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    1、完整word版一般过去时的动词练习题一般过去时练习题(一)姓名:_一、用动词的正确形式填空。1.Zhang Peng and John _(sing and dance) in Xinjiang last holiday.2.My father _(go) to Canada by plane yesterday.3.They _(climb) mountains and _(take) pictures last Sunday.4.We _(eat) good food and _(fly) kites last weekend.5.My parents_(learn) English th

    2、ree years ago.6.Amy and her friends _(make) a snowman last winter.7.I _(help) my mother _(wash) the clothes yesterday morning.8.Mary _(visit) grandparents and _(clean) the room last Saturday.9.Last weekend, John _(watch) TV and _(play) football.10.My parents and I _(go) to the park and _(go) swimmin

    3、g last Monday.11.Sarah _(read) a book and _(do) homework yesterday evening.12.The boys _ (sing) and _(dance) in the park last Friday.二、用动词的正确形式填空。1.We _(go) to the shop and _(buy) some presents yesterday afternoon.2.My friends _(see) elephants and _(row) a boat on the holiday.3.Last winter holiday,

    4、my brother and I _(go) skiing.4.What did you _(do) yesterday? I _(go) ice-skating.5.What _ she_(do) last week? She _(go) hiking.6.What _they _(do) last holiday? They _(eat) good food.7.My classmates _(go) hiking last week.8.Last Tuesday evening, I _(help) my mother _(cook) the meals.9.An hour ago, L

    5、inda _(listen) to music in the room.三、读短文,用动词的正确形式填空。John _(be) busy last weekend. He _(visit) his grandmother Sunday morning. It _(be) his grandmas birthday. They _(cook) noodles together. In the evening, they _(watch) TV. Sunday morning, John _(play) football with his friends. In the afternoon, he

    6、 _(wash) his clothes and _(clean) his room.一般过去时练习题(二)姓名:_一、读短文,用动词的正确形式填空。 Yesterday was a fun day. I _(walk) to Mikes home in the morning. I _(study) English with him. We _(read) funny story-books. Then I _(go) to the park by bike. I _(fly) kites. Suddenly my kite flew into the lake. The dog _(jum

    7、p) into the lake and _(swim) to it.二、读短文,用动词的正确形式填空。Last month, I _(have) fun with my cousin. On Monday we _(go) to a restaurant. We _(eat) good food. On Tuesday we _(go) to a park. We _(sing) and _(dance). On Wednesday we _(play) ping-pong. On Thursday we _(climb) a mountain. We _(take) many pictur

    8、es.三、读短文,用动词的正确形式填空。 It was a long holiday. We _(leave) Shanghai on February 1st and _(get) to Harbin on the 2nd. On the first day, I _(go) to a park with my parents. On the 3rd, I _(go) skiing. On the 4th, I _(do) my homework. On the 5th, I _(go) ice-skating. On the 6th, I _(buy) presents for my fr

    9、iends. We _(get) back to Shanghai by plane on the 7th. 四、用动词的正确形式填空。1. We _(get) to Beijing last week.2. The girl_(not do) her homework yesterday.3. Her parents_(work) in a shop 6 years ago.4. They_(go) and _(see) their teachers just now.5. I _(not watch) yesterday evening.6. The pupils_(not see) th

    10、e film yesterday.7. He_(have) breakfast with his mother just now.8. They_(not play) football last Monday.9. The visitors_(visit ) the school 3 days ago.10. He _(get) at 6:00 yesterday morning.11._(be) you here just now?12.He_(be not) a teacher a year ago.13.They_(not play) ping-pong last week.14.Whe

    11、n_ they _(have) lunch yesterday?15._the women_(come) here yesterday?16._ you _(enjoy) your trip yesterday?17.Her mother_(get) up early last Sunday.18.Zhang Jun_(help) her with her math yesterday.19._you _(do) your homework just now?20. She _(not see) him last week.21. I _(go) shopping yesterday.一般过去

    12、时练习题(三)姓名:_一、用动词的正确形式填空。1.What _you _(do) last night?2._ the boy _(get) up at 5:00 yesterday?3.Where _he _(meet) his friend just now?4.Did she _ (enjoy) his trip?5.When did he _(come)?6._they _(visit) the factory last week?7.When did the woman _(cook)?8._ Uncle Li _(come) here two days ago?9.Where _

    13、 they _(go) after class?10.Did he come to school early this morning? Yes, he _(do).11.Where did he _(work)? He _(work) in a shop.12._she _(do) her homework yesterday?13._ your friend _(play) with you yesterday?14.Where _ the girls _(go) last Sunday?15._ she _(play) the piano just now?16.What _ they

    14、_(do) last night?17.She _(be) at home yesterday morning.18.He _(be) at home just now.19._ (be) you at school just now? Yes, I _(be).20.He _(not do) it just now.二、用动词的正确形式填空。1. _you _(meet) Tom in the park last Sunday? Yes, I _(do).2. When _your mother _(go) to work yesterday? At 7:00.3. What _you _(

    15、do) at the last weekend? I _(play) ping-pong with Lily in the morning. Then I _(see) a film with my friends. After the film, we _(go) to a restaurant to _(have) lunch. We _(visit) the Science Museum in the afternoon. It _(be) a very nice day.4. What _they _(do) yesterday? I _(do) my homework.5. It _

    16、(be) a fine day last Sunday. I _(get) up very early. I _(eat) breakfast at 7:00. Then I _(do) my homework and _(play) computer games. After lunch my friend _(come) to _(see) me, then we _(go) skating in a park. In the afternoon we _(see) a new film at the cinema. I _(go) home at 7:30. I _(not clean)

    17、 my room. I _(go) to bed at 9:30. My Sunday _(be) a busy day.一般过去时练习题(四)姓名:_一、用动词的正确形式填空。1.What vegetable did you _(write)? I _(write) tomatoes.2.Tim _(carry) some boxes last Monday.3.What time _you _(get ) up yesterday? I _(get) up at 6:30.4.Peter _(get) up at 8:00 yesterday.5.I _(make) the bed by

    18、myself yesterday afternoon.6._you _(visit) your teacher yesterday? No, I didnt.7.I _(visit ) my friends yesterday.8.Li Lei _(draw) a picture yesterday.9._they_(carry) the bag yesterday?10._you _(go) to work by car yesterday?11.Where _Lily _(go) yesterday? She _(go) to the party.12.They _(not see) hi

    19、m yesterday.13.John _(clean) the bike two hours ago.14.My mother _(cook) supper yesterday.15. The pupils _(dance) yesterday.16. Tony _(fish) in the lake yesterday.17.Betty didnt _(watch) TV last night.18. John _(clean) the bike two hours ago.二、用动词的正确形式填空。1.Liu Dong_(buy)a watch with 50yuan last week

    20、.2.What _you _(do) yesterday evening? I went to the party.3.Dick _(go) to see Kate an hour ago.4.Betty _(have) an exam yesterday.5.What time_you _(have) dinner yesterday?We _ (have) dinner at 7:30.6.Mum took Jim to _(see) a doctor last week.7.My grandma _(take) the train to Guangzhou two hours ago.8

    21、.When did you _(take) these photos?I _(take) photos during the summer holiday.9. My mother _(cook) breakfast yesterday morning.10. The pupils _(dance) yesterday.11. Tony _(fish) in the lake yesterday.12.Betty didnt _(watch) TV last night.13. Mr Guo _(wash) the clothes yesterday morning.14. I_(help)

    22、Mr Li _(wash) his clothes yesterday.15. Jim _(clean) his bike yesterday.16.What_you _(do) yesterday? I _(did) my homework.17._you _(go) to work by car yesterday?18. Where _Lily _(go) yesterday? 一般过去时练习题(五)姓名:_一、按要求变化句子。1. I saw a film with my friend this morning.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 2. Lily and L

    23、ucy went to the park last Sunday.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 3.She cleaned her room yesterday.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 4. He watched TV last night.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 5.They listened to the radio just now.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 6.They were at the hall ten minutes ago.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 7. She w

    24、as there just now.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 8. He was a driver two years ago.否定句: 一般疑问句: 肯定回答: 否定回答: 时态综合练习题(一)姓名:_一、用动词的正确形式填空。1.The boys and girls _(learn) to sing and dance yesterday.2.Long long ago, there _(be) seven little men.3.Jim _(plant) the flowers yesterday.4.I _(do) my homework yesterday e

    25、vening.5.Kate _(study) Chinese yesterday afternoon.6.My grandpa _(tell) me many stories ten years ago.7.Jim and John _(play) football last week.8.What_you _(do) yesterday? I _(play) basketball.9.Mary_(help) her grandmother_(make) her bed yesterday.10.My father _(teach) me English yesterday.11.What tim


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