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    1、贸易英文常用措辞之灵活应用贸易英文常用措辞之灵活应用Starting with the BasicsI.【一般常用语】1. 期盼. look forward to + N+ Ving例: We look forward to your prompt reply.We look forward to hearing from you soon.期盼很快收到您的回音。译: 期盼很快收到您的订单。2. 若.则不胜感激;希望、敬请A. We would be obliged + if + you would/could + VWe would be grateful/thankful We would

    2、 appreciate itIt would be appreciated .例: We would be obliged if you would provide/furnish us with information on their financial status.如蒙提供他们的财务状况数据,则不胜感激。译: a. 如蒙提供他们在信用方面的数据,则不胜感激。b. 如蒙寄上目录及价目表,无任感荷。B. We would appreciate + N We would be grateful/thankful forN + would/will be (highly/much) appre

    3、ciated例: We would be grateful for an early reply.若您能早日回复,我们会非常感激。 We would appreciate your prompt attention to the adjustment of this claim.Your prompt attention to the adjustment of this claim will be (highly) appreciated. 希望您能迅速处理索赔。(若您能迅速处理索赔,我们会感激不尽。) 译: a.我们会非常感激您所能给予之协助。 b.希望您能迅速处理此事。(若您能迅速处理此

    4、事,我们会感激不尽。)3. 请告知A. Please advise/inform us of somethingadvise/inform us + 子句例: Please inform us of your terms of payment. 请告知贵公司的付款条件。B. Please let us know + something+ 子句 例: Please let us know what discount you can allow us for a large order.请告知订单较大时,可以打多少折扣。译: a. 请告知最快交货日。b. 请告知您可供应的数量。(从存货中可供应多少

    5、数量)C. please do not hesitate to let us/me know请别客气尽管告知例: If there is anything we can do for you, please do not hesitate to let us know. 若有任何我们可以为您效劳的地方,请别客气尽管告知。译: 若您有任何问题,请别客气尽管告知。4. 附上A.随函附上.We enclose/are enclosing/have enclosed.Enclosed is/are.Please find enclosed.is/are enclosed例: Enclosed are

    6、our latest catalog and price list. 随函附上本公司最新的目录及价目表。 Our quotation for leather handbags is enclosed. 随函附上皮革手提包的报价。译: 随函附上我们的最新目录及CIF Singapore 报价的价目表。B.附档为.Attached is/arePlease find attached.例: Attached is our company profile for your reference.附档为本公司简介供您参考。 译:附文件为本公司第123号订单,订购复印机。 5. 谢谢您.。Thank yo

    7、u for your + NThank you for + Ving例: Thank you for your interest in Victoria Sportswear. 谢谢您对维多利亚运动服饰表示兴趣。Thank you for responding so promptly to our request.谢谢您这么快地响应我们的要求。译: a. 谢谢您询问本公司的产品。(谢谢您对本公司产品的询问) b. 谢谢您让我们注意到这个问题。(bringto our attention)II. 【开发信】1. 我们从. 得知We have learned sth from sb.from sb

    8、 that + 子句 例: We have learned your name from the New York Chamber of Commerce and Industry. 我们从纽约工商协会得知贵公司的大名。We have learned from the Barnes Hardware Ltd. of London that you are looking for an import agent to represent you in Asia.我们从伦敦的邦斯五金公司那儿得知您在寻找一家可以在亚洲代表贵公司的进口代理商。译: 我们从芝加哥(Chicago)的德国领事馆得知贵公司

    9、是德国首屈一指(leading)的厨具制造商。2. 自我介绍(公司).A. 本公司为.We are.例: We are an established company specializing in office equipment. 本公司为一历史悠久专门制造办公设备的厂商。译: 本公司名列台湾主要的家具厂商(为主要的家具商之一)。B. 本公司为.,想要.We are.and would like to . 例: We are importers of optical products and would like to receive your current catalog. 本公司为光学

    10、产品的进口商,希望能收到贵公司的最新目录。译: 本公司为自行车厂商,想与贵国的进口商取得联系 (get in touch)。III. 【代理权】1. 本公司有兴趣担任贵公司在的独家代理。We are interested in acting as your exclusive/sole agents in.例: We are interested in acting as your exclusive agents in Europe.本公司有兴趣担任贵公司在欧洲的独家代理译:若贵公司在这里还没有代理商(没有被人代表), 我们希望(有兴趣)成为您的独家代理。IV.【询问】1. 可否寄上Woul

    11、d/Could you please send .? 例: Would you please send us samples and price lists of the goods listed below?可否寄上下列产品的样品及价目表?译: 可否惠赐图标(illustrated)目录, 及您的出口价格、折扣及付款条件的详细完整资料。2. 询价用语A. Please quote for the supply of .请提供(.东西)的报价例: Please quote for the supply of 200 MC15 DVD players.请提供200台MC15光驱的报价。B. (W

    12、ould you) please quote prices C.I.F./F.O.B. 地名 请提供(方式)的报价 例: Would you please quote prices C.I.F. Tokyo for the following items:请报上下列物品CIF Tokyo 的价格。译: 请报上下列物品的最低价。V.【回复】1. 谢谢您 月. 日的. Thank you for your of 日期. (letter, fax, email, inquiry, quotation, order)例: Thank you for your letter of September 2

    13、5. 谢谢您9月25 日的来函。译: a. 谢谢您第 235号订单,订购男用毛衣。 b. 谢谢您第 10月12 日来函询问本公司笔记型计算机。 2. 回复您月.日的.In reply/response to your . of 日期, 例: In reply to your inquiry of February 10, we are pleased to quote as follows:回复您2月15日的询问,很高兴报价如下:译: 回复您8月3的询问,我们今天寄出了最新的目录。3. 应您所求 (照您所请求的)as requested, 例: As requested, we are sen

    14、ding you a range of cloth samples.应您所求,寄上代表性的布料样品。 类似用法: as instructed (照您所指示的)译: 应您所求,附上手提电视机的报价。4. 可以从库存出货。例: Delivery can be made from stock.We can supply from stock.译: 我们可以从库存出货,并且如期交货(赶上交货日), 不会有问题。(will have no trouble in.)5. 没有货A. 没有现货;缺货be out of stock 例: The goods (that) you require are out

    15、 of stock at present, but we can offer you a substitute.您要的货目前缺货,但我们可以提供替代品。译:您所询问的东西缺货,但我们推荐相近的替代品Model AC-101。(recommendas) B. 停产 sth + be discontinued sb + no longer manufacture(s) + sth例:We no longer manufacture the Clairview television models. The Clairview television models have been discontin

    16、ued. (The Clairview television models are no longer available.) Clairview 电视机种已不再生产/已停产。译: 很抱歉,您所订购的货品不再生产。VI.【报价】1. 我们的报价如下:(很高兴报价如下)We are pleased to quote as follows:译: 回复您12月9日的询问,很高兴报价如下:2. 打. 折offer (sb) a discount of 10% 打九折offer (sb) a 10% discount offer 可以用 allow, grant 取代例: We offer a 20%

    17、discount off list prices. 定价打八折We will offer a 10% discount off list prices for orders over $10,000.more than $10,000exceeding $10,000 凡超过一万美元的订单,就给予九折优待We will allow you a further 5% discount for orders of more than 500 units. grant you an additionalan extra若您订购五百件以上,我们会再给九五折优待。译: 数量达1000 给九折,超过100

    18、0 给予八五折优待。(up to) VII.【订单】1. 下订单place an order/orders for sth with sb 例: If your price is workable, we will place a large order with you. 若价格可行,我们就会向您下大笔的订单。If the prices quoted are competitive, and the quality up to standard, we will place regular orders with you.若所报的价格具有竞争力且质量达到标准,我们会经常下订单。译: a. 若

    19、产品令人满意,未来我们还会再下订单。(in the future)b. 若您能提供优惠的报价且保证收到订单后三周内交货,我们会经常下订单。VIII.【出货】1. 因急着要货(请在前交货/请迅速交货)as the goods are urgently required/needed, as we are in urgent need of the goods, .例: As the goods are urgently required, we would be grateful for delivery by May 15. We would be grateful for delivery

    20、by May 15 as the goods are urgently required.由于需货孔急,请在五月十五日前交货。Prompt delivery would be appreciated as we are in urgent need of the goods.由于需货孔急,请迅速交货。译: 由于需货孔急,请在月底前交货2. 在收到 之后, (多久) 即可以出货Delivery will be made on/after receipt of .Shipment will be effected 例: Delivery will be made immediately on re

    21、ceipt of your remittance.收到汇款后即马上出货。Shipment will be effected within 30 days after receipt of your L/C. 收到信用状后30天内即可出货。译: 收到订单后三星期内即可出货。3. 准备好出货。be ready for shipment/dispatch例: The goods you ordered are ready for shipment.dispatch 您所订购的物品已准备好出货。译: 很高兴确认,您在9 月 15 日订购的书籍已包装好且准备出货。(pack)IX.【付款、催款】1. 将

    22、以.方式付款Payment will be made by. (买方陈述)should (卖方陈述)例: Payment will be made by bank transfer. 将以银行转帐方式付款。译: 付款应以支票或银行转帐方式行之。2. 附上(金额) 支票一张,支付. We enclose a cheque/check for 金额 in payment of/for our settlement Enclosed is our check for.例: We enclose a check for600 in settlement of your statement dated

    23、May 15.附上600欧元支票一张,支付您5月15日的账单。 Enclosed is our check for $2000 in payment for the goods supplied on Oct. 15.附上2000美元支票一张,支付您10月15日的货款。译: 附上500英镑支票一张,支付发票135 号的帐款。 3. (帐款)已逾期(多久时间)。be.overdue past due例: Your payment is three months overdue. 您的货款已逾期三个月未付。例: Settlement of this account is more than a m

    24、onth overdue.此帐款已逾期一个多月。译: 容我们提醒您,您订单312 号的货款已逾期一个月。X.【诉怨】1. 少了sth be missing (from.)例: Two cartons are missing. 少了两个纸盒。Four cases are missing from the consignment.货少了四箱。2. 短装sb short-ship sth by .例: You have short-shipped this consignment by three bales.(这批货)你们短装了三捆。3. 受损be damaged例: Some of the ar

    25、ticles were badly damaged. 有些物品严重受损。4. 在.的时候发现.Upon / On + Ving., we found that .例:On inspecting the goods, we found that the quality was not up to sample.检查货物的时候,我们发现质量未符合样品的规格。译: 在打开纸箱的时候,我们发现半数的盘子都严重受损。(unpack /carton box) 讲义中的/表示或者,( )表示括号中的字可以省略。【翻译练习参考答案】I.1We look forward to receiving your or

    26、der soon.I.2AaWe would be obliged if you would provide us with information on their credit standing.I.2AbWe should/would be obliged if you would send us your catalog and price list.I.2BaWe would be grateful for any help you can give us.We would appreciate any help you can give us.I.2BbYour prompt at

    27、tention to this matter would be highly appreciated.We would appreciate your prompt attention to this matter.I.3BaPlease advise us of your earliest date of delivery.Please let us know your earliest date of delivery.I.3BbPlease let us know what quantities you can supply from stock.Please inform us wha

    28、t quantities you can supply from stock.I.3C.If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to let us/me know.I.4 APlease find enclosed our current/latest catalog and price list quoting CIF prices Singapore.I.4 BAttached is our order No. 123 for photocopiersI.5aThank you for your inquiry for/about

    29、 our products.I.5bThank you for bringing this problem to our attention.II.1.We have learned from the German Consulate in Chicago that you are a leading producer of kitchenware in Germany.II.2AWe are one of the main producers/manufacturers of furniture in Taiwan.II.2BWe are manufacturers/producers of

    30、 bicycles and would like to get in touch with importers of this line in your country.III. 1If you are not already represented here, we would be interested in acting as your sole agents.IV.1Could you please send us your illustrated catalog and full details of your export prices, discounts, and terms of payment?IV. 2Please quote your lowest/best prices for the following items.Please quote your lowest/best prices for the items listed below.V.1 aThank you for your order No 235 for mens sweaters.V.1 bThank you for your enquiry of October


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