak of profit.Unit 7 Placing orders and signing contracts印旧订单格式Printed order form印旧回执Pri

    19、nted acknowledgement主要营业地址Principal business address书面/口头合同Written/oral contract销售合同Sales contract销售确认书Sales confirmation购货合同Purchase contract会签Counter-signature缮制合同Prepare S/C确认/接受/履行/取消订单Confirm/book/carry out/cancel order试订单/续订单/首次订单/过期订单Trial/repeat/initial/back order第BP-103销售确认书Sales Confirmati

    20、on No.我公司第GA-237发票Our Invoice No. GA-237销售合同Sales contract一式两份/一式三份In duplicate/triplicate请寄回一份以便我方存档。Please sign and return one copy for file.以为受益人In ones favor/in favor of sb.以卖方为受益人的信用证L/C in favor of the seller相关的信用证Relevant L/C严格相符Strictly conformed成交函的写法1.确认订单2.寄送销售确认书3.我方关心的事4.对方关心的事5.希望合作愉快U

    21、nit 8 Terms of Payment一、催证函的内容要点1. 信用证特定化(点名合同号)what2. 现状why1) 货物备妥待运2) 船期临近3) 信用证延迟开到3. 解决方案二、改证函内容要点:第一段:感谢对方的来证Thank you for your L/C No. VA001 issued by the Standard Charter Bank, Liverpool, which reached us yesterday.第二段:列明不符点,并说明如何修改仔细审核信用证后,我们发现信用证有些条款与合同条款不符,现将不符点罗列如下:On going through the L/

    22、C, we have found some clauses which do not conform to those of S/C. We now list the discrepancies as follows. 罗列不符点句式:Should be notShould be instead ofPlease delete the clause “”Add the wording “”Insert the word “” before AmendtoExtendto第三段:希望信用证修改书早日开到(时限),以便按时发货请相应修改信用证,并将信用证修改书早日开到,以便我方及时发货。Pleas

    23、e amend the L/C correspondently/accordingly and let us have your L/C amendment at an early date so that we can effect shipment in time.Unit 9 Packing内包装Inner packing外包装Outer packing中性包装Neutral packing指定包装Designated packing装箱单Packing list适合海运的出口包装Seaworthy export packing运输标志(唛头)Shipping marks收货人的首字母缩

    24、写Initials abbreviation指示性标志Indicative marks警告性标志Warning marks运输包装种类纸板箱Carton瓦楞纸板箱Corrugated carton木箱Wooden case柳条箱/板条箱Crate琵琶桶Barrel铁皮圆桶Iron drum铁罐Can货盘/托盘Pallet麻袋Gunny bags塑料袋Plastic bags/polythene bag大袋、麻布袋Sack布袋Cloth bag纸袋Paper bag木盒Wooden box硬纸盒Cardboard box茶盒Tea box内衬防水纸Be lined with waterproof

    25、 paper内衬塑料泡沫Be lined with plastic foam外用金属带加固Be secured by metal straps外用塑料带加固Be secured by plastic strops填充料Filling material使完全满意Turn out to the full satisfaction of sb.粗暴搬运Rough handling标题项下的合同Captioned contract一、包装函要点1.确认收到对方的函电,指出包装条款不够清楚2.原包装条款及其问题3.新包装条款及其原因4.结尾二、包装方式表达法1.从小包装到大包装(由内而外)1) 单件物品

    26、使用的包装用in2) 若干件相同物品装到另一较大容器用to例:Our Socks are packed each pair in a poly bag, 12 pairs to a box, and 60 boxes to a carton, 2000 cartons in an FCL container.2.从大包装到小包装最外一层包装用in,使用如下句式:in containingeach例句:我公司的男式衬衫用木箱包装,每箱10打。Our Mens Shirts are packed in wooden cases containing 10 dozen each.Unit 10 In

    27、suranceCover/effect insurance on +货物for +保额 against+险别 with +保险公司 as per +保险条款例句:We have covered insurance on the 400 case of Medical Instruments for 110% of the invoice value against All Risks with PICC as per China Insurance ClausesUnit 11 shipment一、催装函1.Specify the S/C and mention its terms of sh

    28、ipment.合同及货物特定化2.State the current situation3.Suggestions1) Dispatch the goods by air2) Buyers send their vessel to pick up the goods3) Stipulate a time limit4) Cancel the contract and reserve the rights to lodge claims二、装船通知1.通知对方货已装船发运S/C N0. Name of the vessel, voyage No. ETD(=expected time of di

    29、spatch预计离港时间),ETA(预计到达时间)2.Sending shipping documents寄送费运输单据3.Expectations希望货物能及时抵达并使对方满意重点句型:1.资信调查函你方为我方提供的任何信息将会被严格保密,并且你方不负任何责任。 Any information you may obtain for us will be treated as strictly confidential and without any responsibility on your part,温哥华史密斯公司写信给我们,要求做我公司在加拿大的工艺品代理。他们向我们公司提供了贵司作

    30、为其资信证明人,故特致函贵公司,望能告知该公司的营销能力及其在你地的信誉情况。Messrs Smith Co. have written to us that they wish to act as our agent for arts and crafts in Canada. They have listed your company as their credit reference, so we are writing to enquire about their marketing ability and credit status/standing at your end.2.询盘句式:请报贵公司(商品)(贸易术语)最优惠价,月装运,采用付款方式Please quote us your best price for sth. on XXX., shipment before , payment by 1)请报贵公司“


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