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    1、上海民航职业技术学院英语听力专业技能考试考纲及模拟卷 2019年上海民航职业技术学院招收中等职业学校应届毕业生英语听力专业技能考试大纲根据2019年上海市普通高等学校招收中等职业学校应届毕业生工作实施办法的精神要求,特制订我院专业技能考试大纲。本考试大纲适用于报考空中乘务、民航空中安全保卫、民航商务、民航商务(民航电子商务)、航空服务(航空旅游服务)、航空物流、民航安全技术管理、航空机电设备维修、航空机电设备维修(直升机维修)、航空电子设备维修、飞机制造技术、飞机结构修理、民航特种车辆维修十三个民航相关专业的考生。一、专业技能考试目标考核考生对日常生活英语的应用能力和英语基础知识的掌握程度。考

    2、试形式为听力理解,检测考生的英语听力水平,以突出职业教育对学生语言能力的特色要求。考试项目题型考核目标内容难易程度题量分值时间听力理解(1)单句语言能力日常生活 中职英语程度1530分40分钟(2)短对话1530分(3)长对话1020分(4)短文理解1020分二、专业技能考试项目和内容三、样题上海民航职业技术学院2019年招收中等职业学校应届毕业生英语听力专业技能考试样卷题型I单句理解II短对话理解III长对话理解IV短文理解总分题分30分30分20分20分100分得分 I. Statements 15*2=30Direction: Part 1. Statements. In this pa

    3、rt you will hear 15 statements. Each of the statements will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and choose the best answers to what you have heard:(30%)1.-( )A: Its too careful of you.B: Dont forget that. C: Dont worry about that. D: No, thanks.2.-( )A: I dont like that.B: Yes, you may.C: No, thanks

    4、.D: Certainly.3.-( )A: Yes, please.B: Youre welcome.C: Thats very kind of you.D: Of course.4.-( )A: Yes, its very kind of you.B: Yes, thanks for inviting me.C: Whats the matter?D: It doesnt matter.5.-( )A: Thats fine with me.B: Whats the matter?C: What a good idea!D: Thats very kind of you.6.-( )A:

    5、Id love to, but my son was sick.B: No, thanks. When shall we go?C: Thats great. I must be leaving.D: Take care. Good night.7.-( )A: Yes, I like Shanghai very much.B: Yes, its my first time to meet you.C: No, I didnt like the place at all.D: No. I was here last year.8.-( )A: I am fond of roses very m

    6、uch.B: What about buying a bunch of flower?C: Im glad you like them.D: How much for one bunch?9.-( )A: Whats the matter?B: Thats all right.C: Oh, really sorry!D: Slightly better.10.-( )A: Near the school.B: In the office. C: The third floor.D: Its a new flat.11.-( )A: Of course.B: Take it easy.C: Fo

    7、rget it.D: Never mind.12.-( )A: Ive caught a cold.B: I wish you the best of luck.C: I am preparing for my competition.D: Ive won the first prize of the game.13.-( )A: No worries. Enjoy yourself.B: What a pity! Im sorry to hear that.C: OK. Good bye and Good luck.D: I really must be going.14.-( ) A: Y

    8、es. I cant agree with you any more. B: Yes. The weather is bad yesterday. C: No. I have to book a ticket. D: No. Everything is Okay with my mum.15.-( ) A: Its very kind of you. B: All right. Go ahead. C: How beautiful you are! D: Noting is impossible. II. Short Conversations 15*2=30Direction: Part 2

    9、. Short Conversations. In this part you will hear 15 short conversations. Each of the conversations will be read ONLY ONCE. Listen carefully and choose the best answers to what you have heard:(30%) (M=Man, W=Woman, Q=Question)1.-( )A: A teacher.B: A surgeonC: A manager.D: A policeman.2.-( )A: Tom is

    10、 a humorous person.B: Tom is a serious man.C: Tom is a strong teacher.D: Tom is a sentimental man.3.-( )A: She doesnt live far away.B: She hasnt made up her mind.C: She wont buy a car this year.D: She doesnt like to drive.4.-( )A: She was making a telephone call.B: She was going to the airport.C: Sh

    11、e was sleeping at home.D: She was having a dating.5.-( )A: He is going to find a job.B: He is going to study for a degree.C: Boss and employee.D: Nurse and patient.6.-( )A: $ 2B: $ 4C: $ 8D: $ 16 7.-( )A: He is so tired of her.B: He didnt like the working environment.C: He agreed with the woman. D:

    12、He didnt like the woman.8.-( )A: She would have another bottle.B: She wouldnt want to have another bottle.C: She likes the orange juice very much.D: She didnt hear the mans words.9.-( )A: Have a two-day holiday.B: Visit the woman after two days.C: Fix his own computer.D: Repair the womans computer.1

    13、0.-( )A: They are good at cooking.B: They are going to invite someone to supper.C: They have never done any housework.D: They cant have supper at home. 11.-( )A: He is new in the city.B: He is a new policeman.C: He knows the State Library. D: He is very helpful to the woman.12.-( )A: Their jobs. B:

    14、Their plans. C: Their hobbies. D: Their majors.13.-( ) A: Today. B: Yesterday. C: The day before yesterday. D: Tomorrow.14.-( )A: In a restaurant.B: In a Supermarket.C: In the kitchen.D: At home.15.-( )A: 8:20B: 8: 30 C: 8: 40D: 8: 50III. Longer Conversations 10*2=20Direction: Part 3. Longer Convers

    15、ations. In this part you will hear 2 longer conversations. Each of the conversations will be read Twice. Listen carefully and choose the best answers to what you have heard:(20%)1.-( )A: In a metro station.B: Near the metro.C: In a flat.D: Through the telephone.2.-( )A: A clerk.B: A secretary.C: A t

    16、eacher.D: A waitress.3.-( )A: 1,700.B: 1,800.C: 1,900.D: 2,000.4.-( )A: 4 oclock in the afternoon.B: 5 oclock in the afternoon.C: 6 oclock in the afternoon.D: Not mentioned.5.-( )A: Black coat.B: Blue jeans.C: Red sweater.D: Black pants.6.-( )A: They are colleagues.B: They are boss and manager.C: Th

    17、ey are husband and wife.D: They are good friends.7.-( )A: The TV series are too boring.B: The entertainment programs are not exciting.C: The advertisements are annoying.D: The news makes her feel sleepy.8.-( )A: The food channel.B: The fashion channel.C: The sports channel.D: The traveling channel.9.-( )A: He was injured in last match.B: He was fouled in last match.C: He was protected in last match.D: He didnt play in last match.10.-( )A: Not mentioned.B: 91 to 89.C: 91 to 88.D: 89 to 88.IV. Passages 10*2=20Dir


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