英国文学练习题一写出下列作品的作者1The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer2Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe3The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling,Part One Early and Medieval E
1、英国文学练习题一写出下列作品的作者1The Canterbury Tales Geoffrey Chaucer2Moll Flanders Daniel Defoe3The History of Tom Jones, A Foundling。
2、Part One Early and Medieval English Literature . Fill in the blanks. 1. In 1066, , with his Norman army, succeeded in in。
3、8: 17th Century: John Donnes Forbidding Mourning John Miltons Paradise Lost , On His Blindness John Bunyans 。
4、The key: 1c, 2e, 3a, 4b, 5d, 6f . Choose the right answer.1. In 1701, Steele published a pamphlet, 。
5、英国文学史习题全集答案Part One Early and Medieval English Literature . Fill in the blanks. 1. In 1066, , with his Norman army, succ。
6、英国文化复习题英国文化复习题1 请大家结合所发材料及上课内容把这些习题所在的知识点掌握;不要去死记硬背, 尤其不要把答案带到考场,被抓到舞弊,后果自己负责;2 简答题希望同学们自己去看材料并做出总结,不要背别人写好的,如果两位同学考试时答案。
7、英国文学复习英国文学复习题型:1. 填空 102. Terms 553. 简答 3104. Short essay 2204选2Jane Austen,Naipaul, Charles Dickens, Emily Bronte,Doris。
8、英国文学史习题全集含答案Part One Early and Medieval English Literature . Fill in the blanks. 1. In 1066, , with his Norman army, suc。
9、16年英国文学专八复习题库201516年英国文学专八复习题库Part I. Multipul Choices1,a typical example of old English poetry ,is regarded today as th。
10、英国文学上复习Chapter I The AngloSaxon Period 45010661. The AngloSaxon settlement in England in the 4th and 5th centuries Small。
11、英国文学与美国文学复习讲义英国文学与美国文学复习讲义 英美文学重点English American Literature Old Medieval English LiteratureOld English: 4501066 the nat。
12、英国文学练习题及答案1.ThenationalepicoftheAngloSaxonsis. ARobinHood BSirGawainandtheGreenKnight CTheCanterburyTales DBeowulf 2.was。
13、英国文学复习题含问题详解I. Multiple Choice: from a, b, c or d, choose the best one to complete the statements below. 150, 50 points 。
14、英国文学练习题及问题详解1.ThenationalepicoftheAngloSaxonsis. ARobinHood BSirGawainandtheGreenKnight CTheCanterburyTales DBeowulf 2.w。
15、英国文学复习题含答案I. Multiple Choice: from a, b, c or d, choose the best one to complete the statements below. 150, 50 points 1。
16、英国文学练习题及答案 11.ThenationalepicoftheAngloSaxonsis. ARobinHood BSirGawainandtheGreenKnight CTheCanterburyTales DBeowulf 2.w。