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    1、高中英语必修五练习高中英语必修五练习Unit 1 Great scientists1单词拼写1.The two groups of children have quite different c_.2.She discovered r_.3.He was the p_ that studied dead bodies to improve his painting of people.4.He took a very s_ approach to management.5.We must try to a_the cause of the strike.6.The doctors are do

    2、ing s_ research,hoping to find out the methods to cure cancers.7.The chemical waste from factories p_ the nearly rivers.8.At the end of the meeting,the chairman c_ that all the nations had to work hard to solve the problem of greenhouse effect.9.The earthquake v_ got help and relief from government

    3、soon after the disaster.10.He is an e_ in mastering languages,for he can speak eight different languages.11.The two cities were l_ by a railway.12.Those who can f_ difficulties on their way to success may keep calm when the difficulties really appear.13.Dont b_ him.After all he is still a child.2选词填

    4、空 (一)conclusion; analyse ; contribution; put forward ; apart from 1.In respect of this problem,we dont have to draw a _quickly.2.Do you agree with the plan he _in the discussion.3.His great _to the development of a modern China will never be forgotten.4.By _the parts of the sentence we learn more ab

    5、out English grammar,5._what he said,you also need to ask for your parents advice. (二)only if; apart from; be to blame for; defeat; attend to; be absorbed in; put forward; the moment1.He _ a new theory and it was hard for people to accept.2.Could you _ this matter immediately?3.He _ the football game

    6、 and forgot to have dinner.4.The driver _ the accident and was fired.5. _English,we study Chinese and maths.6. _I get a job will I have enough money to go to school.7.She was a woman who hated to admit _.8.I gave the book to her _I saw her.3用所给词的恰当形式填空1.The liquid is not to _(expose)air,for it will

    7、soon evaporate,2.I _(absorb) a book and paid no attention to their discussion.3.Nobody is _(blame)for that.4.To be honest,my carelessness _a lot _(contribute)my failure.5.Dont waste time thinking about a sentence which doesnt _(sense).6.Please remain _(seat),the winner of the prize will be announced

    8、 soon.7.The trees _(blow)in the storm have been moved off the road.8.The house _(stand)at the corner of the street was built in 1982.9.He looked _(worry)after reading the letter.10.The glass cup was _(break)by John.11.The new railway is still under _(construct)12.The government calls on people_(cont

    9、ribute)food and clothing to the relief of the poor.13.The prize of the game show is $30000 and an all expenses _(pay) vacation to China.14.The bell _(indicate)the end of the period rang, _(interrupt)our heated discussion.15.The children were all _(inspire)after they heard the _(inspire)news that the

    10、y would be sent to Australia as international students.4单项填空1.As we all know,a proper amount of exercise _to good health.A.controls B.offers C.provides D.contributes2.Mary is seriously ill. So she has been _ to by a careful doctor.A.attended B.served C.looked D.cared3.In the following few hours the

    11、boy was _ in the TV series journey to the West.A. drawn B.linked C.absorbed D.attracted4.As we all know,women do not _ their faces in public in some Middle Eastern countries.A.cover B.keep C.expose D.protect5.-Do you know who left the computer on all night long?-It seems that Tom is _. He played com

    12、puter games yesterday afternoon.A.blaming B.blamed C.to blame D.to be blamed6.In the battle,our soldiers _ the enemy.A.won B.defeated C.failed D.beat7.It doesnt make _ to buy that expensive coat when these cheaper ones are just as good.A.sense B.meaning C.idea D.point8.Hearing his plan _again,he _of

    13、 his annoyed feeling.A.rejecting;in control B.rejected;lost control C.to reject;beyond control D.be rejected;under control9.Dont be so discouraged.If you _ such feeling,you will do better next time.A.carry on B.get back C.deal with D.put away10. _ you master an effective method to study French _make

    14、 great progress in a short time.A.Only if;will you B.Only if;you willC.Unless;will you D.Unless;you will11.-Have you recognized her? -Yes,_I saw her.A.while B.the instant C.for the time D.once12.Dont stop _ you meet with a word you dont understand.A.at the time B.each time C,by the time D.sometimes1

    15、3._ a sense,all of us should be to blame for the tragedy.A.In B.At C.With D.By14._his nose,hes quite good-looking.A.Besides B.Apart from C.Except that D.Now that15Everyone was silent as he _the winner of the competition.A .foresaw B.announced C.said D.told16.He looked _ over his shoulder but saw not

    16、hing.A.backward B.forward C.up D.down17.She is even more _about spending the holiday in Zhuhai.A.enthusiastic B.strange C.cold D.warm18.Nicolaus was an expert in studying the _ of the planets in the universe.A.acts B.movements C.actions D.behaviors19.Our Earth is only a small part of the _.A.globe B

    17、.planets C.sky D.universe20.He fell in love with her at first _.A.view B.scence C.sight D.look21.I have read the material several times but it doesnt make any _ to me.A.meaning B.importance C.sense D.significance22.It is considered to be almost a crime to _children to violence and sex on TV.A.Show B

    18、.disclose C.uncover D.expose23.In order to get up early tomorrow morning,the boy _his alarm clock an hour _.A.push; on B.put;forward C.push;up D.pull;back24.-Could you tell Lucy about the meeting when you see her?-Sure,I will _ I see her.A.certainly B.fortunately C.probably D.immediately25. _life pa

    19、ce continues to speed up,we are quickly losing the art of enjoyment.A.With B.When C.As D.While26. _these two books,he has written some plays and poems.A.Apart from B.Except for C.Except D.But for27.The new evidence led to _.A.the robber having caught B.catch the robberC.the robber being caught D.the

    20、 robber to be caught 28.We must be strict _ourselves and strict _our work.A.on; with B.with;in C.in;in D.with;with29.Only when _ in 1949_to his homeland.A.was the war over;he returned B.the war was over;he returnedC.the war was over;did he returnD.was the war over;did he return30.As there is always

    21、a lot of traffic on the road,Ken is extremely _when riding his bike.A.cautious B.careless C.excited D.happy31.Tina began to learn how closely storytelling _to the everyday life of the people in that country.A.was linked B.linked C.was linking D.to be linked32.The writer _his writing.He forgot to hav

    22、e his lunch.A.absorbed into B.was absorbed intoC.was absorbed in D.absorbed33.Dont use words or phrases _ only to people with specific knowledge.A.being known B.having been knownC.to be known D.known34.The wolf howled in a _voice and the old man felt _.A.frightening; frightened B.frightened;frighten

    23、edC.frighten;frightening D.frightening;frightening35.Take care during the holidays!Drinking too much can _heart disease.A.contribute to B.deal withC.attend to D.devote to36.There were several new events _ to the program for the project.A.add B.to add C.adding D.added37.Dont respond to any e-mail _ p

    24、ersonal information,no matter how official they look.A.searching B.asking C.requesting D.questioning38.When he saw the letter,he became _.A.exciting B.excited C.excite D.to excite39.Ladies and gentlemen,please remain _ until the plane has come to a compete stop.A.seated B.seating C.to seat D.seat40.

    25、For breakfast he only drinks juice from fresh fruit _on his own farm.A.grown B.being grown C.to be grown D.to grow五完形填空 A Many people are tidy both at home and at office.Nowhere have I seen a _1_untidy office than my friend James. Everywhere there are _2_and books.Not only does it seem never to be c

    26、leaned out,but also I do not think it is ever aired,for at _3_time have I seen any of the windows_4_.Often I have _5_James that he should open one,but each tome he answered,Not just now,Henry Later.Luckily I _6_to go there very often,nor do I stay there longer than I have to. Strangely enough,James is quite _7_outside his office.Only once have I seen him with a dirty collar,for example.He is usually well _8_.Nor is he careless about thing like _9_.At no time has he been _10_to forget a party,and no sooner does he receive an invitation _11_he answers it.Unfortunately,his office is qui


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